Provocation, this is a naked provocation. These three young men of unknown origin dare to openly molest nalanjing on such an important occasion today.

This is not only provoking nalanjing, but also provoking ancient customs, but also provoking the whole sect.

In the face of the provocation of these three people, I don't know how many people were angry. Don't say it's the other people of wuliangzong. Even the ancient wind and Jingjing have been purple with anger.


Almost as soon as the young man's voice fell, the three true gods rushed out behind the ancient wind and attacked the three young men.

What day is today? Today is the opening ceremony of wuliangzong. It attracts the attention of the public and guests all over the world. However, it was on such an important day that nalanjing, the supreme elder and the wife of the Lord of wuliangzong, was insulted by such flirtation. If we don't punish these three wild boys who don't know the greatness of heaven and earth at the first time, where is the majesty of wuliangzong?

The three elders were very angry and moved quickly. Almost in an instant, they rushed to the three young men.

However, something unexpected happened. The three elders came and went faster. Almost in a face-to-face, they were blown out by three young men!


Seeing this scene, the whole audience was stupid and then in an uproar.

The three young men were so strange that they shot fiercely and quickly. Most of the people present didn't see how they shot, so the three elders were blown out.

The three men, after flying out of the three elders beautifully, immediately despised everyone in the circle, and then laughed wildly: "ha ha, is this the wuliangzong? Seven top religious doors? If there is only such a little ability, I don't think today's opening ceremony will go on. "

The words are so arrogant that they are simply unscrupulous. After saying these words, the young man looked at the ancient wind, nalanjing and blue bing'er again. The man who just opened his mouth continued: "there are only two or three cats and dogs at hand. I can't help but admire your courage. Since King Naran likes to be a little wife so much, it's better to follow me. I'll set up some for you to play. "


As soon as the young man's voice fell, the other four elders behind Gu Feng couldn't help it. After a burst of drinking, he immediately wanted to rush out to clean up the Three Wild Boys with unknown origins.

Today is the most important day for wuliangzong. If you are really beaten in the face, how will you order the world in the future?

However, just when the three elders wanted to start, they were stopped quietly.

According to the situation just now, the four elders rushed forward, which would only be the same result. At that time, wuliangzong will be even more humiliating.

The three men, seeing that they quietly stopped the four elders who were ready to rush up, immediately hung up the range of contempt again, and then said: "what? King Naran is going to deal with my younger generation himself? Indeed, you wuliangzong people wither. There are only a few elders as a facade. If you lose here today, you will really lose a lot. "

She didn't get angry because of their words. On the contrary, she quickly calmed down and asked, "who are you waiting for? Kyushu earth, when did such a leading hero like you come out? "

The quiet question woke everyone up on the spot. When they looked at the three men one by one, they were all shocked and shocked.

Yes, where are these three mysterious and powerful young men from? Which sect secretly cultivated so many strong and abnormal young people?

Today, all the powerful people in China are present, but no one knows where these three mysterious and powerful young people come from.

However, in the face of this question that everyone wants an answer, the three young men just don't answer.

One of them deliberately put aside the topic and said, "if the God King Naran really wants to bully the small to deal with my younger generation, we have to admit it. If we die in the hands of King Naran, it can only prove that there is no one in wuliangzong and that we are not qualified to teach. "

This man is very clever. He can't deal with them on the spot.

Indeed, now the wuliangzong is very embarrassed. None of the seven true God elders is the opponent of the three young men. If they don't fight quietly, who else can subdue them?

If we can't subdue these three people today, how can he stand and command the world in the future?

The whole audience was silent. Many people with evil intentions laughed coldly in their hearts, waiting to see the jokes of wuliangzong. The people of wuliangzong were so angry that they molested themselves. Even many young disciples felt ashamed.

The quiet complexion is not very good-looking. Wuliangzong has just established. Indeed, talents wither. But soon, a trace of mockery was aroused at the corners of her mouth, saying: "you speak provocatively to me on the spot. Even if I am the God King, why can't I do it? Don't forget, you are not a junior in front of me. On the contrary, the little woman may not be as old as you... Even if I kill you on the spot, it can only prove that you are too useless. It's not that I deceive the small with the big. "

Said, the quiet look turned cold, as if he was really about to make a move.

Her words stunned the audience on the spot. People all reacted immediately.

Yes, I'm twenty years old. Maybe I'm not as old as these three young men? How can you bully the small with the big? If you are of the same age, you belong to your peers. Among my peers, you provoke me with words, why can't I kill you?

If you are killed on the spot, it can only prove that you are a mediocre with insufficient talent.

The three men also reacted at this time, and their faces changed color for the first time. The muscles on one's face twitched and argued again: "what if you are similar to me? If you kill us yourself, it will prove that you have no one. If you want to prove that wuliangzong is not a talented person, just send someone whose cultivation is equivalent to ours? If people in the realm of virtual God can't get us in any way, I don't mind if you send out the true God who lives in your door. "

What this person said is also reasonable. Although the quiet age is similar to them, it is the cultivation of God King level after all. If you use the cultivation of God King level to deal with these three men, it's really a little suspected of bullying the small with the big.

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