Wuliangzong has completely changed the pattern of mainland China for tens of thousands of years. Now it is no longer the former six speech hall or seven speech hall, but a one speech hall.

Although there are also the divine sword sect and the great Roman sect, if there is a real event, the two sects have to listen to the opinions of the infinite sect.

Although both the divine sword sect and the great Roman advocated the redemption of Qingzhou before the disaster, they did not participate in the action of extermination. However, when the ancient wind was domineering, their hearts were still sweating for fear that the little devil would misunderstand them and destroy them together.

But seriously, they think too much. Ancient customs are not the kind of indiscriminate people, and they don't want to touch them from beginning to end.

After all the dust has settled, there is a major event related to the whole Kyushu, which has finally been brought to the table for discussion, that is, the holding of the king sealing conference. Now the Lord of the divine sword sect and the Lord of the great Roman sect have come to the door in person to discuss with Gu Feng.

The king's conferment conference is a once-in-a-century event in Kyushu. It has been passed on for tens of thousands of years. Now it must continue. The king sealing meeting, which should have ended long ago, was temporarily postponed due to the collapse of Qingzhou. Unexpectedly, it was many things later, so it had been shelved.

Now that the mainland situation is stable, it is time to continue this matter.

After a discussion, they decided to put Dabi after January and officially hold it.

After the negotiation of the three parties, the conference is relatively simple. It will directly carry out the final challenge arena battle, and the last person will be the king.

When the news was announced, the whole China was boiling again. People have been looking forward to this event for a long time. However, changes have taken place in mainland China one after another, resulting in the event having to be put on hold and postponed.

When the matter was determined, the Lord of the divine sword sect asked a key question: "Lord Gufeng, what are you going to do with the remaining ten small states?"

The Lord of the divine sword sect is not the old God King, but a great monk at the peak of the true God realm. Their old God King is very old and inconvenient to move. Similarly, the great Roman gate is the same. Its master is not the old God King, but also a great true God at the peak.

The ancient wind destroyed the four sects with the trend of destroying the withered and decaying, which directly led to the lack of rule in ten small states.

Gu Feng smiled at them and said, "look at the meaning, you must have seen a place? If you really like something, you might as well speak directly. I'm also a reasonable person and won't care with you! "

Although the words were smiling and did not release a little emotion, the two patriarchs were sweating on their backs.

The Lord of the divine sword sect immediately bowed and said, "Lord Gufeng, I think you misunderstood. That's your territory. How dare we covet it? It's just that you've been indifferent to the ten states for days, and you're just a little curious. At the same time, if there is no one to rule and manage the ten states for a long time, they are afraid of trouble. Therefore, I have a question. I hope the ancient wind patriarch doesn't worry. "

Indeed, after losing the supreme rule, the ten states are really easy to cause trouble. At least those sects, large and small, will start their own expeditions and want to expand their territory. If they don't have a clear attitude and there is a disturbance of seizing territory everywhere, it will happen sooner or later.

The old wind was silent. He didn't think about it and didn't want to think about it. He destroyed four sects in one breath. He was purely for revenge. He didn't want to occupy the territory at all.

But now the problem comes. If he really doesn't care, the ten states will open an endless turmoil because of his expedition. Once such a situation occurs, life will be ruined, so he has become a great sinner.

After thinking for a long time, the ancient wind didn't have any good ideas for the time being, so he had to ask, "the land of ten states is too vast. It's inconvenient to manage it. I don't know. What's your opinion? "

They were silent for a while, and finally the leader of the divine sword sect spoke: "no matter how inconvenient it is, we still have to manage it. Otherwise, there will be endless trouble in the future. I have a side that can help the ancient style leader solve his problems well... "

"I'd like to hear it in detail!"

"You can set up branches in the ten states and be managed by the people you trust most. At that time, you only need to manage the branch rudders, collect the corresponding tribute from the branch rudders every year, and let them handle the rest by themselves. With a branch rudder to suppress all localities, I believe that all local sects, large and small, will not dare to cause trouble again. "

"Is that ok?"

After listening to the ancient wind, my eyes suddenly lit up and thought this idea was really great. In this way, he only needs to stay at the headquarters of wuliangzong for central management.

It's just a pity that the demon king in his hand is damaged too much. Otherwise, a demon king from one state will be sent to guard, which will be more conducive to management at that time.

But if he can escape from the abyss as soon as possible, it's also good. Then he has enough manpower.

To be honest, now he really doesn't have any extra people to manage the ten states. Although there are six demon kings in their hands, they have to guard wuliangzong. If they leave, they may face the sneak attack of the seven old gods at any time.

There are also hundreds of true gods in his hands, but those people are still serving their sentences and enjoying the pain of purgatory.

Although there is no extra manpower to establish any branch control, under the suggestions of the two patriarchs, the ancient wind still issued its own decree to the ten states.

The general purpose of the law is to require all large and small doors in the ten states to abide by the previous order, not to take the opportunity of civil strife, let alone malicious competition for territory. Once anyone dares to violate this law, he will attack heaven again.

It has to be said that the law of ancient style is very frightening. As soon as the law came out, it immediately suppressed many sect forces ready to move. Now, as long as the whole China sees the ancient customs and decrees, no one is surprised and afraid.

As soon as the decree is issued, the whole world will dare not obey it.


After seeing off the leaders of the two sects, wuliangzong temporarily restored Qingning.

On this very quiet night, LAN binger quietly came to Tianjue peak and the ancient Tiande palace.

After inking for a long time, she finally spoke to the ancient wind: "ancient wind, I want to go back to Qingzhou!"

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