After the reaction, Gu Feng's face changed wildly, and a string in his heart was touched at once.

Sizhou, although it is a very marginal small state, is a very important place for ancient customs, because it is the small state where Shi village is located, that is, Shi Erni's hometown.

He once stayed in Shicun for three years, and the villagers there had already killed him on the spot. At the same time, those people are like relatives of the ancient wind. The ancient wind can't accept the fact that they were killed.

For the ancient wind, it is a sacred land and a warm harbor in his heart. No matter what kind of felling he faces in the outside world, his heart will become quiet when he arrives at Shicun.

Seeing such a strong reaction of the ancient wind, everyone felt a little confused and didn't know why.

The ancestor of Wuhua mountain nodded affirmatively again and said, "Lord, what my subordinates said is Sizhou. The devil is extremely powerful. Even though the landlord of the building in the fog is constantly chasing and killing, it is useless. The devil is more and more fierce. "


When he got the affirmative answer, Gu Feng's face turned white all of a sudden, and even sat down on the ground with a dead heart.

At the same time, LAN bing'er's face changed completely, because she remembered where Sizhou was. How deep the ancient custom is to Shicun, how deep she is. Even their marriage is carried out in Shicun.

"Young Lord, what's the matter with you? Is Sizhou important to you? "

Some people were shocked when they saw the ancient wind sitting on the ground, so they hurried forward to ask.

"Nothing!" Gu Feng waved his hand and got up slowly. Although he said nothing, his face was still pale.

He looked at the old God King Zhong Li and asked, "Sizhou, should it be the territory under the jurisdiction of your Heavenly Sword sect?"

"Yes, Sizhou is the territory of my Heavenly Sword sect. I didn't expect the ancient style sect leader to be so interested." Zhong Li said.

The ancient wind smiled bitterly and said, "now something has happened in Sizhou, and your other two states are in danger. What are you going to do now? I think it's better to move! "

"Migration? Where else can we move? "

This time, Whampoa, one of the three states that were actually robbed, belongs to their great Luomen.

Everyone looked at the old God King of Huangpu. After reacting one by one, they all showed a helpless wry smile.

Yes, where else can we move now? The devil is in China. He can tear open the void and cross one or two small states. Where else can they move?

No matter how they moved, they couldn't stop the fierce devil.

In the hall, for a moment, it was also depressed, and the atmosphere was suffocating.

After looking at each other, the two old gods finally sighed. Zhong Li said to the ancient wind, "Hey, ancient wind patriarch, up to now, we have no way to go, only... We have to open the altar and pray to God to let the real God kill demons and Demons next time!"

Hearing the speech, all the important people in the hall suddenly looked up, and their faces were surprised and suspicious.

"What do you mean?" The old wind asked immediately.

Huangpu sighed and said, "I think the ancient wind patriarch is also very curious, don't you? It is said that those who have won the last throne of heaven will be proud of heaven and earth. But there is a strange phenomenon. Those heavenly kings and divas have not been seen in the world! "

"Yes, Daniel, I've been wondering this question. Those heavenly kings and empresses are not the Wizards of heaven and earth. Their achievements are far from being just true gods or divine kings, but they can't be found in Kyushu mainland. It's very strange. "

"Hey!" Zhong Li also sighed and then said, "yes, the heavenly kings and divas born in previous conferences are all smart wizards in Zhong heaven and earth. In addition, with the luck of Kyushu, they should have been proud of the whole Kyushu and made the world cold. But they have already left. Every time the queen of heaven, soon after she won the final championship, she was directly led by heaven. "

"Doesn't it mean that as early as 3000 years ago, the two circles completely cut off contacts? How can those people get to the upper boundary? " Gu Feng asked with a frown. What he wants most at the moment is to lead the whole Kyushu to escape.

Now in Kyushu mainland, demons are everywhere, which is simply a purgatory cage. If you can't leave completely, you will always be in danger and panic all day.

The old God King Zhong Li sighed and said, "yes, the two circles did cut off the channel 3000 years ago. However, at some specific times, using special methods, we can barely open a channel after paying a great price. Calculate the time, and it's time for a specific time. "

"In other words, now we have a way to contact the previous session, and they can send people to subdue demons and demons?"

At this moment, people seemed to see hope, and their eyes were shining.

Earlier, Mu Qingqing advised Gu Feng to find a way to leave Kyushu. However, Gu Feng has been too busy recently. Where is the time to find the way to leave?

"Yes, the king conferring meeting has just ended. If we pray to God and tell the situation of Kyushu, maybe god can send God to save us." Zhong Li said.

However, the ancient wind immediately frowned and asked, "who is the 'heaven' in your mouth? Is it really God? Who is the heaven you pray for on the throne? Who is it that brought down the thunder robbery? "

"This..." when asked by the ancient wind, the two old gods were also stunned. Then they reacted and said: "it should not be the real God, but the master above. When we put down the altar, we should actually be the master of the upper world of prayer, not the real God. "

"Ha ha!" Gu Feng sneered and said, "that is to say, the thunder robbed the world that day, which is actually the work of someone above? He is really the master. He doesn't pay any attention to all sentient beings. In this way, even if we pray to them, it may not cost us a great price to save us? "

"What the young Lord said is very true. I hate such masters most. If I have that strength, I have to crush them."

"What's more, why didn't they recognize my heavenly king status last time? Even if you refuse to admit it, why do you have to lower the looting in the end? Why can you communicate with the upper bound? Was it not the man they sent? "

Old cow's several sharp questions lit up the eyes of the people on the spot. They looked at the two old gods one by one and looked forward to their answers.

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