Now, nalanjing is a true God. Although she is very young, her strength is not weak. She is a middle-term cultivation of true God and can defeat many old true gods.

Seeing the ancient wind again, nalanjing was also very excited and a little surprised. Because she actually found that the smell of ancient style was a little stronger than when she left last time.

Next to nalanjing was a middle-aged man in his 40s dressed in a dragon robe. According to her, he was the emperor of their Lazarus, that is, his father Nalan Houde.

The ancient wind nodded friendly at her Nalan Houde and cordially greeted "Hello uncle". Nalan Houde was also shocked after seeing the ancient wind, and then smiled and nodded in response to the ancient wind.

In fact, some people in their Lazarus have experienced and tested here. As the emperor of Lazarus, my quiet father cares about this very much, which is related to the face of their Lazarus.

As in the Tianmo Canyon last time, there are five true gods sitting cross legged over the sea. They are wrapped in light and can't see their faces at all.

They sat there quietly, motionless, with the glow flowing all over them, looking like immortals.

Although the five true gods were wrapped in the glow, they could still tell who was who.

These five people have seen ancient customs. One of them is the ancestor of the Jiang family, one is Meng Tianran, the president of the heavenly king's holy courtyard, one is Murong Jun, the emperor of the Longshan Empire, and one is the true God patriarch of Wuhua mountain. Who is another person? The ancient customs are not clear for the time being. It seems to be the ancestor of a large family.

The five true gods sit over the sea, but as true gods, they don't choose to force in front of people like them.

Now, not many people in Qingzhou know that there is such a quiet person, and she is too lazy to show off her accomplishments in front of others.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Gu Feng asked quietly and said, "before, the nine true gods discussed together to move troops to China. I don't know what's going on now?"

Although the ancestor of the Yan family has now become the ears and eyes of the ancient style, he is not a true God after all and is not qualified to understand some of the core secrets. But quiet is different. She is a real God. No one dares to hide her decision-making events in the whole Qingzhou land.

Hearing that the ancient wind asked this question, the quiet eyebrows immediately frowned. They looked a little ugly and said, "I think the situation is a little bad. The masters of the land of China are likely to give up our Qingzhou."

"As I expected!" The eyebrows of the ancient wind are also slightly frowned, and the heart is very unhappy.

At this time, he spoke quietly again and said, "Meng Tianran, President of the heavenly king's holy courtyard, and Murong Jun, emperor of the Longshan Empire, personally went to China to tell about the impending invasion of the heavenly demons. Some masters there were very shocked and expressed great concern. But after three days of deliberation, they finally sent only five true gods. Although they sent people over, they did not give a clear statement whether to resist together or not. Not to mention, once the demons can't stop, do you want to move the people of Qingzhou out? "

"I think it's hanging. I know the gods above all that they are selfish and only care about their own interests. When I see it, I really can't stop the invasion of demons, and our whole Qingzhou will be abandoned. At that time, they may not only not rescue, but even completely block the boundary and prevent other people from going to China. "

Gu Feng is really worried. He really knows these gods. These are selfish. When demons invade, they will first consider their own security.

If it is really unstoppable, they will certainly set up many obstacles at the boundary to ensure their own safety.

If we really let all the creatures in other big states move to China, it will inevitably lead to a resource competition and completely disrupt the original order of China.

He stopped talking quietly, indicating that he fully agreed with the ancient view.

Then, Gu Feng asked again, "the devil is about to invade, and your Lazar country should also bear the brunt. What can you do about it? "

Quietly with him for two years, there is almost no secret between them, and the relationship is very close. Now that he has settled the matter of the Dragon Kingdom, he began to worry about the quiet Lazar kingdom.

He frowned quietly and deeply, finally shook his head reluctantly and said, "although I am not afraid of evil spirit and have the ability to protect some people, I have no ability to protect the whole Lazar country. Once the demons invade, we Lazarus will be doomed! " The quiet look is low. It can be seen that she cares about her country and the people of Lazar very much. Not only did she look down, but even his father Nalan Houde sighed.

The invasion of heavenly demons is the sorrow of the whole Qingzhou. In the face of such a general trend, ordinary people have no way at all. Whether they can survive depends mainly on the gods.

It's just a pity that there are too many and powerful demons invading, and it seems that those gods above have no ability to resist.

They both looked very depressed, and there was no hope in their faces. However, the ancient wind spoke at this time: "if you don't mind, let me help you. I have a way to protect their safety."

"Really?" At this moment, Jing Jing and her father both brightened their eyes and looked at the ancient wind excitedly.

A moment ago, they were desperate. They didn't expect things to turn around so soon. It's really another village, which makes them overjoyed.

"Yes, please believe me. I have the ability to do it!" Gu Feng then told them his previous experience, and they were pleasantly surprised. They can't imagine that there is such a huge small world hidden in such a small place as the Dragon kingdom.

Lazar, in the north of Longshan Empire, can be regarded as a small country. Its area and population are several times larger than that of the Dragon kingdom. If the ancient wind really wants to help them, it is not impossible.

"When it's over here, let's go directly to Lazar, put all our people into space magic tools and take them to the demon clan!" Said the old wind.

"Good!" Quietly and his father suddenly looked happy and extremely happy.

At this time, the quiet father Nalan Houde bowed his hands to the ancient wind and said, "young man, uncle is here. Thank you first for the whole people of Lazar!" After that, he bowed to the ancient style.

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