After another state was defeated, it was pushed down from the throne. While warmly applauding, many people were filled with emotion.

This battle platform is destined to belong to the strong. The king who relies on luck can't come to the end after all.

Next, on the 5th, she came on the stage. This is a Chinese disciple. After sweeping the nine states one by one, she finally said: "the king's platform has always belonged to the strong. After you are a state that has not advanced, you must withstand all kinds of tests. Huoyunxian, stand up. Even though I know your fire power is powerful, I want to experience it. "

Surprisingly, the No. 5 disciple from China dared to challenge huoyun immortal, which caused bursts of exclamation on the spot.

Taking a step forward, the fire cloud fairy looked fearless, but showed a relaxed and casual expression and said, "I know someone will disagree, but there's no way. Who calls my cultivation lowest?"

A bitter smile came out, and the fire cloud fairy then closed her eyes. Then, people even saw a flame from her body... The flame soared to the sky and built a divine bridge over her head. Then, a woman in a red dress rushed out of her head, stepped on the bridge and rushed to the sky.

That's the original God of huoyun immortal. She advanced at this time and attacked the realm of virtual God.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience immediately burst into an uproar again. The fire cloud fairy was so bold that she would choose to attack the realm of virtual God under this situation.

"Eh? No, the yuan God... Doesn't seem to look much like the fire cloud fairy? "

The ancient wind looked at the yuan God of the fire cloud fairy for a long time. The more he looked, the more he wondered in his heart.

Normally, as like as two peas, the monarch of the monk will be exactly the same as himself. But the ancient spirit is so similar that the yuan God of fire cloud fairy is only a little similar to herself.

When this discovery surprised the ancient wind, he looked at the golden bull, and both sides were full of horror.

"Young Lord, did you find out? That Yuan Shen... Is actually similar to Yan Yan's yuan Shen... "

This discovery surprised both of them. They once guessed that Yan Yan's yuan God was abnormal, which was probably a reincarnation of a great power in ancient times. Now, they found that the Yuanshen of huoyun fairy was vaguely similar to Yan Yan's Yuanshen. Would there be any connection between the two?

"Little Lord, look, although this woman's yuan God is a little abnormal, it's still normal. She's not as strong as Yan Yan's yuan God."

"So it's just a coincidence?"

"I hope so!"

No other abnormality was found. Even the golden bull was not sure at this time. Finally, he had to sigh and watch the change.

Let's talk about the fire cloud fairy. After its original God rose into the sky, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the baptism of the divine power Xiahui.

In this process, her breath is getting stronger and stronger. In other words, she has successfully advanced. Now she is a real virtual God strong man.

However, this is far from over. Although she has been successfully promoted, her yuan God is still baptized by the divine power. While baptizing, the mana in her body also went up with the divine bridge, and then transformed into divine power.

This situation lasted a long time before it was over. The divine bridge disappeared, and her Yuanshen returned to her body.

At this time, I suddenly heard a man shouting: "in the middle of the virtual God realm, she... Unexpectedly raised her cultivation to the middle of the virtual God!"

This roar, like frying a pot, suddenly woke up countless people.

It's incredible that huoyun immortal, who was just a cultivation in Shenqiao realm, has been promoted two levels in a row on such an occasion and has become a powerful monk in the middle of the cultivation of virtual God.

Now, she has become a powerful monk in the middle of the virtual God, and still holds such a strong flame. Now who dares to treat her as a weak person?

After seeing this scene, the Chinese disciple who challenged huoyun immortal changed his face again and again, which was extremely ugly.

If huoyunxian didn't advance, she was a little sure, so now, she is really not sure at all.

After all the dust settled, the fire cloud fairy's breath was obviously stronger, and the smile on his face was also more confident. He lightly lifted Bei's teeth and said, "come on, you'll win or lose in one game. I will still release that fireball. If you can resist it, I am willing to give up the throne. But if you are not sure to take it, I advise you to give up early. After all, you may die. "

After hearing this, the Chinese disciple's face changed again. He nuzui, finally gritted his teeth and said, "come on, I also want to verify my own Tao fruit. If I lose the enemy, I have no meaning even if I live."

He was firm and tenacious. Even though he knew he had little chance of winning, the Chinese disciple was still brave. At this moment, she showed her fearlessness.

"Well, yes, this woman's spirit is commendable. We friars should have this fearless spirit. Be careful later. Don't let her die. We need such talents in Kyushu mainland. " Gu Feng nodded slightly and gave a secret order to several demon kings behind him. Simple words, even if it saved the life of the Chinese disciple.

"Yes, little Lord, I'll pay attention!"

On the platform, except for the two who needed to fight, the others stepped down.

The Chinese disciple forced himself to calm down and said, "the reason why I want to challenge you is that I have made a little achievement along the waterway. If I can't confirm with you, it will be my lifelong regret."

"Ha ha, as the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible. Now that we are on the same platform, we have to distinguish between life and death. "

"Come on!"

With a loud roar, the Chinese disciple immediately closed her eyes and roared up to the sky. Her whole body began to be transparent, blue, like sea water.

All of a sudden, the temperature of the war platform dropped sharply, and I saw some ice particles falling in the surrounding air. And she herself was completely illusory at this time, and then disappeared, replaced by a pool of blue water.

The temperature of the sea water was so low that the war platform was white and frost frozen.

The fire cloud fairy opposite her unconsciously gave a thrill, and felt the pressure doubled in an instant. Her face was a little ugly. Then roared: "come on, water and fire are incompatible. Who is better depends on today."

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