The atmosphere at the scene was dignified. Gu Feng and Lu Xingjun, who held the baby high, faced off and couldn't stand still.

Wu Xuening is hated by the ancient wind. He has made up his mind to kill him today. But his own son was in the hands of Lu Xingjun, so he had to throw a mouse in his mouth.

But the old style is still the old style after all. Although others control the child's life and death, he still doesn't lose his domineering style. Even under the situation of this confrontation, Gu Feng gave Wu Xuening a big slap with his backhand, and even called him a pig's head.

However, this move of the ancient style completely annoyed Lu Xingjun. He shot in an instant, and a great power shrouded the baby in his hand.

And said loudly, "ancient wind, it seems that you really don't want your own child? In that case, let's burn both jade and stone! "

"Oh, no!"

This scene completely frightened Zhong Yun in the arms of the ancient wind. She screamed and begged and almost fainted.

She crazily shook Gufeng's arm and begged: "Gufeng, Gufeng, please, save our children. That's not only my son, but also your son. Please give them something in exchange for our son. Sobbing... "

The baby was oppressed by Lu Xingjun. Not only Zhong Yun couldn't stand it, but even Gu Feng himself was so angry that he trembled all over and his face was blue.

He first gently comforted Zhong Yun in his arms, then straightened his eyes and said, "Mr. Lu, please stop. I'm willing to exchange with you with the divine tree of heaven!"

No way, even though the ancient wind has the fierce name of demon star, but at this time, someone has caught the gate of life. He had to compromise for his son.

After the ancient style compromised, Lu Xingjun really stopped his action.

As soon as he removed his divine power, he heard the baby in his hand cry loudly.

Obviously, it was suffocated just now. So small, he was oppressed by the divine power, and he was still safe. This is indeed a big life.

"Son, my son, my miserable son!"

Seeing his son crying so loudly, Zhong Yun's heart in the arms of the ancient wind was almost broken. She struggled to get her son back, but she was hugged by the ancient wind.

Zhong Yun is not the only one with a broken heart. Since the child entered the hall, the ancient wind had a feeling of blood connection. At this time, he was heartbroken to see that his son had been treated like this.

"Here are the saplings, and my son will give them back to me!"

The ancient wind didn't have any redundant nonsense and took out the saplings directly. Then he said again, "I can give you the saplings first, but please ensure that my child returns to me safely. If there is any difference, I will fight for the danger of the collapse of Kyushu and will certainly chase you."

After that, Gu Feng threw the saplings directly to Lu Xingjun.

After getting the saplings, the other party first determined the authenticity, and then became ecstatic.

"Ha ha, it's really a divine tree of heaven. Unexpectedly, it finally fell into my hands!"

Lu Xingjun, who got the sapling, was ecstatic, so he was ready to fulfill his promise and return the baby to Gu Feng.

But just then, another gloomy voice sounded: "slow down, young master Lu, are you satisfied with just one sapling? You should know that he is the ancient style and the master of Kyushu mainland. The treasure in his hand, that can't be measured! "

According to the reputation, the ancient wind found that the speaker was mingxiaoyou.

On the spot, Gu Feng was angry, and his eyes were sharp, as if he could penetrate people.

Hate, raging anger. Seeing that his son was about to return to his arms, he didn't want to make trouble again.

Sure enough, after Lu Xingjun woke up, he really didn't return the baby to Gufeng in such a hurry.

But changed a surprised expression and asked, "brother Ming, I don't know what treasure he has in his hand. Can you see it?"

"Hey, hey!" Ming Xiaoyou smiled and began to revolve around the ancient wind. Then he said, "Kung Fu is the foundation of his body!"

"Huh? What kind of skill? How dare you let brother Ming think about it? "

As soon as Ming Xiaoyou wants to blackmail the skill, Lu Xingjun and Gao Min lose interest.

They come from the top power in the upper world. Do you want any skill? Can the cultivation method bred in this broken place of the lower boundary still go against the sky?

Seeing that they were not interested, mingxiaoyou immediately laughed and said, "ha ha, I say you two brothers, don't look down upon them. I'm sure that not only you will like his skill, but also your whole family will cherish it, and even cause a war in the divine world. "

"Does he really have such a mysterious skill?"

Immediately, they were intrigued. Gao Min hurriedly asked, "tell me quickly, what kind of skill is it?"

Kung Fu is really very important for monks. A good Kung Fu can even open up a foundation for ten thousand years.

Some big sects usually have their own unique skills of town school. In the world of monks, there are often wars or even exterminations caused by Kung Fu.

But in the upper world, they come from the top power. It's really hard to get into their eyes with the most top-level skills and ordinary things.

Facing the two people's urgent questions, the Ming Xiaoyou smiled again and said, "I just said that the skill is the foundation of his life. It's not only his foundation, but also the foundation that has always been taboo to demon stars... "

"You... You mean the swallow heaven Sutra?"

Instantly, they changed color, even when they took a breath.

Seeing that Ming Xiaoyou laughed on the spot, "ha ha, what else can I see? Yes, I'm talking about swallowing the Sutra! If we get this sutra and study it with each other, we will not be proud of the sky in the future? "


When they heard the speech, they took another breath and felt their backs wet.

They immediately made the pros and cons, gains and losses, and made the corresponding analysis.

As long as they succeed, they can practice Kung Fu immediately.

But the world tree is different. It will take at least tens of thousands of years for it to grow completely.

At the same time, the world tree, which must be handed in, cannot be owned by themselves. But the skill is different. They can hide or even hide to practice.

Comprehensive analysis shows that the book of swallowing heaven is much more practical than the world tree. If you want to choose one from the other, even a fool will choose the book of swallowing heaven.

After realizing this truth, the three people looked at the ancient style together. Lu Xingjun immediately shouted, "demon, hand over the Scriptures quickly!"

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