After that, the ancient wind lifted the lid of the coffin, then bowed deeply to the heart inside again, and then held the heart that was no longer beating at that moment with both hands.

Then, the ancient wind squeezed it hard towards the heart, and the huge heart suddenly turned into a little streamer, all of which went into the ancient wind's mind. For a moment, there was a lot of information in Gu Feng's mind, which was all about the whole demon tomb.

"It's time to end. The demon God's obsession has disappeared. Let all this turn into smoke!"

As the voice of the ancient wind fell, a loud rumble began.

This is where countless places are collapsing and the noise is shaking the sky.

If you are high in the boundless mountains at this time, you can clearly see that most parts of the whole mountains are collapsing crazily and covered with dust.

The consequences caused by the crazy collapse of these places are even more serious. The whole immeasurable mountains are like a shocking earthquake. The dust sweeps through the sky and startles all directions!

Dust swept the sky, and countless monsters began to be restless and crazy. Countless monsters rushed madly beyond the mountains. Invisible, another wave of more crazy animal tide formed and swept away directly at the immeasurable sect.

Many disciples who are training in the mountains bear the brunt of being inundated by monsters. Countless armies of monsters swept away towards wuliangzong, and a shocking catastrophe was formed in an instant.

The ancient wind of the demon God's tomb in the depths is still quietly experiencing all the changes in front of you with your eyes closed at the moment.

The demon God's tomb collapsed, but this palace was shrinking rapidly, and finally turned into a palm size, which was controlled by the ancient wind.

The scenery in front of us suddenly changed, and the ancient wind appeared in the boundless mountains. Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Feng was surprised that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time. He was stunned for a long time before he realized that all this was caused by himself, and suddenly burst into a cold sweat.

I can't care so much. The ancient wind flies in the direction of wuliangzong at a high speed. It has been nearly two years since he came out this time. At the moment, he is seven years old. He has grown a lot taller, and his face also shows a little taste of maturity.

"It has been nearly two years since I went out, and I don't know whether the ten-year Qunying meeting in the Dragon Kingdom has begun. It's said that my father was one of the eight dragon heroes of the last year. Although I'm not strong enough to rank among the eight dragon heroes, I also want to go to the imperial city to show my face and inquire about my parents by the way. " The ancient wind said to himself, afraid of missing the event, flying in the direction of wuliangzong.

Along the way, the ancient wind saw all the changes in the boundless mountains, the earth collapsed everywhere, the dust was everywhere, and countless monsters fled in panic.

The ancient wind's forehead lay down a cold sweat again, secretly saying that he was a troublemaker. In order to deal with Feng Tianping, he destroyed the whole Wuliang Mountain.

Countless peaks and mountains are collapsing, huge rocks weighing up to 10000 yuan are rolling down, the earth is cracking, mountains and rivers are collapsing... The whole immeasurable mountains seem to have suffered a great disaster from heaven and earth, and can't bear to look straight at them.

Just when the ancient wind sighed in his heart, suddenly a group of big demons flew high into the air at high speed, blocking the way of the ancient wind.

Looking around, the heart of the ancient wind suddenly "clattered". This group of big demons blocking themselves is no other than a group of big demons familiar with the ancient style. The first is the mother of the little fox and the old mother of the spirit fox.

In the arms of Linghu's mother, she held a little fox who was white and without a trace of miscellaneous hair. It was the one saved by the ancient wind that day. It is said that this is a congenital spirit. If you take this little fox to make medicine, you can not only greatly increase the life of monks, but also break through the existing shackles of cultivation and embark on a higher field of martial arts.

Linghu's mother was followed by a group of big demons, including the golden roc bird who had chased and killed the ancient wind, and the God ape King Kong who was comparable to a small mountain.

However, the eyes of this group of big demons staring at the ancient wind were strange, puzzled and awed.

When everyone was in a stalemate, the little fox in Linghu's mother's arms "squeaked" a few times, suddenly rushed into the arms of the ancient wind, and kept arching the ancient wind's chest with its head like a kitten, which seemed very intimate.

The embarrassing situation was broken. The ancient wind caressed the head of the little fox, smiled at the old mother Linghu and a group of big demons, and said, "ah... Aunt! I wonder why you stopped me? "

"Who is your aunt? Don't get involved with us! " Linghu's mother looked very cold. She spoke coldly and had no human feelings.

"..." the old style was so boring that he had to show a bitter smile.

"Then... Why did you stop me?" The ancient wind still dared to ask.

After staring at the ancient wind for a long time, Linghu's mother asked, "are you... From the demon tomb?"

"Good!" Gu Feng answered honestly.

"So... You got the inheritance of demon God?"

"This..." Gu Feng was a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a long time without opening his mouth. He scratched his head with a small hand and finally said, "it seems... It seems that he has got a drop of real blood from the demon God!"


After hearing this, a group of big demons trembled, buzzing in their brains, and looked extremely complex. After a long time, I saw Linghu's mother say, "no wonder... No wonder you have the breath of the demon God. It turns out... It turns out that you have part of the blood of the demon God."

When saying these words, the eyes of Linghu's mother were particularly complex. They, the Linghu family, have been ordered by their ancestors to wait here for generations. If the descendants of demon gods appear, they should be regarded as new masters.

But now... The person who has been inherited by the demon God is only a child of a few years old, and they are weak and pitiful in their eyes. It was awkward for them to willingly submit to such a little master.

After hesitating for a long time, Linghu's mother took the little fox in Gufeng's arms and didn't intend to follow the ancient style. She just said lightly: "go, we won't hurt you! Before the strength is strong, it's best... It's best not to enter the boundless mountains. "

Gu Feng was bewildered by the other party. He didn't know the mind of this group of big demons. He didn't embarrass himself only when the group of big demons were thinking about his friendship with the little fox.

So, Gu Feng smiled and bowed, and he planned to leave.

But when Gu Feng just wanted to go, he saw Linghu's mother suddenly shouted, "wait a minute! Your strength is very weak. There are countless powerful monsters in the mountains. It's very dangerous. I think Xiao Jin should give you a ride! "

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