After so many experiences, the younger generation who followed in really regretted it now. They found that they had become veritable cannon fodder to experiment with the killing array. But it's no use regretting. They actually find that they can't find their way back. There are many space doors in the channel, and each door is almost the same. They didn't carefully depict the mark when they came. It's difficult to go out at the moment.

Finally, after a few more people died, this group of people accompanied you through the passage and met a door of accessible space. They came to a place similar to the ancient wind pit where it rained all over the sky last time. They thought they had come to the demon tomb. After some searching, they finally found a palace door. Under the full attack, the Palace door was opened to reveal the treasure inside.

Some people suddenly went crazy and rushed in, but what was waiting for them was death.

This time and again, the young disciples who came in almost died. In addition to sealing the balance, there are three old people left.

The remaining three elders looked at Feng Tianping at this time, and there was no respect in their eyes. On the contrary, they had a lot of complaints.

Feng Tianping was also helpless. Although he was a famous array master in the Dragon Kingdom, facing the killing array of the demon tomb, he found that he could not detect it, let alone crack it. At this time, there was a trace of regret. He despised the demon tomb.

But at this time, regret is useless, the way back can't be found, and don't dare to step into the door of space. The remaining few people lingered in the space passage and those safer halls. This dazzling time has passed for more than a year.

In more than a year, these people have experienced contempt, excitement, despair and numbness at the moment. After some practice, these people finally decided to set off again. In any case, they would not just stay here. They should try their best to escape.

With all the previous lessons, they are much more cautious now. When they reach the door of space, they will deduce it carefully. Only when they are sure that there is no danger will they step in carefully. When they find it dangerous, they will quit immediately, and they will not easily touch the "baby" inside.

After such a long time, they finally came to a door of space. After a deduction by Feng Tianping, it was determined that it was a safe place, and the four of them finally stepped in.


A few white lights flashed, and they came to an open place. In front of them was a wide river. The river was tumbling and roaring with amazing momentum.

On the river, a group of colorful finches flew back and forth, forming a beautiful colorful finch bridge.

On the other side of the river, there is a towering palace with its doors wide open.

"This... Seems different from other places. Is this... Where the real demon God's tomb is?" An old man shouted excitedly. He got up first and flew towards the other bank of the river. The other two old men refused to fall behind at all. They also saw that this place was different from any place before. It might be the real demon God's tomb.

Only Feng Tianping didn't make any moves. As an array master, he had already seen that this river is unusual and absolutely contains towering killing opportunities.

Soon, his conjecture was verified. As soon as they flew to the middle of the river, they were pulled down by an inexplicable force. After "Putong" for a few times, they sank to the bottom of the river and disappeared.

Feng Tianping's expression was numb and there was no joy or worry. He just said to himself faintly: "the demon God in the past is an outstanding array master. He is thousands of times stronger than I don't know. Only you and other fools don't know."

Then, Feng Tianping jumped up, stepped on the colorful bird bridge, and followed the bird bridge to the other bank of the river. He sneered again: "you deserve to wait for death, but you have a murderous heart for me. I just didn't remind you on purpose."

It can be seen that Feng Tianping has a deep mind and a heavy psychology of revenge.

Very smoothly, Feng Tianping came to the hall without any obstacles. The first thing he saw was the three palace doors, one of which had been opened and the other two were closed.

In this regard, Feng Tianping slightly frowned and said to himself, "let your little fart baby take the lead and win the fortune inside."

Later, he tried his best to bombard the other two palace gates. Unfortunately, with his strength, he still couldn't open any one.

With a sigh in his heart, Feng Tianping began to wander around and look for it. Under this search, he immediately found a ladder, a ladder leading to the second floor.

"Eh? Someone up there? It must be the thief! " Feng Tianping immediately raised his spirits. He immediately realized that the thief who might kill his beloved was right here.

So he took one step towards his own breath.


The old style of wholeheartedly investing in the array opened his eyes and changed his face immediately.

He took out a lot of top-level materials, painted them quickly, and then threw them at the stairway.

Then he saw a familiar figure, who was Feng Tianping, a famous array master in the Dragon kingdom. His apprentice almost killed himself for no reason.

At the moment, Feng Tianping seems to be in a dreamland. In front of him, there is a beautiful picture, blue sky and green water, many fairies flying back and forth, and there is a beautiful seven color rainbow

In the storage room, it is impossible for the ancient wind to set up terrorist killing arrays, but only some simple psychedelic arrays, which have been portrayed before, and only need to be thrown out in a certain way.

I saw that Feng Tianping kept spinning at the entrance of the stairs. Everything about him was exposed to the ancient wind, but it was a pity that he couldn't see the ancient wind.

Seeing Feng Tianping's cold eyes, he said with a sneer, "the only magic array wants to trap me?"

Then, with a wave of his big hand, the dancing fairies disappeared. The scenery in front of him immediately changed. In a moment, he saw the petite figure of the ancient wind and the anxious eyes.

Then the scenery in front of him changed again, and countless demons rushed towards him. This is an ancient wind. In a hurry, they joined some killing arrays. At this time, the ancient style is also hard.

Feng Tianping is a famous array master for many years. His attainments are very high. He can't handle it easily now. The current ancient style can only trap each other for a short time, and then seek other ways to get out.

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