With the addition of Qin Haiyun, Jia Zhengjin immediately became flustered. He was overwhelmed. He was severely hit by the ancient wind. His body suddenly flew backwards. He heard a "crackling" sound, and his bones cracked.

Unable to tolerate Jia Zhengjin's reaction, Qin Haiyun's fierce sword hit again, pierced each other's shoulder blades and brought a large amount of blood.

Jia Zhengjin plotted against Qin Haiyun last night. Qin Haiyun nearly lost her virginity. He has an unforgettable hatred for Jia Zhengjin. Today, the only purpose of Dabi is to kill each other, even if he pays a heavy price afterwards.

Seeing that his life was in danger, the smart Jia Zhengjin turned and wanted to jump off the platform, but he was stopped by the ancient wind.

"Want to run? It's not that easy, and take another punch! "


Jia Zhengjin, who was in a panic, received another heavy blow. His whole body was immediately wrapped by mana and flew high in an attempt to avoid the ancient wind.

However, Qin Haiyun fought with him to the end. Holding a sharp sword in her hand, she immediately jumped into the air and killed him directly.

"Dead bitch, are you crazy? If you kill me today, you will be severely punished. " Jia Zhengjin was finally afraid and began to intimidate.

Who knows that Qin Haiyun doesn't eat this set at all, and still doesn't want to kill. The sword flies and will never stop until you kill your opponent.


It was the sound of the sword entering the flesh again. Qin Haiyun's sword pierced the other party's chest again, and then shook his hand. Jia Zhengjin had a huge blood hole in his chest, and the blood spilled wildly.

Jia Zhengjin suffered from eating pain. Finally, his anger was vented and he fell down with a "Dong" sound. But the ancient wind seized the rare opportunity and killed it again.

The ancient wind knows everything about last night. Jia Zhengjin's ultimate goal is to deal with himself. Qin Haiyun is just a chip he uses to invite people. Therefore, for Jia Zhengjin, ancient customs also have the heart to kill.

"Elder, help! I'd like to quit the game!" Jia Zhengjin panicked and couldn't escape the joint attack and killing of the two, so he shouted for help.

"Stop, it's the ranking ratio today. There can't be human life." An elder on the high platform got up and scolded, and his face was a little bad.

Seeing this, Gu Feng whispered "bad", and then saw him quickly holding a strange handprint, then printed it on Jia Zhengjin's belly at an incredible speed, and then walked away. But Jia Zhengjin didn't realize it.

"Don't you stop?" Seeing that Qin Haiyun was still frantically chasing and killing Jia Zhengjin, the elders on the high platform almost ran wild. Gu Feng was also worried. He rushed up with an arrow and grabbed Qin Haiyun.

"Go away, I swear not to be a man if I don't kill him today!" Qin Haiyun was ruthless and almost broke with the ancient style.

Jia Zhengjin took this rare opportunity, immediately jumped off the stage, stared at the ancient style and Qin Haiyun, and left angrily.

Seeing Qin Haiyun fall into a violent state, Gu Feng still refuses to let go and whispers, "elder martial sister, don't worry. I think this thief will never appear in front of you and me in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"Elder martial sister, have you ever heard of Huahai hand?"

After Jia Zhengjin was solved, the battle on the platform was over. With the ancient style and Qin Haiyun, there were just ten people left.

Some people are calm, others are panting.

"Oh, the boss has entered the top ten!" The archaic attendant began to scream wildly.

"What's the top ten? I think the boss will be the first. The boss has boundless power and is invincible in the world! "

"Yes, the boss is invincible in the world. He will be the first."

These little children are loyal fans and absolute supporters of ancient customs. They have blind worship of ancient customs.

Just when these little children screamed wildly, an extremely disharmonious voice sounded: "shit, the power of the wilderness is just a great strength. If he meets senior brother Shanglu Lingfeng, he will lose the battle."

"Yes, elder martial brother Lu Lingfeng has accumulated a lot and made a lot of progress. He must be the first today."

"Hum! Can Lu Lingfeng also take the first place? Elder martial brother Jiang Kun defeated all the enemies with a long gun. No one dared to take the lead. Today, the first must be elder martial brother Jiang Kun. "

"Yes, elder martial brother Jiang Kun has repaired the rainstorm pear blossom gun. No one can get close. He is the first choice."

"They all took the first place. How many did elder martial brother pangjun take? Elder martial brother Pang Jun's limitless thirty-six sabres are powerful and powerful. Who can take them? "

There was no real contest on the stage, but there was a quarrel below, and their respective fan teams began to pinch each other.

At this time, an elder who presided over the General Assembly got up and said to the people on the platform, "congratulations on entering the top ten. Your future is unlimited. Then start the real qualifying. Whoever can win the first will get rich rewards. "

"What reward?" A disciple boldly asked loudly.

"The first reward is that you can go to the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion and choose any skill suitable for you. The second reward is that you can go to the third floor of the Tibetan Pavilion and choose any weapon you like. The third reward is a small courtyard with the most abundant aura. " The elder finished with one breath and looked at the people on the platform with a smile.

These three rewards are the only treatment that core disciples can have. Everyone trembled and looked like Venus. The reason why core disciples are called core disciples is that these disciples are talents cultivated by the sect at all costs. If you want to enter the core, you can't enter if you have enough strength. First, you have to look at your talent and second, you have to look at your loyalty to the sect.

Without loyal disciples, it is impossible to enter the core. No sect wants its disciples to betray the sect in the future.

"The first must be me!" Gu Feng was cruel to himself, and he was also jealous of the reward. He is very short of weapons now. Although he has an unparalleled sharp dark sword in his hand, it can't be easily shown to others, especially in the zongmen. As for Kung Fu, of course, the more the better. There won't be too many ancient customs.

Looking at the faces of the people, the elder was very satisfied and continued: "real gold needs fire to be refined. If you want to be the first, you have to show your real strength."

The elder was indifferent, glanced at the ten people on the platform, and continued to say, "Lu Lingfeng, Jiang Kun and Pang Jun are tentatively the top three. Everyone can take turns to challenge, and the winner can replace them."

As soon as the rule was announced, there was a uproar and someone shouted injustice. Lu Lingfeng and his three men stood on the platform with a cold face and a straight body, waiting for everyone to challenge.

The elder looked at the people on the stage indifferently again and said, "the challenge begins!"

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