After understanding what is called "animal fraud", none of the people present could laugh, and all looked at the bull with bad eyes.

However, at this time, there was a man who couldn't help laughing up to the sky. That man was an ancient style.

"Ha ha, Daniel, please understand the meaning of the Terran proverb next time you quote it!"

Gu Feng smiled very happily, which directly aroused people's dissatisfaction.

However, the old style is the Lord and they are servants. Even if they are dissatisfied, they dare not change the old style.

Besides, that sentence is not said by the ancient wind. Even if they want to blame, they can't blame the ancient wind.

"Hehe, forget it. Daniel also made a slip of the tongue. Don't mind. Let's do it now. If we catch this little thing, we'll call it a day! "

Everyone took back their bad eyes, and then all looked at the ginseng fruit tree.

The fruit tree listened to all the people's words just now. After learning that it was invalid, it immediately turned back to human form.

Facing the smaller and smaller space and the approaching crowd, the little boy was more and more desperate.

Finally, as soon as he was cruel, he roared at the ancient wind: "I am the reincarnation of the fairy king. How dare you treat me like this? Aren't you afraid of causing great cause and effect and being liquidated in the future? "

"Hehe, big cause and effect? Liquidation? Just you? "

Gu Feng was amused again, then his face sank and said, "I don't know how many causes and consequences I have caused since I came out of the world. But I still live well now. What can you do for me? I said long ago that I only want a few fruits to save people, but you are so stingy. In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless. I'll catch you. When I get home, I'll stew and drink soup with my roots and hair. "

"I'll eat you up and see what you'll take to settle me in the future?"

Gu Feng played a rogue, which made the little boy tremble.

"You... You... Don't force me!"

Finally, the child hardened and continued: "I said, that's the Taoist fruit of this immortal. As long as I bear 18000 fruits and complete natural merit and virtue, I can ascend the throne of fairy king again. Why do you rob my Taoist fruit? Do you know that it takes me a thousand years for a fruit to blossom, another thousand years to bear fruit, and another thousand years to mature? It takes me three thousand years to bear a mature fruit. Can you bear to rob my Tao fruit like this? Aren't you afraid of being struck by thunder? If you want to annoy me, I'd rather destroy it all. "

"What? It takes three thousand years for a fruit to mature? "

This time, not only the ancient style, but also several other demon kings and Qing Tianpeng were surprised. They felt that such a ginseng fruit was too rare and precious. They were all startled and their backs were cold.

"You seem to have fifteen fruits on you? A three thousand years, that is to say, you have been here for a total of forty-five thousand years? " The old wind smacked his tongue and asked.

"No, it's 45630 years. Another fruit is already in bloom. The 16th fruit will grow in a few hundred years." The little boy corrected loudly. Then he said loudly again, "it's still wrong. 45630 years is the time for my formal results. In fact, before the formal results, I stayed here for tens of thousands of years."

"What? You've been here for tens of thousands of years before the results? Then aren't you... Aren't you an old monster of more than 100000 years? "

This time, the ancient wind was completely startled and frightened.

I saw your little boy raised his head very proudly and said, "otherwise? Or if I have lived so long, can I call myself a immortal? "

At this point, the little boy was really proud, then changed his expression and said, "now you know my strength? When you see Ben Daxian, you should call me an elder. Maybe you'll be happy. I can also give you some advice on what you're doing. "

However, as soon as his words fell, he found that Gu Feng's face was gloomy.

Immediately, Gu Feng ordered: "take him!"


Several demon kings take orders and will catch them soon. This scene frightened the little boy on the spot and quickly begged for mercy: "slow down, I said the wrong thing. I mean, now you should know that mine is not easy? You want to pick so many fruits from me at once. How many more years do you want me to endure? "

"If you want to achieve the fairy King fruit position, you need to bear 18000 fruits. If you do, don't you have to endure 54 million years? Since you still need to endure such a long time, why do you care so much about a mere 20000 years? "

"54 million years?" The first time I heard such a terrible figure, even the little boy himself was stupid. Then he asked, "how long is 54 million years?"

"The sea withers and the rocks crumble, and the earth collapses. It will be an incalculable time. Maybe the world has reopened many times. Do you think you can really live that long?"


Hearing such a remark, even the bull and other demon kings couldn't help taking a breath.

Indeed, 54 million years is really an infinite time. There may have been many epochs between heaven and earth. At that time, the universe may have broken up many times. Just a divine medicine can live such a long time?

"That... That... I was cheated?" For the first time, the little boy began to doubt life and instantly felt the gray of the world. He was full of confusion about the future.

"Who lied to you? Who told you that you need 18000 fruits to achieve the fairy King fruit position? " Gu Feng asked curiously.

"I... I don't know. I forgot. It seems that when I became conscious, I had this concept in my mind."

Hearing the speech, the people looked at each other for a while and said they were speechless. As for whether there are other mysteries, they don't know.

Finally, Gu Feng sighed helplessly and said, "listen to me, it's impossible for you to achieve the position of fairy king by bearing fruit, because no living creature can live so long in this world. If you really want to achieve the fairy King fruit position, you can practice in other ways. You don't have to sit in such silly years. "

"I... I can practice, too?"

Suddenly, the little boy was confused again and was at a loss. He looked east and West, trying to get an accurate answer.

However, he is a spiritual root. Can he really practice like human beings?

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