Almost in an instant, millions of people all looked at the masked woman. People's hearts are full of puzzles. They don't understand why this woman dares to break into the war platform on such an occasion.

The masked woman, of course, is Wu Xuening. No doubt, her main purpose on the stage is to expose ancient customs.

As early as three days ago, when she drew lots by herself, she suspected that the ancient wind could see through the black box. Now the little fox caught No. 1 so skillfully. If there were no ghosts in it, who would believe it?

In the confused look of the people, Wu Xuening slowly took off his veil. Even if he was recognized, there were voices of sobs.

Similarly, Gu Feng and the little fox recognized her. The little fox's face sank and said angrily, "you shameless woman spared you a cheap life before, but you dare to appear here today. Is it really impatient to live?"

The little fox is really angry. Although the other party hasn't spoken yet, she knows its meaning. At this time, Wu Xuening came to the battle platform with a smile. What else can he do except expose ancient customs?

"Cluck, sister fox, why are you angry? This war platform is not your exclusive. Any genius in Kyushu can come up."

Wu Xuening smiled, full of charm. Compared with the past few days, this woman seems to be more enchanted. Although she looks like a general, she has heavy makeup and looks like a goblin.

On the other hand, Mu Qingqing frowned slightly after seeing Wu Xuening. She wanted to scold, but she resisted it. She wanted to see why her fellow martial sister broke into the battle platform. They are from heartless Valley and used to be a little private.

"I bah!" Hearing that the shameless woman called herself sister, the little fox's face immediately changed and felt extremely disgusted. He said angrily, "what are you? How dare you call me sister when you're naked and no one takes a look? "

At the end of the sentence, the little fox immediately arched his hands at the presiding elder and said, "please drive him away. We heavenly king battle platform can't allow such a woman to step on and defile."

The presiding elder heard the speech, almost without the slightest consideration, and began to drive people out. However, Wu Xuening's face sank immediately and shouted, "slow down, I know I shouldn't come to this battle platform today, but there's a sentence that I'm stuck in my throat. Is the lottery rule you follow really fair?"

At the end of the sentence, Wu Xuening smiled and looked at the ancient style on the high platform with a look of resentment.

Although she didn't say anything, her meaning was already very clear. At this time, she was going to expose the little tricks of exposing the ancient style and ruin the ancient style.

As soon as the voice fell, there was almost an uproar. People whispered and talked.

A man suddenly shouted, "what the hell do you mean? The rule of drawing lots has always been followed. How is it unfair? "

Indeed, this rule of drawing lots to determine the order of precedence has always been held in the king's assembly. In order to be absolutely fair, the black box is often a spell jointly applied by several ancestors at the God King level. Almost no one can see through it, even the God King is impossible. The same is true of this year's general assembly. So far, no one has said that it is unfair.

Wu Xuening jumped onto the stage at this time and said that the rules were unfair. Isn't it impossible to impress the public?

In the face of many questions, Wu Xuening still smiled. Finally, she glanced contemptuously at the ancient style and said: "if in the past, this rule naturally didn't say, it's absolutely fair. It depends entirely on personal luck to catch a few brands. But this session of the general assembly is different, because all the rights of the general assembly are in his boundless hands, to be exact, on the demon star... Can this be fair? Why is this coquettish fox from wuliangzong able to grab No. 1 brand with one hand? Why is the presiding elder so attentive to let her catch it first? Isn't there anything fishy in here? "

A simple remark immediately made the whole audience in an uproar and then boiling. I'm so immortal. This Wu Xuening once again exposed the ancient demon star's identity in public. Isn't this deliberately provocative?

What is the demon star? But all monks basically know what the demon star means. The demon star means disaster, destruction and end!

Almost for a moment, Gu Feng's face became gloomy. He only hated that he was soft at the beginning and couldn't kill Wu Xuening immediately. Now, he really came out to pick a problem.

The remaining seven challengers, who were going to draw lots, stopped one by one. Their faces were more or less sneering and gloating.

Earlier, the little fox directly came forward and grabbed the No. 1 brand. If they had no doubt, it was impossible. However, because there was no evidence, and at the same time, he did not dare to jump out to question, so he forced this doubt to his heart. But now, some people are not afraid of death and take the initiative to challenge the rules and ancient customs. This is a situation they are happy to see.

"Presumptuous, how can a crazy woman dare to talk nonsense here? Is it because she is impatient? Come on, kill it on the spot! "

The presiding elder shouted, his face gloomy and terrible, because Wu Xuening's words not only involved wuliangzong and ancient customs, but also involved himself.

As soon as the voice fell, even if there were hundreds of virtual gods holding war swords and wearing armor, they surrounded Wu Xuening.

Surrounded by so many people, Wu Xuening was not flustered at all, and immediately laughed wildly: "ha ha, right, this is to master the right, but he didn't dare to let people speak. Am I wrong? "

Then she turned her eyes to the ancient wind and continued to laugh: "ancient wind, since I dare to come here today, I don't intend to leave alive. If you're still a man, let these people go down. Don't you just want to cover up and make the public so excited? Are you afraid that I will expose your past? "

The old wind frowned again, and his heart was extremely angry. In fact, early in the morning, the ancient wind found that Wu Xuening has the appearance of wolf Gu. Such a person must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be trouble. Only two days ago, the ancient wind didn't pay much attention to this woman. Second, considering the relationship between her and Mu Qingqing, it let her go. I didn't expect that Wu Xuening ran out to pick up trouble so soon. He really regretted it.

With a gloomy face, Gu Feng waved back the empty gods and said coldly, "I have to admire your courage and courage, but I still want to tell you that you are really stupid."

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