It's been a whole night of continuous cutting. Rao shigu Fengjing is energetic and feels a little powerless at this time.

After a night's killing, he has reaped less than 300 points of credit, which is really pitiful.

"I can't go on like this. I must continue to go deep. Only the closer I get to the vast mountain will there be powerful demons in it. But... If you give up these demonized creatures in front of you, they should be strong again. It will be a big threat and trouble at that time. "

For a moment, the ancient wind was in a dilemma. He really wants to go straight to the deepest place. With his ability, he must be able to gain a lot of credit points. But if the demonized creatures in front of us don't kill them as soon as possible, they will all evolve in two days.

All night, he was forced to kill in. Although he killed countless enemies, he got very little.

Just when the ancient wind was in a dilemma, his heart suddenly tightened and realized the approach of the crisis.

Suddenly, he looked back and saw two strange people covered in blood.

With an evil smile on their faces, they approached the ancient wind step by step. It turned out that they were the two mysterious youths Oreo and garredo.

"Is that you? Why do you come to me instead of killing the enemy to earn credit? "

Gu Feng began to be vigilant. From the look of the two people, Gu Feng concluded that they had no good intentions.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to meet brother Gu Feng here. It's really fate. Since we are so destined, why not cooperate together? As the saying goes, many people have great power. As long as we cooperate, we will be able to reach the deepest place and earn more credit points. " Seeing that the ancient style maintained a high degree of vigilance, nagaledo immediately changed his face and swept away his previous evil smile.

Oreo on one side also said in a cold voice at this time: "you claim to be the first genius in tens of thousands of years. We are by no means idle people. If we cooperate, we can be a big way ahead of others."

"I don't need to cooperate with anyone. I can be a big head ahead of others." Gu Feng responded coldly. He felt the killing from these two people just now, which he would never be wrong. He knew that they might have no good intentions at all.

"Brother Gu, you are wrong to say so. You must not be stubborn and self styled. You probably don't know. Now many people have begun to work together. If you still want to fight alone, you can only lag behind others in the end. "

"Hehe, how many people join hands? Surely everyone will come to a tragic end in the end? " Gu Feng sneered. He was very clear about the Tao here.

In fact, there is still a loophole in this credit card, that is, it can snatch the credit of others and take it for itself. The reason why this loophole exists is actually intentional, because it is still a competition.

Eighty or ninety genius states all want to be the last king of heaven, and naturally they have to kill. Although it is obvious that they enter the fog area together to kill the enemy and make contributions, in fact, it also implies the meaning of killing each other.

As long as you are strong enough, you can not kill those demonized creatures, but directly kill those participating disciples and win the fruits of others' victory.

"Hehe, what did brother Gu say? With your strength, will you fear us? Besides, there are so many old masters of God King standing behind you. Who dares to make your idea on this battlefield? " Garrido didn't think so, but still showed a careless and old-fashioned look.

But the ancient wind sneered and said, "don't you dare move me? Aren't you afraid of me touching you? "

"Ha ha, brother Gu is really good at joking. It's well known that you care about the world. We just came in to kill the enemy and do meritorious deeds. How can you be disadvantageous to us? Your character is not so bad! " Garrido still laughed, and even showed a familiar look. He came forward and directly covered the antique shoulder.

"Come on, don't ink. Let's act together to gain more credit points." As he said this, he put his arm around the antique shoulder and began to move forward.

In this scene, even if the ancient wind became more alert and frowned slightly, he was playing a hundred and twenty Preventive Psychology at the moment.

However, at this time, not far from the rear, a familiar voice of the ancient wind suddenly sounded: "since you plan to act together, why don't you take me?"

Hearing the speech, the three suddenly looked back and saw a man in a red robe on fire. It was Li Miao, the former king of Chizhou.

"Is that you? How dare you show up in front of me when you are defeated? "

In an instant, Oreo's face became gloomy. He and Li Miao were old enemies. It can be said that when enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

At this time, both of them were half squinting, full of war.

"I spared you a small life. I thought you would know the shame and disappear in front of me forever. I didn't expect your cheek to be so thick and dare to appear in front of me. In that case, I'll send you on the road today."

After saying that, Oreo punched Li Miao and killed him, but he was stopped by the ancient wind.

"Hum, what do you want to do? This is my good friend. How dare you be rude to him? " The ancient wind was cold and hum. It was convenient for them to keep a distance, and then stood with Li Miao.

The atmosphere of the scene solidified in an instant, and there was a great sense that if there was a disagreement, there would be a big fight.

But when he saw that Garrido, he laughed again: "ha ha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, since brother Li Miao is a good friend of brother Gu, it can be regarded as his own family. Let's go on the road together?" After saying that, he strode forward again, came between Gufeng and Li Miao, and grabbed their shoulders one by one.

"Brother Gufeng, you don't know how much our brothers worship you. They always want to find a chance to have a drink with you, but they just can't wait!" Garrido was completely familiar, and a simple move dissolved the tension at the scene.

He hugged Tieqing's face and Li Miao, walked forward step by step, and talked incessantly:

"Brother Gu Feng, look at you. It's been a whole night. You only have more than 300 credit points. It's really too shabby. It doesn't look like the famous demon Star King Qingzhou? You see, our two brothers have gained more than 600 credit points in the same time. Are you very envious? "

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