Seeing the reaction of the ancient wind, Mu Qingqing seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the problem, but at this time, she slowly shook her head and said, "it's no use. I'm just a soul brand standing in front of you. I have no connection with my self. I can't pass this message to my self, It's even more impossible to return the tripod... In order to prevent you from finding me, I even deliberately erased the information about the location of the hell gate in this brand... "

At this time, Mu Qingqing was like a child who had done something wrong. He bowed his head and didn't dare to look at the ancient style.


Suddenly, the ancient wind was speechless, and there was a cramp in my heart.

"Providence, it seems that this is providence. Kyushu mainland is doomed to many disasters..."

Gu Feng cried in pain and sat down powerlessly. Facing the brand of wood Qingqing, he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Brother Feng, don't do this. Looking at Qingmei's heartache, you'd better tell me what trouble you've caused!"

"Catastrophe, monstrous catastrophe, it is likely that the tragedy of Qingzhou will be staged again, even more tragic..."

At this time, it is impossible to put the tripod back at the first time. The ancient wind simply explained the key to Mu Qingqing carefully.

After hearing this, Mu Qingqing was also pale with fear, and the whole person almost couldn't stand steadily.

If what Gu Feng said is true, she really broke into a great disaster and can't be saved.

"What shall we do now?"

"What else can I do? We can only pray that the devil has been completely suppressed to death, or we will die. " This time, Gu Feng really felt powerless. What if he had several demon kings in his hand to frighten the world? What if he is the overlord of Kyushu? In the face of the catastrophe, all this will come to naught. The demon kings in his hands could not stand a face-to-face toss.

"Brother Feng, the demons are about to invade, and the underworld will invade on a large scale. The great demon aruye will also cross the boundary. Now Kyushu can't stay. You have to try your best to escape and go to the divine world!"

"I want to, but the passage to the divine world was completely sealed thousands of years ago. Now the two worlds are connected by heaven and earth. How can I get there? "

The ancient wind sighed powerlessly again and felt that the whole world was gray.

At this time, he suddenly remembered an important thing. Even if he was scared white again - he saw the Shenzhou Ding and the great demon suppressed by it last time in the Tongtian magic abyss. If... If nalanjing and qingtianpeng used that big tripod to get out of trouble

Doesn't that mean releasing another peerless demon?

Thinking of this, the face of the ancient style changed again in an instant. This time, I was really frightened.

In fact, nalanjing knows the importance of the big tripod. They have experienced things in Qingzhou together. Logically, she knows the weight and will never move the big tripod. But I'm afraid they want to escape from the abyss urgently and then do something stupid.

At the same time, the ancient wind thought of a more terrible thing, that is, Emperor Yu personally took the tripod of Zezhou and qianhuzhou

At that time, the ancient wind remembered clearly that after they took Cangzhou Ding, Emperor Dayu separated from them. At the time of separation, Emperor Dayu personally said that he sensed that Zezhou and qianhuzhou had their own parts and had to get them back.

In other words, in fact, the sealed magic tripods in Zezhou, qianhuzhou and Cangzhou have long been taken away

"I hope it's all right. These years have passed, and we haven't seen anything unusual. It's estimated that those big demons have really been completely suppressed!" The old wind whispered.

In fact, this is almost self deception. How did the nine demons exist and how could they die so easily? Qingzhou devil is the best proof. Even after an era has passed, Kunpeng himself has escaped.

At this time, outside the main hall, a notice suddenly sounded: "little Lord, there are guests visiting. It's very urgent. Please meet me!" It was the old cow's voice that stunned Gu Feng on the spot.

"Who? Come and see me in the middle of the night? "

"People from Cangzhou have important things to report. Please move the Wuhua hall." The old cow's voice seemed a little anxious. It's not difficult to imagine that there must be something important.

"OK, you take him first. I'll come right away!"

After sending off the barbarian cattle, the ancient wind looked at the brand of muqingqing, and saw that the other party's figure was constantly weak, and then disappeared soon.

At the last moment of disappearance, Mu Qingqing said, "brother Feng, Kyushu really can't stay any longer. I'll try my best to give you time. You must find the way to the divine world in the shortest time, otherwise everything will stop!"

"Qing Mei!"

Looking at the dissipated wood Qingqing, the ancient wind had a cramp in his heart. It has to be said that Mu Qingqing's sacrifice is indeed too great. He not only voluntarily gave up the throne of Queen of heaven, but also dared to stop the invasion of the underworld with his own strength.

It's too rare. Her quality is noble. Although it is mixed with the meaning of pleasing the ancient style, she is sincerely doing practical things for the people of Kyushu. She is a respectable person. Although she is a female, she has the world in mind.

"Qing Mei, you must hold on to me. I will send someone to help you as soon as possible. I will never let you face the overwhelming pressure alone."

After secretly swearing, Gu Feng went directly to Wuhua hall. Although I haven't seen anyone yet, the ancient wind has a hunch that things are not simple.

To be able to rush to find yourself at this time must be something big.

When we came to Wuhua hall, the ancient wind saw an old man with white hair, wrinkled face and too old to walk.

To the surprise of the ancient wind, this is actually a true God, but it belongs to the kind of bottom goods. Not only that, the visitor's blood dried up, as if he would fall at any time.

The ancient wind has an illusion that it can crush it with only one finger.

Seeing the ancient wind coming, the old cow on one side even opened his mouth to the old man: "this is our ancient wind sect leader. Please speak quickly."

"Cough... Is this the ancient wind patriarch?" The old man looked very weak and his voice was very old. When he spoke, he was very weak and very weak.

"Bye... See you... See the ancient wind Lord!" After the old man reacts, even if he wants to kneel down.

But he was held by the ancient wind and quickly asked, "the old man is weak, so you don't have to do this gift. Tell me quickly. Why did you come to see me at this time?"

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