At this time, people seem to be infected. With one, there will be a second, and soon there will be ten or eight

In the twinkling of an eye, more than half of the people have handed over the contract.

The other half of the people, after a wait-and-see period, finally did the same.

A total of 1238 contracts were all in the hands of ancient customs.

These people, at this time, can be said to be the most powerful combat power of the whole Qingzhou. Now, they are all in the hands of ancient customs.

Such a strong group of combat power is worth getting excited if it is changed in peacetime. But at this time, it's really not much. They can't play a role in the face of the invasion of demons. Not only can not resist the devil, but will become a big burden of the ancient style.

"See you, young Lord!"

One thousand two hundred and thirty-eight people knelt down and paid homage to the ancient wind.

It's funny. There is a real God at the scene, but so many people want to pay homage to such a little child as ancient wind. Among this group of people, there is no lack of old monsters for thousands of years, but at this time, they are willing to kneel at the foot of the ancient wind.

Seeing the cold ancient style on his face, Zhuge Changfeng's heart was not calm and sighed thousands of times. He looked at the three elders who had participated in the battle of Dali city and smiled bitterly.

Once, Gu Feng was a three-year-old child saved by them in Dali city. Once in this Wuhua hall, Gu Feng was persecuted by many elders to condemn him for ten sins and put him to death. I can't imagine that it's only a few years' effort, and the ancient customs have been able to subdue the gods.

Think about the growth experience of ancient style. It feels like a dream.

At this time, the ancient style, although young, was calm and calm. In the face of more than 1000 gods paying homage, the heart was ancient well without waves.

Is this still a teenager? I can't believe it.

"Well... Get up!" The ancient wind opened his mouth, looked calm, and continued, "from now on, you and your family will be unified into our limitless sect. One day, I will lead you to China, where we will fight for a place. "

The ancient wind didn't talk nonsense. Now he has more than 1000 virtual gods and so many big demons on hand. They can't be underestimated in one of the forces reviewed by China. Bringing these people to China will definitely win a place.

"To China?" They were shocked, and then their hearts were filled with joy and excitement.

They are so miserable by those true gods. If the ancient wind can lead them to kill for revenge, it will solve their heart disease.

"Thank you, young Lord. We are willing to join wuliangzong!"

Many people shouted and expressed their positions one after another. It can be seen that they really want to kill China and kill those immoral gods who pit them.

"You all go back and bring all the people you care about here as soon as possible. Then I will arrange it myself. And... You must be careful not to let the wind out. Once the news of the devil's invasion is spread, the whole land of Qingzhou will fall into panic and chaos. " Said the old wind.

"Naturally, we don't need to say more. We also know that we should pay attention to confidentiality and dare not deliberately divulge information."

A group of people left with different feelings.

People have different attitudes and ideas about recognizing ancient customs. Some people think they have put chains on themselves, while others think they have found a backer.

After everyone left, Wuhua hall became quiet. After half a ring, Zhuge Changfeng asked, "ancient wind, are you really going to take the whole wuliangzong to China?"

All the elders of wuliangzong were shocked by the decision of ancient customs. China is a place that countless people yearn for. In the past, no one dared to think about it.

"Now, the whole Qingzhou will not be protected. It is not a long-term plan to nest in the demon family. It is imperative to go to China!" Said the old wind.

Many elders in the hall looked at each other and felt that what the ancient wind said was reasonable. Since wuliangzong has achieved the first major gate of the Dragon Kingdom, why can't he go further and break into China?

Now, with the addition of more than 1000 virtual gods, it can be said that there is no force in the whole Qingzhou that can be comparable with wuliangzong.

Many elders discussed for a while and came to a conclusion: it is feasible to go to Shenzhou!

Then, in front of many elders, Zhuge Changfeng made a decision that surprised everyone. He opened his mouth in public: "elders, our son's ancient style has completely grown up and his ability is very strong. I think I should take the initiative to make way for the sages. I can no longer have the cheek to be the leader of the boundless sect. "

Zhuge Changfeng's words really shocked many people. The ancient wind stood up first and objected: "Lord, what do you mean? Although I am the Holy Son of wuliangzong, I never wanted to be the leader of wuliangzong. I have too many things. The Lord is not suitable for me. "

Gu Feng's master Bai Changlao also stood up and said, "yes, sect leader, this boy runs around outside all day. He either fights or kills all day. How can he have time to manage the sect?"

Gu Feng is telling the truth, and elder Bai is not empty at all. Gu Feng really didn't want to be the leader of this sect. His ambition is great. How can he be bound by a sect?

But Zhuge Changfeng was resolute at this time and said, "stop talking. Let's settle down and let Gu Feng be the leader. As we all know, there are so many new virtual gods today. If I were the leader, some people would be dissatisfied. But if it's an ancient custom to serve as the patriarch, it's different. Everyone will be convinced. "

Many elders looked at each other again and nodded one after another. Zhuge Changfeng is right. Those people are the slaves of ancient customs. Only ancient customs can completely control and restrain them.

Even if they respect Zhuge Changfeng as the patriarch in the face of ancient customs, they are bound to be unconvinced.

Yigan elder finally agreed. Even if the ancient custom was unwilling, he was forced to be the patriarch.

Then, many veterans thoroughly announced the news. Early the next morning, the central square of wuliangzong was full of people. Today, there are not only all the disciples of wuliangzong, but also the large families of the Dragon kingdom.

Everyone came to congratulate the ancient style on being the leader of the sect. Wuliangzong once again ushered in the most lively and brilliant day.

In fact, I don't know how many people are looking forward to this day. Now the ancient wind has ascended the throne of the patriarch, which can be said to be popular.

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