"How could this happen? Why is there such a bright red after having a relationship with sister Jing tonight? Is it difficult... The woman in pink on the last peach forest night is not sister Jing at all? "

Thinking of this, the ancient wind was shocked. He felt that his whole world was in disorder.

This bright red is obviously the blood of the virgin. In other words, tonight's silence is the first time to have a relationship with yourself.

"Since the woman in pink is not sister Jing, who will it be?"

The ancient style is not calm completely. The reason why such an absurd scene happened with Jingjing tonight is that he took the pink woman that night as Jingjing and wanted to give her a formal title.

However, it turned out that there was another woman in pink who had sex with her that night.

Gu Feng turned his head and looked at the silence. He felt very guilty in his heart.

Tonight's own, really too absurd, too reckless. It was not only absurd and reckless, but also rude. There was no pity at all.

If he knew that he was still a virgin, he wouldn't be so rough and savage.

It is not difficult to imagine how much pain his body has endured when he is quietly mating with himself.

The ancient wind pretended to know nothing. After putting on his clothes, he leaned down again and kissed gently, and said, "jing'er, take a break. I'll be busy first!"

"Yes!" Nodded quietly, reached out and touched the antique cheek. With a gentle smile on his face, he said, "go, today is the opening ceremony. You must show your majesty as the patriarch."


The ancient wind left, with guilt and confusion. He wanted to know who the woman in pink had sex with him that night, but he thought about it, but there was no answer.

He knows that this matter must be clear. As a God King, don't try to hide anything from her on Tianjue peak.

Even if you know the truth quietly, the ancient wind can't ask. I just had a relationship with her. Isn't it foolish to ask another woman at this time?

"No wonder, no wonder on the Wuhua hall the next day, sister Jing's smile was so strange. It turned out that she knew everything." Thinking of the strange smile that Taolin looked at him quietly in the Wuhua hall the next day, the ancient wind suddenly realized.

"Who the hell is that? Maybe sister Jing arranged it on purpose. Even if she didn't arrange it on purpose, she acquiesced, otherwise no one would dare. "

Along the way, the ancient wind was in a uncertain mood. The more he thought of that night, the more he felt oppressed and helpless. A woman who had an affair with herself all night, he didn't even know who she was, and he couldn't even see her face.


When the sun rises, today's Tongtian mountains usher in the busiest day in history.

Early in the morning, a continuous stream of people came here. These people came from all over China to celebrate. Today, immeasurable announced its formal establishment. From then on, a top-level bulk door of a big Mac will stand in China.

This is a new pattern change, but also means the arrival of a new era. In the future, Kyushu will no longer be a liuyantang. No matter what major events Kyushu has to experience and face, we have to ask him about wuliangzong.

There were many guests. Before the ceremony was officially held, more than one million monks gathered.

As it was not yet time to hold the ceremony, the bored guests came to visit the whole wuliangzong. Except that Tianjue peak and Yunv peak can't be set foot, others are free to visit.

When those guests visited for a while, they were shocked by the overall layout of wuliangzong. It really deserves to be written by the God King. Any construction reveals its majesty and domineering spirit. Through these constructions, it is not difficult to see what kind of mind and courage its builders have. They are worthy of being the youngest God King in the history of Kyushu.

At the same time, many people also feel the spiritual pulse contained under the whole mountain. This is definitely a huge spiritual pulse, which is enough to support such a super giant as wuliangzong.

Shock is shock, but no one dares to make up his mind, unless he is impatient.

It was almost time for those who visited all around to return to the Mountain Gate under the leadership of wuliangzong disciples.

At this time, more than two million monks gathered at the mountain gate. Everyone looked up at the huge mountain gate plaque. The more they looked, the more they could feel a kind of majesty.

Facing this dignified plaque, people commented one after another.

However, at this time, suddenly a loud and long voice shouted: "the ancient wind of the Lord of wuliangzong, the supreme elder of wuliangzong, the God King Naran..."

"Where is the God King?"

Suddenly I heard this distant and loud shout. Just now the scene was still noisy, it immediately became incomparably quiet.

At this moment, people raised their eyes and looked at the immeasurable sect. These people were shocked when they heard the word "God King".

Many people opened their eyes to see the king of God.

They were not disappointed. Just as the voice fell, people saw that from the depths of the immeasurable sect, a group of young men and women came together slowly.

"Come on, this is the God King, our Kyushu mainland, the youngest beauty God King nalanjing in history!"

A man suddenly shouted, his face full of surprise and looked very excited.

This is the God King, an incomparably young beauty God King. Who can see it on weekdays?

The divine king is not a cabbage that can be seen everywhere, not to mention such a beautiful divine king who is so young.

A pair of hot eyes looked at the immeasurable sect, and young people showed a crazy color.

Yes, it's true this time.

In people's eyes, a young man and woman suddenly appeared.

The man was eight feet long and six feet long. He wore a golden crown and a gorgeous robe full of patterns of various ancient fierce animals. He has a handsome face, a natural and unrestrained look and a divine eye. Although he is very young, he has incomparable dignity and noble spirit.

The woman beside her attracts people's attention even more. She was wearing a long snow-white dress and a pair of Golden Phoenix hairpins. Her hands were flat on her chest, and her face was always hung with a quiet and gentle charming smile, which made people look like a spring breeze.

Every man who sees her has ripples in his heart.

In people's eyes, where is this majestic God King? It is clear that she is a delicate woman, which makes people naturally have a desire to protect.

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