Indeed, in the eyes of many people, Chizhou and Cangzhou are a bitter and cold place. The people who come out from there are a joke and are often looked down upon.

Because of the barrenness of heaven and earth, the cultivation of people in those two places is very low.

The second is their Qingzhou. In the eyes of many people, Qingzhou is also a barren land. Thanks to the strong rise of ancient customs, Qingzhou is protected from jokes.

Without exception, the contest between Cangzhou disciples and Qianhu Zhou disciples ended with the defeat of Cangzhou disciples. There was a bigger gap between the two. The Cangzhou disciple was basically defeated in seconds. Therefore, she also welcomed more fierce ridicule.

"Well, everybody be quiet. First of all, let's congratulate those who have been promoted temporarily. At the same time, please don't lose heart. It's a great honor for you to come here. Your big state and your clan will be proud of it. "

As the host, the great Roman god stood up at this time. He invited the five people who were temporarily promoted to the stage and continued: "don't look down on and laugh at those who lost in your hands, because their experience will also be your next end. The queen of heaven can only be one person, and the rest are doomed to retreat with regret! "

When he spoke, he didn't save face at all. He just stabbed everyone in the heart, which only made everyone itch.

But it's helpless. This is a big truth. Even if it's no longer good, they have to bear it.

Very simple, if you are not convinced, go and get the final champion. If you can get it, if you want to hit him in the face, he won't complain.

In contrast, Yan Yan is very calm. She deeply knows how terrible those kings are, and knows more about her weight. She never thought about the final champion. Not to mention others, she thinks she is invincible only with LAN binger and Biyun from Qingzhou, let alone other kings and Namu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing's fighting power is strong and recognized as the first woman. Her ability can suppress ancient customs.

In the last war, she displayed the vision of "heavenly palace", which completely suppressed the ancient style. Although Gu Feng succeeded in making a surprise attack with Yuanshen at that time, it doesn't mean that she didn't have a back hand. It can only be said that she didn't kill Gu Feng, so Gu Feng turned over directly.

"Next, let's continue to draw lots to determine the order of appearance!"

The black box appeared again in the hands of the presiding elder of the great Roman. But this time there are only five jade brands.

It seems that it is the true God of the great Roman, who wants to flatter the ancient style, and even takes the initiative to let Yan Yan draw lots first.

The rules are still the same simple and rough. The person who catches No. 1 will fight No. 5, No. 2 will fight No. 4, and No. 3 will be empty again.

However, there has been a slight change this time. The person who caught No. 3 is not directly promoted, but needs to face the challenges of the two losers.

Although it can't be promoted directly, it still has a great advantage for No. 3, that is, the remaining two challenges have fought once and consumed a lot of energy.

Although he was not sure whether the ancient style had the ability to explore the mystery, he instinctively believed that Yan Yan could catch the No. 3 brand.

The ancient wind on the high platform, after seeing this situation, the corners of the mouth smiled slightly.

There are only five brands in total, but there is only one number three. If someone catches it first, it's easy to be caught by others. Once Yan Yan meets the fierce enemy, it will be dangerous.

"Go up and catch it. Listen to my orders later. You must catch the No. 3 sign."

Gu Feng whispers secretly. Obviously, he plans to cheat again and secretly help Yan Yan.

No way, who calls this the person you care about? Since he has this ability, he can't waste resources.

Although I know that cheating is immoral and unfair. But in fact, does the world really have fairness? Truth and rules are always in the hands of the strong.

If you are strong and others are afraid of you, that is the rule and truth.

Hearing the voice of the ancient style, Yan Yan hesitated briefly, and finally sighed secretly. After all, she came forward.

"Well, listen to me. The second piece on the right is the No. 3 brand. You can catch it now! As long as you get the No. 3 brand, there is a great hope of promotion to the next round. "

Gu Feng was very happy and had a little pride in his heart. This feeling of black box operation is really different. To others, the black box was mysterious, but to him, it was nothing.

Yan Yan Yiyan grabbed the No. 3 brand. Just when the ancient wind was secretly proud and thought that the general trend had been set, Yan Yan directly lost the No. 3 brand, then quickly grabbed a nearby brand and took it out immediately

"Sister Yan Yan, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, Gu Feng's face sank immediately. It was very ugly.

Yan Yan glanced at the ancient style and ignored the other party for the time being. Instead, she directly handed the sign to the presiding elder.

"Number two?"

The presiding elder was also stunned immediately. Yan Yan didn't catch No. 3, which made him feel very surprised. He asked Yan Yan to draw lots first in order to let Yan Yan catch the No. 3 brand. But no. 3 didn't catch it, but a No. 2 was caught.

After taking a look at Yan Yan and the ancient style, the elder's expression was quite strange.

Then he shook his head helplessly, and he read out the number plate loudly.

Yan Yan stepped back temporarily, and then the other four went to draw lots.

However, at this time, Yan Yan's mind again received the voice of the ancient style: "didn't I ask you to catch the number three? Why don't you listen to me? You know, I do it for you! "

With a smile on her lips, Yan Yan looked at the ancient wind and whispered: "ancient wind, thank you. I know you are for my good, but I really don't need it. The road of the strong is fought step by step, not by such means. Even if you help me now, can I really be promoted to the top nine without a fight? My enemies, after all, need me to face. Only when I defeat them will my heart be secure. "


The ancient style was temporarily blocked by the words, and the expression was quite strange.

He was kind and wanted to help Yan Yan, but he didn't get praise and gratitude. Instead, he was preached!

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