Indeed, everyone is afraid of the demon star, and everyone is willing to kill it. But the performance of the two old God Kings is just the opposite. Not only did they not fear and do not want to kill, they even showed a state of closeness.

Is it really because there are old cows around the ancient wind?

Not necessarily, because both of them are about to enter the earth. Would they still be afraid of death?

At the same time, the ancient style also felt a kind of sincere meaning in them, not deliberately artificial.

In the face of this question, the two old gods smiled at each other and said nothing.

When Gu Feng was confused and asked again and again, he saw the old God King of Huangpu with a deep smile: "people in the world are afraid of you and want to kill you because of their ignorance. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between true and false! "

"How do you understand that?"

Suddenly heard such a different speech, the ancient style was stunned immediately and asked why.

Even the old cow on one side stared at the cow's eyes and looked puzzled and doubtful.

However, Gu Feng and Lao Niu were disappointed. No matter how they asked next, they were silent and didn't mention a word. Even Zhong Li gave Huangpu Gao a fierce stare and blamed him for his talkative.

Buzzing, buzzing!

At this time, continuous fluctuations came from the space around several people. Obviously, another God King arrived.

For a moment, the four looked at each other and their faces were not good-looking.

Now there are only a few divine kings in China. Those who make friends without malice are here. Who is coming now? Can't it be the five old guys left over from those doors?

If they really came, there might be a fierce battle today.

Almost instantly, the eyebrows of several people frowned, and their faces were gloomy and ugly.

However, after seeing the visitor, their eyebrows were completely relieved. It is true that the strong ones at the God King level come, but they are not outsiders. They are the two old demon kings who devote themselves to closed door healing.

These two people were injured in the station of heartless Valley, and they have not been cured until now. The body of one of them is a red burning beast, like a cow rather than a cow. Although it has turned into a human form, it is still surrounded by fire, which makes people dare not come near; Another noumenon is the Baize divine beast, which is snow-white and proficient in the language of all races. In ancient times, there was a legend that Baize divine beasts were rarely born unless saints ruled the world.

After the two demon kings came out of the void, they both bowed their hands to the ancient wind and paid homage.

"Aren't you concentrating on healing? Why did you leave the customs ahead of time? " Antique eyebrows wrinkled slightly, a little unhappy.

Although they are healing behind closed doors, they can actually guard the door. Now there are only three old demon kings in wuliangzong. Now they are all out. What if someone sneaks into wuliangzong?

Seeing that Bai Ze immediately arched his hands again and said, "little Lord, there is a change in the border today. We guess that either the fire crow returns with his mother, or the great enemy invades. Whatever the reason, I have to come. "

Baize is right. If it's an invasion by the great enemy, what's the use of their isolation? What's the use of guarding wuliangzong? Once the devil kills, everything will no longer exist. But what if the fire crow comes back with blue ice? They need to break the seal together to meet the fire crow and blue binger.

Therefore, their arrival is necessary. Even if they are blamed by ancient customs, they must leave wuliangzong and come.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Feng realized it and quickly picked up Bai Ze.


In the chaotic sea, it is still so violent and more powerful. Due to the violence inside, the surrounding earth was trembling, and its voice spread all over China, making people heartbroken.

At this time, all the people present stared at the chaotic sea, and their expressions were very serious, and they didn't dare to be careless at all.

"What should I do? Now we can't determine whether the fire crow is coming back, and we can't make the right response! "

With the passage of time, the ancient wind became more and more unstable. Now the chaos sea is so violent that we can imagine what kind of crisis the intruder is facing. If the fire crow comes back, they will let the fire crow and blue binger die in it sooner or later.

I saw the red burning beast stop at this time, indicating that the ancient wind was calm and not impatient. Then he turned into noumenon, one ear pressed tightly on the ground, and then his eyes closed and fell into listening.

After half a ring, the red burning beast finally opened his eyes, got up quickly, turned into a human shape, and said to the ancient wind, "little Lord, it is the fire crow who broke into the chaotic sea. We need to quickly remove the seal, or he will worry about his life!"

"You... If you just listen, you can be sure it's a fire crow?"

The ancient style is amazing, and the face is incredible.

But the golden bull said, "the young Lord doesn't need to doubt. As long as he says it's a fire crow, he won't be wrong."

Gu Feng is still puzzled, but the three old demon kings are already working together to cast spells.

On one side, the old God King Zhong Li and the old God King Huangpu were not idle. They followed the spell and broke the seal at the same time.

Now, Gu Feng has become an idle man. Although he is very anxious, he can't help.

The seal in the chaotic sea was originally jointly imposed by several old gods in order to prevent the invasion of demons. It can be said that the seal here can be regarded as the seal of Kyushu Jue Britain. Few old gods join hands and don't want to break it at all.

Of course, this is not the strongest seal, because there is a stronger array to protect the world tree in heartbroken valley.

Under the joint efforts of the strong at the level of the five divine kings, the seal array was slowly disintegrated. The violent energy in the original has gradually calmed down.

However, it was at this time that some true gods arrived at the border.

These people are from all major forces. Of course, the largest number is wuliangzong. Because they can't tear the void directly, they will slow down a lot.

Gu Feng ignored these people. His eyes were still staring at the chaotic sea, happy and worried.

Since the fire crow is back, LAN binger must also be back. Since LAN binger came back at this time, her Dabi qualification will not be revoked.

But now they have fallen into the sea of chaos for so long. It's so violent and dangerous. Will something happen?

If something happens to LAN binger, the ancient wind will not accept it. Because LAN binger has been with him for the longest time and is also his wife. They have been together since they were seven years old. They have been together day and night for many years, and their feelings are the most profound.

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