After that, the woman in white who sat on the high platform and covered her face with a hat suddenly jumped down and jumped onto the platform.

As soon as she came to the battle platform, the woman spoke again: "since everyone thinks that it is unfair to fight with nine people, let me be the tenth person and participate in the competition between you."

The woman in white is very cold. Not only her voice is cold without a trace of emotion, but her momentum is colder and makes people shudder.

"Huh? who are you? You are from China. Why should you join us in the battle of Qingzhou? "

At this moment, all the nine participating disciples on the battle platform frowned. At the moment, everyone was surprisingly unanimous. No one gave the woman in white a good face.

This woman comes from China and has been sitting next to a true God. Everyone knows it.

Earlier, no one took her seriously, and everyone ignored it very well.

Unexpectedly, this neglected woman in white jumped onto the platform and wanted to take the initiative to fight.

Not only were the nine people on the platform unhappy, but even the more than one million people watching the war scolded one by one.

What's going on? Is it because you come from China and follow a true God that you can step in?

The king conferring conference has been going on for three years. The nine people on the battle platform are those who gradually stand out from countless participating disciples. I don't know how much heartache I've experienced. How can I say you can just plug in?

Besides, the woman in white is from China. This is Dabi from Qingzhou. She is not qualified to intervene.

There was a lot of abuse under the stage, and there was a common hatred on the stage. Anyway, no one likes and welcomes the woman in white.

The presiding elder was immediately embarrassed. If he followed the rules of the general assembly, he should ask the woman in white to leave.

However, he clearly knew that behind the white woman was a true God from China, and he couldn't afford to offend at all.

Don't say he can't afford to offend, even his master, Murong Jun, the emperor of Longshan Empire, can't afford to offend.

At this time, LAN bing'er also opened his mouth and said, "I suggest you go down by yourself. This battlefield belongs to our Qingzhou. If you have to fight with us, we can meet at the battle platform in China. "

LAN bing'er is not afraid of anything. She knows that nalanjing is behind her. So she dared to speak directly to drive away the annoying woman in white.

However, just then, the woman in white suddenly took off her hat and showed her true face.

She forced out a cold smile and said, "I think you misunderstood. In fact, I'm not from China. I'm also a native of Qingzhou."

The woman in white took off her hat and looked at everyone.

At this moment, countless people took a breath. They were deeply shocked and shocked by the woman's appearance.

Beauty is really beautiful. It's amazing, suffocating and intoxicating.

Judging from her face, the woman is about fifteen or sixteen years old. Her skin was white and tender, and she could almost squeeze out water, which made people want to bite; Her facial features seem to have been carefully carved by the top craftsman. They are perfect and beautiful to the extreme, so that people can't find the slightest faults and defects.

Cherry like mouth, without any lip grease, is natural and ruddy, so people can't help but want to kiss.

Although this woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, it makes people feel pity. But her temperament is quite the opposite.


Cold to the extreme, cold to the bone marrow, people can't help but want to retreat at a glance.

This woman, like a perpetual glacier, makes people instinctively want to retreat and stay away.

Just after she showed her true face, the more than one million spectators at the scene immediately took a breath. Those who abused her earlier suddenly shut up. No one dared to say more. They were completely shocked.

This woman is so beautiful, like a person coming out of the painting. She is so unreal and unreal.

Seeing the woman's real face, the old-fashioned eyes suddenly stared round and the heart jumped "bang bang".

It was not that he was attracted and conquered by the woman's beauty, but that he felt a sense of familiarity in the woman.

He felt that the woman was so familiar that it seemed that they had met somewhere. But for a moment, the ancient wind can't remember who it is.

People who feel the same way are not just ancient customs, but muwanlong who has been sitting next to Guhai husband and wife.

Because of his unusual relationship with the Gufeng family, he also got such a rare opportunity to watch the war.

After seeing the woman in white, Mu Wanlong's heart beat fiercely, as if some dazzle in the deepest part of his heart had been touched.

Seeing the woman's face, the noisy scene suddenly quieted down.

At this time, the woman in white continued to speak and said, "in fact, I am not from China. I am a native of Qingzhou."

While talking, the white woman looked at LAN bing'er and the little fox and continued, "like you, I come from the Dragon kingdom. My name is mu Qingqing."


At this moment, the ancient wind in the waiting area, Mu Wanlong and Gu Hai in the viewing area suddenly shook their hearts and changed their faces in an instant.

The wood dragon was trembling and excited. He stood up and put forward his trembling hands. He tried to shout, but he couldn't shout.

Mu Wanlong trembled. He just opened his mouth, but his voice choked. He couldn't shout out. At the moment, he was full of tears and emotional.

Yes, this is his daughter Mu Qingqing.

It's been more than ten years since Mu Qingqing left home at the age of three, and he never came back.

Mu Wanlong is looking forward to his daughter's return every day.

Every day and night, he looked in one direction. He was looking forward to his daughter's return.

However, the expectation day and night, in return is again and again sad and disappointed. Her hair was white and her eyes were dazzled, but her daughter never appeared again.

Until this time, Mu Wanlong finally saw his daughter again.

People have seen it, but it is no longer the former muqingqing. At this time, Mu Qingqing has changed from a little girl with a sheep horn braid into a graceful girl.

Not only the appearance has changed, but also the whole person's momentum has completely changed.

If she hadn't said her name, Mu Wanlong wouldn't dare to confirm that this is her daughter.

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