Gu Feng defeated Lu Lingfeng, and the whole audience was in an uproar, breaking out amazing applause and shouts.

"The boss is powerful!"

"The boss is invincible!"

The group of children who came from Dali City were full of tears, clenched their small fists and roared with exhaustion.

The white elder on the high platform was already happy to bloom, and his mouth couldn't close with laughter.

After a long time, Lu Lingfeng came to Gu Feng with difficulty, wiped away the blood from the quarrel, smiled and said: "younger martial brother, it's a rare talent for ten thousand years. I'm lucky that I can lose in your hand."

Gu Feng looked up and found that although Lu Lingfeng was pale, his smile was very real. Therefore, Gu Feng's impression of this person was also rapidly deepening.

"It's senior brother who has been letting me!" The ancient wind tilted his head and smiled all over his face. The wild when he just fought was completely gone. At this time, the ancient wind looks like a little doll next door. No one will connect him with the ancient wind just now.

After a discussion, the elder on the high platform saw a man get up and say to the people: "in today's competition, the ancient style won the first and enjoyed the generous treatment promised before. But Lu Lingfeng's talent is also superb. After discussion with the Presbyterian group, it is unanimously agreed that Lu Lingfeng enjoys the same treatment. "


The audience suddenly burst into loud applause. For a long time, this is their applause and their honor.

After the applause calmed down, Gu Feng piled up a symbolic smile on his face, waved at the bottom, and shouted: "senior brothers and sisters, I'm your little junior brother, my name is..."

"Ancient style..."

Before the ancient wind reported his name, he shouted the word "ancient wind" neatly under the stage, which made the little guy very embarrassed.

"Ha ha! Whose little fart baby is this? It's really fun. It's like being afraid that others don't know who he is. "

Gu Feng touched his head and was very embarrassed. He walked down the platform bitterly and was immediately surrounded by a group of children.


Three days later, Gu Feng came to the Sutra Pavilion and received the reward that should belong to him.

There are always four floors in the Sutra Pavilion. The first floor belongs to external disciples, the second floor belongs to internal disciples, and only core disciples are qualified to enter the third floor. In addition, there is the fourth floor, which seems very mysterious. Most people only know that there is the fourth floor, but they can't find the ladder to step on. Obviously, there is some array isolation, and ordinary disciples can't step on it at all.

According to the regulations of that day, the ancient wind can choose a skill at will on the third floor, so the ancient wind is not polite at all, and constantly shuttles back and forth on the third floor.

On the third floor, the ancient wind searched back and forth for several times and found that there was no skill comparable to the five poisons divine skill. The ancient wind was greatly disappointed. Although there are many kinds of magic powers recorded in these skills, the ancient wind knows that these are mediocre and can not compare with his great magic powers such as "angry dragon against the sky".

In the dark, two pairs of eyes have been watching every move of the ancient style silently. One of them is the elder guarding the pavilion, and the other is the elder Bai. The two men looked at the ancient wind and didn't take any fancy to any skill and magic power. They couldn't help frowning. Bai Changlao said to himself, "this boy, do you have such a high vision?"

"I hope he doesn't aim too high!" The elder guarding the pavilion said faintly that he was a little dissatisfied with the performance of the ancient style. You know, only core disciples are qualified to enter here. If others could come in, they would be very happy. They would love to hold a secret script of the skill. Is there any reason why they can't see it?

After several rounds of searching, the ancient wind couldn't find his favorite skill. He couldn't help but deflate his mouth and sat down on the ground. He said to himself, "it's said that the treasure on the fourth floor is the real supreme treasure. Anyway, there is no one left or right. Why don't you sneak into the fourth floor to have a look? But where is the entrance on the fourth floor? "

Gu Feng got up and began to look around. His eyebrows were frowned and twisted into a straight line. He was trying to look at every corner.

When he looked around, he didn't know that his eyebrows were red.

"Ha ha, I found it. It turns out that the ladder leading to the fourth floor is so hidden!" After a careful search, the ancient wind finally found a ladder in a corner, leading to the fourth floor.


Just as Gu Feng's eyebrows were shining, the two elders in the dark trembled fiercely in their hearts, and their whole bodies began to tremble slightly, showing incomparable horror.

"Old... Immortal, that's... What's that?" The elder guarding the pavilion asked the elder Bai beside him with a little lisp.

"Old... Old guy, good... It seems that that's the legendary... Taboo..." Bai Changlao trembled and began to speak slowly, and his heart was already shocked to an unbearable level.

"I remember when the demon star appeared in the sky, that is, more than three years ago, combined with the son's age..." the elder guarding the pavilion dared not say any more, because that was terrible.

Elder Bai nodded and said solemnly, "yes, this son should be the taboo person. The light shining in the center of his eyebrows was no different from that of the demon star in the past. "

"No wonder this son has such talent at a young age. It turns out that it is the demon star in the world..." the elder guarding the pavilion sighed.

Then, the elder who guarded the pavilion frowned again and asked seriously, "it has been rumored in the world that taboos are the source of trouble and chaos, which will cause great turmoil in the world... How do we treat this son?"

While talking, a ray of killing intention flashed in the eyes of the elder guarding the pavilion. Obviously, he planned to get rid of the great trouble of ancient customs.

"No!" Bai Changlao grabbed the guard elder's arm and said seriously: "the world has been saying that taboos are the source of disasters and chaos. They will bury and end an era, but the authenticity needs to be studied. I have observed this son for a long time. He is not bad at all... This son is a rare genius in ten thousand years. If he is correctly guided, I can't say that our wuliangzong will be very happy. "

"I'm afraid Daxing can't wait, but wait for a big disaster first!" The killing intention in the eyes of the elder guarding the pavilion has not decreased.

Seeing that his persuasion was ineffective, Bai Changlao was very anxious and said seriously again: "old man, you have lived a long time. Would you naively think you can kill the taboo people? But where such characters are born, which is not protected by God? You and I can strangle the taboo in swaddling clothes? According to various ancient books, no one who wants to kill taboos will come to a good end. Rather than this, we might as well treat him with our sincerity and let him feel the warmth of the sect. Even if there are disasters and chaos in the future, we will not be implicated in wuliangzong. "

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