"This... Asked failure? Even a red light doesn't light up? "

Many people are suddenly silly. Look at me and I'll look at yours, which means they're a little confused.

The ancient wind has lit nine red lights 11 times in a row, and we are used to this result.

But at this time, the ancient wind asked again, can't even a red light be lit?

After several breathing times, the nine red lights measured by the stone still didn't light up. Until this time, people have fully understood a fact - the ancient wind asked failure!

This failure is not a failure in the conventional sense. As we all know, the ancient style is not asking about other abilities this time, but the real way to ask, his own Tao fruit, his future road, and his own ideas!

However, the ancient wind failed this time. Not to mention nine red lights, none of them could be lit. It's a terrible failure.

After the silence, someone finally burst out laughing: "ha ha, ancient wind, even if you are a demon star? What if your talent is unprecedented? You can't be the way. God doesn't recognize you at all. You're going the wrong way. You won't have a future. Delusion to achieve the highest road? You dream! " In the laughter, with ridicule, contempt and ridicule, it was Jiang Kun.

Earlier, the ancient wind made a strong counter attack, which made him despair several times. Until this time, Gu Feng asked about the failure, and he was completely elated.

What about strong talent? If God doesn't recognize you, it's gross. Asked the failure, it proves that the ancient style can never achieve its own road and can never climb the top of the martial arts road.


Seeing this scene, many people sighed secretly and regretted the ancient style.

In the void, a pair of cold eyes quietly watched everything here. When they saw the result, the man suddenly opened his mouth: "demon star, don't worry. Even if we don't clean him up, God will accept him."

After that, the man will leave like this. He feels it doesn't matter whether to kill the ancient wind or not, because the ancient wind can't become a road.

However, at this time, I saw the calm ancient wind on my face and suddenly drank at the stone: "how can it be true that my ancient wind can't become a Tao? Is my path and my idea wrong? Don't you light the red light for me? "

The ancient wind drank fiercely at the stone, which immediately made countless people dumbfounded. Everyone thought that the ancient wind was crazy and must have been stimulated.

Will the stone light up nine red lights for you because of your explosive drink?

So who's going to ask? Why don't you just drink a few times louder than your voice?

After the wrong Leng, there was laughter. Even those who secretly admired the ancient style earlier were a little speechless at this time. They felt that the ancient style must have been stimulated.

However, when many people's laughter had not stopped, I saw that the nine red lights that had not been lit began to light up gradually

One, two, three... Five, six, seven, eight... Nine!

Nine red lights, all on again!


People suddenly looked silly again and felt that their world outlook had been subverted.

Can this NIMA really light up nine lamps by scolding?

Is this NIMA's too illogical?

However, the matter is far from over. All the nine red lights are on, but it seems that the energy has not been exhausted. The nine red lights are more and more transparent, and the red light goes straight to the sky.

Seeing this scene, countless people were silly and their hearts were filled with surging waves. They couldn't understand what was going on at all.

Shock, except shock is shock. The shock is not only the people up and down the mountain, but also the real God and God King hidden in the void.

If others don't know the clue, will they not know?

This phenomenon fully shows how terrible the ancient road is, and its energy is unparalleled.

The nine red lights were getting brighter and brighter, shining half the sky. The sun is also tarnished.

Finally, the sound of "bang bang" was heard continuously, and the nine red lights finally reached a critical point, and all of them were blown to pieces.

"What's the matter? "Did you succeed?"

The crowd was severely surprised by this sudden scene. They looked at each other and didn't know where they were.

"This son is terrible and must be killed!"

In the void, an old God King stared round, stared at the ancient wind, and made up his mind to kill.

Just thought that the ancient style was not a worry, but after seeing this scene, they completely realized the horror of the demon star.

The reason why the nine red lights didn't light just now is not that the ancient wind asked for failure, but that the way the ancient wind asked was too shocking. Even the mysterious stone is hard to judge.

Of course, the last nine red lights are all on, and it is impossible that they are scolded by the ancient wind. But the power of the way he asked was not completely projected until then.

Quietly facing the stone that no longer shines, the ancient wind's heart is very calm. Today's question is no harm to him, even if he can't turn on the light. He only does what he thinks is right. He wants all sentient beings to be free, which can't be wrong. However, if you want all living beings to be happy, you must exchange the blue sky for the sky.

Such a big event in another day, is it just a stone that can be identified as success or failure?

Therefore, in fact, whether the last red light is on or not is of little significance to the ancient style.

At this time, the ancient wind suddenly raised a warning sign and frowned immediately. He looked up at the void and guessed 7788 in his heart.

Today, Kyushu geniuses gathered together and made such a big noise. It would be abnormal if there was no God King's Secret peeping. His performance, such a monster, those people don't want to kill him.

After staring, the ancient wind silently took back his eyes, glanced at those already stupid people, and then silently returned to his throne.

He took blue bing'er's palm and said, "let's go and go home!"

When they passed by Jiang Kun, Gu Feng still didn't look at each other and went straight by.

This scene made Jiang Kun angry on the spot and shouted, "demon star ancient wind, stop for me. Don't think talent is really invincible. Being able to light nine red lights twelve times can only show that you are gifted with demons, but your cultivation is always too low. In the face of absolute strength, you will still be crushed. "

Gu Feng stopped and finally looked back at the other side and said in a cold voice, "do you think you are an empty God and can steadily press me? "The empty God is great?"

After that, the ancient wind's body glowed and floated slowly. His momentum soared wildly at this time. After about ten breaths, his soaring momentum finally stopped.

At this time, his cultivation has broken through the bottleneck and become a virtual God.

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