Finally, the discovery of ginseng fruit trees, the ancient wind is indeed happy, but it has not reached the point of madness and loss of reason. He knew the fruit tree was naughty, greedy and funny. Therefore, he also cooperated in acting and pretended to be greedy.

He bent down and reached out to grab the fruit trees in front of him, but the next second, his eyes were empty. The fruit trees that had just been shining suddenly disappeared.

The ancient style is also very cooperative, pretending to be a stunned expression.

But the next second, at his feet, there appeared a little boy less than a foot tall and dressed in a small red belly pocket.

Only a burst of "giggle" laughter sounded. The little boy jumped on the shoulder of the ancient wind at once, and pulled the two ears of the ancient wind with both hands.

"Where are the demons? How dare you tease me? "

The ancient wind pretended to be angry and slapped himself on the head. But the little boy disappeared all of a sudden, and the old wind slapped himself in vain.

The next second, the old wind saw that the little boy appeared a foot away in front, jumping and jumping, which seemed to be very happy.

This time, Gu Feng didn't rush up in a hurry, but squatted down and began to communicate with the little boy: "Hey, little boy, whose child are you? Why are you playing here alone? Where are your parents? Are you lost? "


Seeing that the ancient wind didn't rush up in a hurry, the little boy seemed a little confused. A chubby little hand kept grasping his head, as if thinking about the words of the ancient wind. It's pleasant to look at a charming look.

Seeing this scene, Gu Feng couldn't help but strike while the iron was hot and continued: "can't you find your mother? Would you like your uncle to take you home to your mother? Uncle is a good man and will never lie to you. "

The old wind is like a strange uncle who deceives Little Red Riding Hood, trying to make his smile kind. At the same time, he secretly ordered the crowd: "don't hurry to catch the thief. The thief is so cunning. If you do it rashly, he will only slip away. You seal this place first, so that he can't escape to the sky! "


Several demon kings just wanted to do it, but they immediately became surprised one by one: "young master, there is danger here. There are powerful creatures approaching. It is likely that they were attracted by the thief's aroma just now."


As soon as the ancient wind heard it, he frowned and scolded the bad luck.

The fruit tree was already in front of him. He could succeed as long as he was given a little more time to decorate it. He never thought of killing Cheng Yaojin on the way.

"Seal around first, block all the Qi machines here, and make sure to successfully catch the thief." Ancient wind road.


People took orders and began to seal around madly, trying to isolate the smell of ginseng fruit trees. It's not easy to succeed. They will never allow other demons to run out and make trouble.

At the same time, Gu Feng smiled and communicated with the little boy again: "come, tell your uncle your name. After your uncle knows your name, he can take you to your mother!"

Then the old wind approached the little boy step by step. After sealing the place, he forcibly arrested him.

The little boy, who was transformed from ginseng fruit trees, didn't avoid at this time. He let the ancient wind approach him. It seems that he didn't take precautions at all.

Seeing that the other party was unprepared, Gu Feng immediately felt another joy.

Finally came to the little boy again. Gu Feng slowly stretched out his hands and said, "come on, uncle hug!"

"Huh? "Hug?" The little boy didn't step back, but he didn't just come forward and let the old wind hold him. Instead, he continued to hold his head with his chubby little hand, but refused to come up.

Gu Feng had an impulse in his heart. He wanted to jump on it and catch the little boy directly. The little boy is within his reach. If he makes a move, he is still sure. But after hesitation, he still didn't dare to do it rashly, because this is a magic medicine. Who knows how many magic powers he has?

Only when the demon kings completely seal this place, can they be 100% sure of it.

The little boy is still hesitating, as if he is very confused about the words of the ancient style.

At this time, not only did the ancient wind have the impulse to catch the little boy, but also the bull beside him. He also wanted to do everything. Because, he has been aware that the powerful creature in the dark is rushing towards this side.

Although several other demon kings are jointly sealing this place, it is not something that can be done with a few breaths. But I'm afraid they can't wait. Once the little boy feels the danger, he will disappear for the first time.

"Come on, let me hug. Uncle will take you to your mother. You got lost here when you were so young. Your mother must be worried. " The old style is still patient and continues to deceive.

This time, the little boy didn't hesitate, but he didn't really let the old wind hold him like this. Just when the old wind's hands were about to touch it, the little boy suddenly jumped up and jumped directly above the old wind's head.

He grabbed the antique hair and giggled: "big fool, big fool, still want to deceive me to find my mother. I don't have a mother at all. I was born naturally!"


The little boy looked very proud. He laughed and beat the antique head with his little fist.

Gu Feng's face darkened immediately. He wanted to deceive the little boy, but he was teased by the other party.

He was about to slap his head again, but one person took the lead. It was the bull who secretly followed the ancient wind.

He couldn't help it for a long time. At this time, he found that the little boy was laughing proudly holding Gu Feng's hair. He immediately thought it was an opportunity. Without saying a word, he buttoned his hands directly towards the head of the ancient wind.

Because the timing of the shot was accurate, the bull got it at once. He was impartial and grabbed the little boy in his own hands.

"Ha ha, you are so cunning, but you are still caught by the old cow after all..."

Before he finished, the bull's voice stopped suddenly, because he suddenly found his hands empty.

In other words, the little boy escaped again in his hands.

The next second, they heard the familiar giggle again. Three feet ahead, the little boy jumped and jumped, very happy.

"Big fool, big fool, you are all big fools!" Laughing, the little boy suddenly got into the ground and disappeared.

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