This red awn is very mysterious. It was projected from the demon star when he was born. This group of original Qi can not only save lives at the most critical juncture, but also help the ancient style to explore all falsehood.

He once saw the scene of the heaven demon world directly by using this original Qi in the heaven demon battlefield

At this time, after a reminder from the golden bull, the ancient wind didn't hesitate any more. He directly ran the original Qi and looked into the enchanted abyss!

What time, I saw the archaic eyes staring round, and then began to shine

The first thing that caught his eye was the "Tianjiang meteorite" called dragon blood spar. After a little look, the ancient wind was so angry that he trembled all over.

This NIMA, where is the shit dragon blood spar? This is just an ordinary granite!

At this time, the old wind was so angry that he turned blue and trembled all over. He secretly hated his carelessness. If he had used this original gas to explore first at that time, he would not have let him jump down quietly. It's really a mistake. I'm careless.

Bypassing this fake meteorite, the ancient wind continued to peep into it.

However, it was not long before his eyebrows frowned. It was very simple because he saw the fork in the road.

Although this original gas is mysterious and powerful, it is not omnipotent. Now there is a fork in the road. How should he see it? His eyes can't be divided on both sides.

Finally, the ancient wind bit his teeth and looked at one side first. He thought it was very simple. He first looked at this side to the end. If not, he withdrew his sight and entered from another fork in the road.

For the sake of silence and Xiaoqing, the current ancient style is also hard. No matter how much time or energy he wasted, he would do it. If you can't be sure of their safety, ancient customs can't live in peace.

At the same time, the original Qi is really magical. As we all know, a person's sight can't turn, but the original Qi is different. No matter how you bend, you can do as long as you want to see.

The ancient wind selected a passage and kept looking down. But it didn't take long for him to frown. He almost took back his sight with an iron face, and then looked in from another channel.

No way. The passage just now is not only a dead end, but also a dead end. It's not only impassable, but also inhabited by an old demon

Once again, follow this passage to check in. It was unobstructed all the way before, but before long, the ancient wind met the fork again, and there were as many as two.

With a helpless sigh, the ancient wind had to do the same, patiently, and checked it one by one.

Similarly, the two previously explored are dead ends, and only the last one is the right bottomless hole.

It's like this again. I've experienced it several times in a row. The whole ancient style is bursts of heart fatigue.

Fortunately, the forks he found were not very deep. If they were as bottomless as the main channel, wouldn't he be tired to death?

After this exploration, Gu Feng saw many ferocious demons, bursts of confused strange wind and bursts of gloomy wailing. It can be said that there are crises everywhere, step by step. Don't say you're looking for a big chance in it. It's almost extravagant to want to live.

"There are so many big crises. How did sister Jing avoid them? There are so many turnouts. Why didn't she go the wrong way? "

This time, the ancient style is really puzzled. If a normal person enters the magic abyss like a maze, almost 100% will automatically run to the caves of those demons.

However, what makes Gu Feng puzzled is that he saw so many demon caves, but he didn't find any trace of quiet. Those demons were intact, that is to say, quiet didn't rush at all. She seemed to know the road inside and went straight to the main road

In fact, where does the ancient wind know? In fact, it is not to quietly know what road, but that she has been moving forward with an inexplicable calling force. It was that inexplicable summoning force that guided her in the right direction.

But in the current ancient style, no one will guide him. Everything has to rely on his patience and explore it slowly.

Time passed inadvertently. At this time, the ancient style was really staring at the crack, and the sweat beads on his forehead rolled down. It's really tiring to eliminate the search and exploration one by one.

Sometimes, there is no end to a fork, but it is really deep enough. How many times the ancient wind thought he had found the right direction, but he found that he was a dead end, which really wasted too much time and energy, which was more tiring than peeping into the demon world.

"There are many rare and old medicines here, and there are a lot of divine mines. It's really a treasure land! Unfortunately, no one dares to go in and mine. " Although many crises and dangers have been found, ancient customs have also found many treasures.

Yes, although this is the magic abyss and the forbidden area of monks, it is indeed a great blessed place. This is the fundamental reason why many monks who will die in Shouyuan will eventually choose to jump in. Because there are too many opportunities in it. If you don't die in it, you'll definitely benefit.

"Eh? What's that? Is it... A child? How can there be children in here? "

Suddenly saw a person, the ancient wind suddenly looked silly and looked frightened. This is a child who looks only two or three years old. He was wearing a red belly pocket, a towering pull on his head, barefooted and jumping around the magic abyss happily, like a cheerful elf.

"No, why is the child so small? It's only the size of a palm? "

He gazed carefully, and the old wind was stupid again. Where the fuck is this child? How could a child be so small? Although it looks two or three years old, is it too small? It's just a cute little child!

"Ha ha, ha ha, fun!"

The cute version of the child, I don't know someone has found him, he is still jumping happily in the channel, his laughter is very innocent, innocent and looks very cute.

What makes the ancient style different is that this cute little fart child is very fast and can escape

The child, after hiding again, didn't jump out, but grew a small tree in place, shining and crystal clear!

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