It will be another month before those talented disciples come out of another secret place.

This is a precious time for ancient customs.

After saying goodbye to nalanjing and releasing Nie Zhenzhen, Gu Feng came to Yan's house alone.

This place can be regarded as his base in the Longshan empire.

Now, his identity has been completely exposed. There is no need for him to disguise Yan Feng. He swaggered to Yan's house directly as he was.

The highest true gods in Qingzhou have stopped investigating whether he is a demon star. Naturally, he will not pay attention to other people.

When they came to Yan's house, everyone was shocked and looked at the ancient style one by one, as if they were looking at monsters.

In fact, in the past two years when the ancient wind was trapped, the whole land of Qingzhou was actually not quiet, and the news that he had died was spreading everywhere.

It is well known that the demon star died in the demon battlefield.

So the ancient style suddenly appeared in Yan's house, which shocked those people.

Although everyone is saying that the ancient wind is dead, many people still don't believe it, that is, the person who has signed a soul contract with the ancient wind.

This naturally includes the ancestors of the Yan family.

They know best whether the ancient wind has died. However, they have signed a soul contract. Once the ancient wind dies, they will die.

But now, they all live well, which proves that there is nothing wrong with ancient customs.

The ancestors of the Yan family came out to meet them in person and presented the ancient customs as a guest of honor in front of all family members.

Although many Yan people are dissatisfied with this practice, they dare not say more. After all, it's our ancestors. Who dares to say "no"?

In the mouth of the ancestors of the Yan family, the ancient wind learned that Lan binger had come. She stayed here for several days after she came out of the demon battlefield.

The reason why he came here was that Lan binger wanted to determine whether the ancient wind had died.

She knew the relationship between ancient customs and these people. When she saw the ancestors of the Yan family who lived well, the big stone in her heart was completely put down.

After coming out of the Yan family, Gu Feng returned to the Dragon kingdom again. It has been two years since he left. His parents and relatives should miss him very much.

Seeing their son again, Guhai and his wife were overjoyed.

In the past two years, although it was widely said that the ancient wind had died, they knew it well. Although they knew that their son was not dead, their hearts were still full of hidden worries.

Until they saw their son again, their hanging heart was completely put down.

The ancient wind returned to the Dragon kingdom again, without exception, causing an uproar again. People from all forces come to visit with generous gifts.

The whole wuliangzong fell into excitement again.

For these visitors, wuliangzong is not polite at all. They take whatever they bring, and they never refuse to come.

Finally, the ancient wind found a strange phenomenon, that is, many powerful elders or patriarchs will always be accompanied by a young and beautiful woman.

These people always secretly discuss what in front of their parents and patriarchs behind their backs.

Gu Feng couldn't help but be curious. Finally, he began to eavesdrop. As a result, he was shocked.

These people even arrange objects for themselves behind their backs.

The ancient custom of knowing the truth is full of black lines. I sigh that these people are crazy.

To say, the ancient style is not small. Now it is a big child of fifteen or sixteen years old.

He was born with elegant demeanor. It's called a jade tree facing the wind!

Coupled with his ability, I don't know how many girls' hearts are killed every second.

At his age, he can really get a daughter-in-law, but the old wind doesn't want to be so fast.

Beside him, there are blue bing'er, little fox, Yan Yan, and women like nalanjing and Nie Zhenzhen. These people are not only beautiful, but also powerful.

If he really wants to find a daughter-in-law, he will give priority to those who are familiar with him and have a little emotional foundation. Instead of choosing women who haven't even met.

On this day, while there was no one around, Gu Feng grabbed his mother and said, "Mom, please, can you not be so positive? I'm still young. Let's save the marriage for later! "

However, Chu Xiangyu's mother pulled her face and said, "what's small? Many people are fathers at your age. "

"Don't you have me after you were twenty?" The old wind refused to accept and began to contradict, but in exchange for his mother's white eyes.

Son of a bitch, don't you dare to talk about your parents?

Anyway, Gu Feng refused to agree to such a thing, but his parents almost made up their mind to do it all.

At first, the ancient custom thought that his parents and wuliangzong had received many benefits before they coerced him into marriage. Later, they learned that these people were also forced to marry.

Now, the demons are about to completely invade. Although the true gods did not officially announce the news, some powerful people still know it.

The reason why these great forces in the Dragon kingdom are so anxious to marry wuliangzong is that on that day, ancient wind and wuliangzong can lend a helping hand to help them, so that they can have a little self-protection in the disaster.

Finally, the old style made a decision and said calmly, "let them leave everything except women. Tell them that I'm still young and not suitable for marriage. At the same time, I also told them that if the devil really killed us, we wuliangzong would do our best to protect everyone's safety. "

Nowadays, wuliangzong has become the absolute top power of the Dragon Kingdom, and no sect doesn't want to be close to fawning. In their eyes, wuliangzong is a towering giant tree. Hiding here is absolutely cool.

It is undoubtedly the best way to have a good relationship with wuliangzong and send his daughter-in-law to the ancient wind.

It's a pity that ancient customs don't eat this set. In his opinion, he is still young and doesn't talk about marriage.


Chu Xiangyu sighed and finally had to reply to those people according to the original words of the ancient style.

The parties do not intend to bridal chamber, even if you forcibly lock them together, there will be no result.

To say, for women, the ancient style is still restrained. He has been locked up in the Tianmo battlefield for two years. He hasn't moved any crooked thoughts in the face of two beautiful women every day.

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