Then, the ancient wind's hand suddenly put on the shoulder of the golden bull and said, "the young tree has found a tree, but I don't know whether it is the tree of the world. Please take a look with me!"

After saying that, the ancient wind secretly connected with the golden bull. He shared everything he saw with the old bull.

After the old cow saw it, his face changed color instantly, and the whole person unconsciously stepped back.

"Little Lord, that's it. This... This is the world tree seedling in the legend. It is recorded in many ancient classics."

After getting the affirmative answer, the ancient wind's heart is also excited.

Then he took back his eyes, stared at the complacent Old God King, and said, "how did you find this God tree? This place is guarded by such a powerful Dharma array. Even my unique Dharma is very difficult. If you don't say a reason today, I'll throw you down now! "

Although it is known from the mouth of the golden bull that it is the world tree seedling, the current ancient style is also the essence of learning. Sometimes what the eyes see is not necessarily true, just like the meteorite that fell on the last day.

Although the little sapling is no different from the legendary world sapling, who knows if it is a trap set by these old things? Besides, the Dharma array in the canyon is so strong that with the ability of this old man, he can't go to the little tree at all. At the same time, he has no special ability to explore vanity. How did he find it?

The old God King, who had just turned his face, didn't know that the ancient wind said that he would turn his face, but he was caught off guard.

Immediately shouted for mercy: "master Gufeng, don't get angry. As I said, there is no nonsense. Isn't that the world tree seedling right here? "

"How did you find out? If you can't give a reasonable explanation today, I'll throw you into that array! " The old wind drank again, and there was a hidden killing opportunity in his heart.

Seeing that Gu Feng was really angry, the old God King was also startled. He immediately thought for sure and said positively, "Gu Feng sect leader, I'm not arrogant. Even if you throw me down now, I can't die."

"Huh? Do you want to try? "

This time, the ancient wind was really angry and his eyes widened. Unexpectedly, this old thing dared to talk back to himself at this time, which really surprised him.

The old God King looked very calm and said, "master Gu Feng, I didn't mean to contradict you. What I said is the truth. Even if you throw me down now, the peerless array can't hang me. Because the big array won't be touched easily... Maybe you don't know enough about the big array. It looks terrible, but in fact it won't strangle all intruders for no reason. The large array will only strangle those who try to collect small saplings, not all intruders. "

"You know, I'm going to die, and I don't have much life to live. In order to increase my longevity, I have risked some Jedi many times. I found this place inadvertently. At that time, when I first found the canyon, I immediately felt that there was a peerless killing array in it. However, in order to increase longevity, after many hesitations, I jumped in. After jumping in, I was shocked to find the little tree. After some observation and research, I also understand that the little tree can't be touched. Once I try to touch it, it will inevitably lead to a big array. At that time, there will be only a dead end. "

The old God King said a lot at once, and finally explained it clearly. It turned out that he accidentally found this small sapling in order to find opportunities and increase longevity. Although the big array is extremely frightening and powerful, those who enter by mistake will not be wiped out. Only when they try to get close to the most central place will they trigger the big array.

After listening to the old God King's explanation, the ancient wind has not made a statement, but the golden bull is a backhand, which is a bus palm fan, which makes the old God King confused for a while. Then he said angrily, "dog, since you know that the little tree can't collect, but you encourage us to take it, what's your heart?"

"I......" the old God King got a big ear melon seed for no reason, and felt very wronged on the spot. Finally, he raised his head and said, "as I said earlier, I just told you such a big secret, and I said that this place belongs to the Jedi. As for whether you can collect it, it's your own business. I have made it very clear that there is a killing machine in it. It's not my evil intention at all. If you are really afraid of danger, you can ignore it. Anyway, the seedlings of the world tree are here and can't run away. "

At this time, the old God King seemed stiff. Indeed, at the beginning, he said that he was only telling the ancient wind a big secret, and that it was a Jedi. As for whether the ancient style can be successfully collected, it depends on his own ability.


The ancient wind gave a cold hum and didn't continue to entangle with the old thing. Then he turned his eyes to the canyon again and began to look at the grand array carefully.

Whenever there is an array, there is always a way to crack it. The current ancient style is to try to find out the flaws of this array and break it together.

The world tree seedlings are guarded by such a large array. If they can't be broken, the small seedlings can't be obtained at all.

This careful look down, the ancient style really saw some clues. He found that although the big array was terrifying, it was really like what the old God King said. As long as it didn't go to the center and touch the small tree, the big array would never operate and strangle independently.

This may be that the people who arranged the array had a benevolent heart and could not bear to hurt the innocent, which was deliberately so.

This large array, from the appearance, is boundless and almost frightening. Just the terrible smell it emits has made many people afraid to move forward.

The appearance is so fierce, but the inside is very peaceful. Even if you break into the array, you won't be killed. But if you have an evil heart and want to move the little sapling, it's hard to say. It will definitely cause a terrible disaster, and you can't hide.

The ancient wind tried to run the original Qi. After watching it for a long time, he didn't find a solution for the time being. He couldn't help but frown.

The tree of the world is right in front of him. If he can't get it, it will be a pity for him.

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