The devil is about to invade. That's an unchangeable fact. No one can stop it. Once they kill them, the whole Longshan empire will suffer, and then the adjacent dragon kingdom.

As a member of the Dragon Kingdom, Gu Feng had to consider for the majority of the people of the Dragon kingdom. He can't run for his life when the crisis comes.

Now, he accidentally discovered this small world, so he had to make this idea of what he said.

Facing the statue of rosefinch, the ancient wind bowed down piously. The demon God's kindness to him is not big, and can afford his worship.

Then, a group of big demons took the ancient wind to visit this small world, but the ancient wind's mind was not on it.

After a long time, he finally couldn't help opening his mouth and said, "Mom, I have an unkind request. Now the demons are about to invade. At that time, the whole Qingzhou will be swallowed up by evil spirits and become a purgatory on earth. Although I am not a big man, I want to seek a welfare for the people of the Dragon Kingdom and move the whole dragon kingdom before the invasion of the demons. "

After the voice of the ancient wind fell, all the big demons turned to look at him for a long time.

Finally, Linghu's mother spoke directly and said, "it's really valuable that you can think of all sentient beings. However, your Terrans and our demons have always been at odds. How do you want me to promise you? "

"You Terrans always take our demon clan as the object of experience and kill arbitrarily. There is already the same potential between the two. Can I easily promise you?"

"This was originally a quiet place for our demon clan, but if so many people came in, would there still be a place for us? Will there be peace here? "

Several sharp questions in a row were immediately called archaic dumb. He didn't know how to answer. The other side is right. There is really no real fairness between the Terran and the demon. Once the two meet, they are doomed to be beaten to death. Either you eat me or I eat you. If they really forcibly move all the Dragon kingdom in, will there be a foothold for their demon clan at that time?

At that time, the Terran will dominate and completely let the demon family have no place to live.

Even so, the ancient wind can't give up so easily. It's not about his life, but the life of the Dragon kingdom.

Finally, he made a promise and said, "I will make rules. No one can take monsters as the object of trial. No matter who wields a butcher's knife to the monster, I will kill it myself. I'm old-fashioned. I definitely have the ability to restrain you. I believe that at that time, our Terrans and your demon clan will be able to live in complete harmony. "

The demon clan doesn't agree. Now the ancient style can only make such empty promises. He can't give up like this.

Unexpectedly, Linghu's mother just showed a slight smile at this time, and then said, "in fact, it's not impossible for me to promise you. You need to accept a test!"


"Please follow me!"

Linghu's mother didn't say much, but quickly moved forward in one direction with a blank ancient wind on her face.

From a distance, the ancient wind saw a tall tower standing in front, emitting a faint green light. It looked a little seeping.

At this time, Linghu's mother spoke again: "this is a nine story demon tower, which holds some ancient monsters. As long as you can stay for seven days, even if you pass the examination, I will promise you to let the whole dragon Kingdom move in. "

"Nine story demon tower?"

The ancient wind frowned, stared at the tall tower with green light, and trembled in his heart.

Although it is far away, the ancient wind can feel the terrible Qi emitted from it. A loud roar came out from inside from time to time, which made people shudder.

At this time, Linghu's mother smiled again and said, "how about it? Do you dare to go or not? But I have to tell you that these are fierce beasts left over from ancient times. Each one is very wild. As long as you dare to go in, you may be swallowed by one bite. "

Gu Feng's face was a little white. To tell the truth, he was really a little guilty, but soon, he straightened his waist and said loudly, "I Miss Gu Feng. What kind of storms and waves have you not seen since my debut? It's just a demon tower. I'm not afraid! "

After that, he ignored anyone and went directly to the nine story demon tower. Even though there are mountains and fires ahead, he can only risk alone for the sake of the whole dragon kingdom.

It's funny to say that he was regarded as a demon star. People all over the world shouted at him, but he was wholehearted for the sake of people all over the world.

It's a naked irony.

The gate of the demon tower opened automatically for him, and the ancient wind stepped in straightly.

As soon as he entered the demon tower, the world in his eyes changed. Where is this demon tower? I'm on the other side of world of Warcraft.

The sky here is dark, with endless magic Qi, and the wind is bleak.

Here, the ancient wind felt a strong resentment, and many unknown Warcraft were roaring.

The ancient wind's mind suddenly tightened, and he suddenly became 120 points energetic. He looked around warily for fear that if one was not careful, a strong group rushed out and swallowed himself.

He is walking on thin ice, cautious, step by step towards the front.

A roar kept ringing out. It sounded so angry and wild. Sometimes it is mixed with some towering resentment.

After moving forward for a while, a huge beast with towering fire rushed towards him.

The beast was so terrible that it was more than eight feet tall. It was burning all over, and the earth was shaking with its galloping.

This is a mastiff, with red body, green eyes, thick white teeth flashing cold light, which is quite visual impact.

The ancient wind's heart suddenly tightened and startled.

Because the level of this fierce beast is very high. It is at the level of virtual God.

Moreover, mastiff is originally a fierce monster, born to fight.

In their subconscious mind, there seems to be no word "fear". No matter what kind of opponent they face, they dare to go all out.

Often, some monsters higher than them will die directly under their claws and fangs.

This kind of fierce beast can often surpass the level to challenge and kill the enemy, but now the ancient wind is the boundary of Shenqiao. Can he resist it?

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