Through the meeting, we discussed some specific plans. It is certain that the establishment of education will be put after January.

But in this month, they still have many things to implement.

First of all, the boundless sect occupies the land of the three states, so they have to communicate with the three sects respectively. As for how to communicate, it must be talking with your fist. The land of the three states is vast and boundless. It involves too many resources. You can't speak without fists.

There is no need to go to Donglin holy mountain, one of the three sects. The old God King there has been hurt quietly. Its own blood and gas dried up, coupled with the trauma suffered this time, it is estimated that it will not be able to walk out for a long time.

Therefore, in the land of Yuzhou, they can rest assured and boldly earn money. As for Yuzhou, the large and small clans and aristocratic families are kept for future cooking.

No, since it forcibly occupied Yuzhou, everything contained in Yuzhou naturally belongs to wuliangzong. After that, those clans had to submit and pay tribute every year.

In addition, Aozhou and Leizhou also plan to visit in person. If the other party doesn't agree to give up the land of a state, it has to fight.

As the youngest and most vigorous God King, you can be quiet without fear of anyone. As long as she asks for something, others have to agree unconditionally. Otherwise, if they really want to start, they will only suffer.

Their blood is dry and their life is nearly yuan. It's not so easy to make a shot. If anything goes wrong, they will lose a lot. Once the God King falls, the whole sect will collapse.

Five days later, she started quietly. Her first goal was the divine sword sect, the owner of Leizhou.

This is a top-level bulk door, in which there is naturally an old God King, and there are many real gods in it.

On this day, sitting quietly on the top of a huge peak of wuliangzong, she closed her eyes, then suddenly opened them, stretched out her hand and drew a few times in the void, and a blood red word "war" appeared.

This word "war" contains quiet's own strong will. After refining, it quickly flew towards the northwest.

The word "war" is as poignant as blood. It has continuously crossed the void of two small states and suddenly appeared in Jianzhou, where the base camp of Shenjian sect is located.

When the word "war" suddenly appeared, the whole divine sword sect was in an uproar. In an instant, more than a dozen true gods rose to the sky and confronted the word "war" on the spot.

"Who dares to provoke my divine sword sect?"

A real God roared, and they felt very angry. Since the establishment of the divine sword sect, no one has dared such provocation.

Although the roar was loud and dignified, no one responded at all.

At this time, a very old voice suddenly came from the deepest place of the divine sword sect: "little friend, please come back. I know your intention. I've agreed to what you ask!"

Suddenly I heard the voice of my old God King, and more than a dozen true gods on the scene immediately looked shocked.

In my memory, the old God King of my family hasn't walked out for at least a thousand years, and there are even rumors that the God King has fallen.

But who ever thought that today's word "war" just let the old God King who had been lurking for thousands of years jump out?

What is the identity of this door-to-door provocation?

Many people were really puzzled and looked confused. They don't know what the word "war" stands for, let alone what their ancestors promised.

Of course, these are no longer important. The quiet purpose has been achieved, and the bloody word "war" automatically dissipates.

In the following time, all the true gods of shenjianzong got the instructions of the old God King, gave up everything in Leizhou and concentrated on managing the remaining two states.


On the other side, sitting quietly on the top of the huge peak, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

This result made her very satisfied, even a little unexpected.

She knew the other party would promise, but she also thought it would be so easy. The divine sword sect gave up the land of a state and didn't even put forward any conditions.

Then there's the valley of absolute love. As long as this sect door is settled, there's no problem with the establishment of countless religions.

Five days later, I quietly made all the preparations. This time, I planned to go out in person and go to the desperate Valley alone.

After her inquiry, she knew that this place was not so simple. Perhaps there was more than one God King hidden in it. Moreover, the God King here is still very young and absolutely qualified to fight with her.

However, something unexpected happened. Before waiting to leave quietly, wuliangzong welcomed an envoy of heartless Valley, which is mu Qingqing's master sijue true God.

The sijue true God came to wuliangzong. After seeing Jingjing, he was severely surprised, and then opened his mouth quietly: "Taoist friends, it's really the third day of scholars' leave, and you should look at it with new eyes! At the beginning, when we were in Qingzhou, we were all on an equal footing. Unexpectedly, you were promoted to the king of God in the blink of an eye. Let us look up. It's really surprising! "

"Hehe, it's just a fluke. Where there is a great disaster in the world, there is bound to be a great opportunity to accompany it. Although the little woman has low skills, she dares to face the disaster. Only by mistake did she get a great opportunity and achieve the fruit throne of the God King. "

The quiet smile is beautiful and the voice is sweet, but the meaning reflected in her words is thought-provoking.

Obviously, she is mocking, mocking the true God of China who used to be on an equal footing with herself. Ironically, they are as timid as mice. They don't even have the courage to face the disaster. They deserve to be unable to achieve the throne of God King.

What a high spirit it was when the five true gods came to Qingzhou? No one is disrespectful or afraid of bossing and instructing the country.

It's really shameful that such a group of terrorist powers with towering power abandon all sentient beings and flee alone when the great disaster is coming.

The sijue true God naturally heard the voice outside the quiet words. After a twitch on his face, he said with an embarrassed smile: "the purpose of my coming here is to convey my will of the heartless Valley: after the unanimous discussion between the two old gods of the heartless Valley, I agreed to unconditionally give up the land of Aozhou. In the future, all the resources in the land of Ao state belong to you. And congratulations on the establishment of wuliangzong. There will be a special pilgrimage at that time. "

Surprisingly, the purpose of sijue true God's coming this time is to take the initiative to give up the land of Aozhou.

This is not only unexpected, but also very strange.

It is reasonable to say that there are at least two divine kings in desperate Valley, and they are still very young. Why do they take the initiative?

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