This move of the ancient style can be regarded as forced intervention. But even so, no one dares to say anything. Because now he is the absolute ruler of Kyushu, the land of China. When he roars, the earth will shake.

After successfully stopping Oreo's evil deeds, the ancient wind roared again: "martial arts, you should have a heart of benevolence and righteousness and know how to be grateful. Otherwise, if you control the towering strength, wouldn't it ruin the world? When he gained power, he had many opportunities to kill you, but he didn't. But you are the enemy of the hand. You have no sense of shame. You have a great magic power. Are you ashamed? Are you ashamed? "

The ancient wind's cry was sonorous and powerful, and there was a sound on the ground. I heard the people cheering again and again.

Indeed, the more powerful a monk is, the more he should have a broad heart. He should be concerned about the common people and the world. Otherwise, when you master the awesome power, won't you become a great scourge between heaven and earth?

Li Miao is much better than Orio. He is open and aboveboard. He is at the end of the line and sits upright. He absolutely has the bearing that a king should have.

"Ha ha, ha ha, what an ancient king of Qingzhou. Indeed, he is worthy of being a demon star. He killed several sects. Do you really think you are the master of the mainland of China? What qualifications do you have to preach to me? " Oreo scoffed and continued with a mockery on his face: "besides, how do you know that his dark and yellow Qi can hurt me? The dark and yellow Qi seems mysterious and powerful to you, but in my eyes, it's not as good as shit! "

Oreo is arrogant and arrogant. His words immediately angered all kings.

Dark yellow Qi what is that? It represents the luck of a state, the ownership of heaven and earth, and the recognition of all the people. It is what they kings have gained through round after round of difficult wars. How can they tolerate such abuse at this moment?

Some kings drank and were angry. They all wanted to kill him on the spot.

In the face of the roar of the kings, Oreo burst out laughing, pointed to Li Miao and said, "ha ha, what I said is true. Why should you be angry? Since you think I'm talking big, why don't you let this waste material use the dark and yellow Qi to kill me now? If I am really killed by this dark and yellow gas, it can only prove that I am useless and worthy of death. But what if his dark yellow Qi can't kill me? Then what qualifications do you have to be arrogant in front of me? "

Oreo's words were really arrogant. He not only said that luck was shit, but also named Li Miao as a waste material.

As soon as the voice fell, as the party concerned, King Li Miao of Chizhou couldn't help it. His face sank and he was so angry that he trembled: "well, since the luck of heaven and earth in Jiuzhou is so unbearable in your eyes, I'll thoroughly show you the power of the luck of heaven and earth today!"

"Earlier, I respected your ability. I really didn't want to kill you, but you were so unreasonable and spoke so wildly. I can't say, Li will show you today! "

Li Miao was really angry. His face was dark purple, and his long red hair stood up like an angry lion.

Not only was he angry, but even the hundreds of thousands of people who watched the war were all angry. They shouted one after another and asked to kill the wild monkey who didn't know the heaven and earth.

This person has an unknown origin and suspicious identity. Insulting the kings of the States is equivalent to insulting their beliefs. How can such a person want him to live more?

"Come on, just use your so-called heaven and earth luck to kill me. If you can kill me today, it will only prove that I am shameless and worthy of death. If your heaven and earth luck can't kill me, it can only prove that what I said is true. Your so-called heaven and earth luck is shit. "

"Stop talking nonsense and die!"

Li Miao really couldn't help being abused again. He immediately gave a loud roar, and a dark yellow gas rushed out of his head, turned into an invincible training, and killed him in the middle of Oreo's eyebrows.

This is about to be serious. The dark and yellow Qi goes straight to its original God and will not stop until it cuts off the enemy.

"Good! Kill him! "

"How can you be arrogant to kill this dog who doesn't know heaven and earth?"

"It's not a pity to kill this wild boy with unknown origin and dare to insult the kings."

Almost at the same time, hundreds of thousands of spectators began to roar. One by one, they were in high spirits and roared so loudly that the mountains were turbulent!

After enduring for so long, the king in their hearts is finally going to use the dark and yellow gas to kill people, which is what they have been looking forward to.

However, they were disappointed. Although the dark and yellow Qi was mysterious, they did not kill Oreo on the spot, and even failed to rush into the other party's holy palace

Almost at the moment when Li Miao released the dark and yellow gas, Oreo's eyes were deep at the same time, like an endless black hole abyss, dark and bottomless... The black hole rippled out with mysterious ripples, and the mysterious dark and yellow gas was swallowed and swallowed in on the spot, and even a spray could not appear

"This... Failed? The dark and yellow Qi can't kill it, but he swallowed it? "

For a moment, the whole audience was dull, and the roar like the roar of the mountain and the sea suddenly stopped. One by one, their eyes widened. They couldn't believe it.

The onlookers were stunned, but Li Miao was also stupid. He stood still and was at a loss.

At this moment, he felt that the dark and yellow gas did not belong to him, and he completely lost contact with himself!

In other words, his hard-earned fortune was robbed at this time!

"What an evil pupil!"

The ancient wind also changed color. This was the second time he saw someone who could resist the dark and yellow gas. Pacoul's vertical eyes are abnormal enough, but now Oreo's eyes are even more evil.

The dark and yellow spirit favored by countless people was absorbed. After a short silence, the scene issued waves of towering exclamations. People couldn't believe it.

It's too secretive and evil.

The dark yellow Qi is almost an invincible means. It can constantly guard the real body and kill the enemy in an instant.

However, the Chizhou King Li Miao, after releasing his own luck, unexpectedly achieved this result.

"Hahaha, see? Is this what you call heaven and earth luck? Good luck and kill everything? I said, what world is dark and yellow? In my opinion, it's just a piece of shit! "

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