In an instant, the disciple of xuezhou, disguised as a huge polar bear, roared and rushed directly to the disciple of ruthless Valley.

The polar bear is very powerful. With every step of it, the battle platform is shaking. Its speed was very fast. It rushed to the desperate Valley disciple in a moment.

Immediately, it continued to swing a bus palm and directly slapped it down.

In a hurry, the disciple of ruthless Valley had to raise his arm to block. When they collided with each other, they heard a "click" and the arm of the desperate Valley disciple broke instantly. Not only that, her whole body was directly fanned out and fell heavily on the platform.

At this moment, she only felt a surge of mana in her body, which was almost violent.

Originally, her strength was not weak, but she was completely at a disadvantage because of her repeated rush to meet the enemy.

"Well, well done. Our xuezhou disciples are expected to win the championship. As long as we defeat this opponent, the people of Qingzhou will not be worried."

At this time, the people from snow state howled loudly. Originally, they didn't think much of this disciple from xuezhou, but after this battle, they found that there was still hope to win the championship.

Dong Dong!

The battle platform sent out bursts of rapid footsteps again. After a successful blow, the polar bear rushed over again. Today, the xuezhou disciple was really angry. She secretly hated the ruthless Valley disciple for being ignorant of the times. She knew it was a conspiracy, but she had to fight with herself. Isn't this a cheap little fox?

In her heart, she has a killing intention. She hates this ruthless Valley disciple. If they both stand up and say there is a problem with the lottery, maybe they can really catch it again. However, the ruthless Valley disciple not only refused to cooperate, but also wanted to work hard with himself to get the little fox for nothing.

Isn't that stupid behavior?

She couldn't accept this, so she wanted to kill this ruthless Valley disciple.


The polar bear roared again and soon ran in front of each other. Without unnecessary nonsense, it swung its powerful claw and slapped it directly.


A mouthful of blood gushed again, and several blood marks with deep visible bones appeared on the whole body of the desperate Valley disciple. The blood surged wildly and infected the whole battle platform, which made everyone feel distressed.

"Beast, die!"

Facing the polar bear rushing over again, the ruthless Valley disciple finally became cruel. Her eyes were red and narrowed into a seam. Just as the polar bear was approaching, she crazily held the strange Dharma seal point, and the mysterious halo at the tip of her fingers was winding, and then she went straight to each other's chest.

At this point, she contained all the divine power in her body. After the moment she clicked out, her whole person was depressed.

The polar bear, on the other hand, was very aggressive and fast. At the last moment, although he knew there was a great danger, he couldn't stop his steps and hit it hard. Then his whole body froze. After a pause for half a minute, his body suddenly flew upside down. Still in mid air, her body turned back to human form.

With a mouthful of blood gushing out, she fell heavily on the platform and passed out. At this moment, she lost the ability to fight again, which was a complete defeat.

Just that finger directly pierced the demon pill of the polar bear. In other words, that finger actually abolished her Fahai.

It's really cruel. In order to win, the ruthless Valley disciple abandoned his opponent's cultivation at the last moment. It's really cruel.

There was silence and then an uproar.

Her move caused many people to shout and curse. It is said that monks can be killed, but not humiliated. It's more terrible to abolish others' cultivation than to kill them directly.

In a burst of abuse, the ruthless Valley disciple finally took a look at the ancient wind and finally fell to the ground.

In fact, she is very smart. Although she has no divine power at this time, she will not faint. All this is just pretending.

There are two advantages of fainting. One is that you can directly avoid fighting with the little fox again, and the other is that you can avoid the unpleasant abuse below.

Sure enough, after she fell, many people stopped abusing, and then someone stood up and complained: "on the battle platform, it is extremely dangerous. Sometimes it is even whether you die or I live. In order to survive, she tried her best to abolish each other's Fahai. What's wrong? "

"Yes, in that case, if she doesn't lay a heavy hand, her life will be lost. You shouldn't blame her like this!"

After a burst of abuse, many people at the scene began to speak well for the ruthless Valley disciple. After all, this is always their people in China. The xuezhou disciples are outsiders. They should be consistent with the outside world.

Both sides lose. In the end, no one has the ability to fight again.

The little fox waiting in the war zone was directly stupid. He was confused for a moment and didn't know what to do.

What's going on? Can you win the championship like this?

It's too... It's too easy, isn't it? When others beat students and killed them, they became a spectator and won the championship directly?

Is this NIMA incredible?

At this time, the little fox is really stupid.

Numbly, she was invited to the battle platform. Before she completely returned to her soul, the presiding elder directly raised her arm and loudly announced the ownership of the champion.

In an instant, the whole audience was in an uproar again, but they were noncommittal. Who told me that the other two had lost their ability to fight again?

A special person came on at this time and began to check their injuries. Then he took them off the stage and began to heal them.

Today's big match is over. The little fox from Qingzhou finally won the group championship without effort, which surprised many people.

The next round of competition for nine consecutive days gave birth to nine group champions. They are three Shenzhou, two Gaozhou, two Youzhou and two Qingzhou. In the other five big states, no group champion was produced, which surprised many people again.

In particular, Qingzhou won two championships, which surprised everyone most. According to people's expectation, Qingzhou is a barren land. It should be right that you can't get one champion, but it's really surprising to get two.

At this time, the presiding Elder spoke loudly again: "nine champions of the women's group have been determined for nine consecutive days. Tomorrow, we will have the king challenge. At that time, the nine champion disciples must be present and voluntarily choose the object of challenge. If anyone is worried about his strength, he can also take the initiative to give up the challenge. "

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