Two wives were arranged. The ancient wind really left this time. In order to avoid being retained by the villagers, the ancient wind didn't even go to say goodbye.

To tell the truth, the life in Shicun makes the ancient style very comfortable. If he can, he really doesn't want to leave.

Only here can he really stay away from the disturbance, forget the world, completely be himself, and enjoy the real freedom and freedom.

However, he knows that it is impossible that such freedom does not belong to him at all. Now he is not qualified to enjoy freedom.

He founded wuliangzong, and hundreds of thousands of disciples and disciples need him to guard. At the same time, his boundless sect is also the most grand and brilliant sect gate in the whole Kyushu. Of course, he provoked the important task of guarding the whole Kyushu.

Nowadays, fierce demons are rampant in various states, coupled with the wanton plundering of heavenly demons and the invasion of the underworld... These are the problems he is unwilling to face, but he has to face.

Mu Qingqing, who was a childhood sweetheart with him, fell into the underworld and didn't know whether he was alive or dead; Nalanjing, who had guarded him wholeheartedly for many years, fell into the mouth of the Cangzhou devil. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead

All these did not let him have the slightest leisure and slack.

He needed to find a way out for the people of Kyushu, but the patrol envoys sent by the upper world were so unreliable. Several times made him frustrated and even desperate.

With a deep feeling, the ancient wind directly crushed the rune and returned to wuliangzong. As soon as he came back, he found something wrong. Today's wuliangzong has reached an unprecedented peak of excitement. There are a large number of people, and the twelve peaks are full of people... Not only that, but also the whole Tongtian mountain range where wuliangzong is located is full of people - continuous, no less than 100 million!

Seeing such a scene, Gu Feng was stunned at that time. After asking the reason carefully, he learned that these people had come to take refuge.

The fundamental reason why hundreds of millions of monks have come to seek refuge lies in various threats.

Gu Feng went straight back to Tianjue peak. Although countless people came to take refuge and occupied the whole wuliangzong and Tongtian mountains, no one dared to come to his Tianjue peak.

The 19 demon kings and Zhong Li Huangpu, who had already taken refuge, had all left the customs. At this time, everyone gathered together and anxiously turned around in the Wuhua hall.

"What should I do! Do we really have no way to live in Kyushu? "

Zhong Li, the old God King, looked up at the sky and cried sadly, looking loveless.

"What happened in Kyushu? Why did those people come early or late? At this time, they all gathered?" Gu Feng asked with a frown.

"Young Lord, these people are also forced. Today, most parts of China have been occupied and completely turned into dead areas. These people also have to come to our wuliangzong for refuge." Manniu was also distressed and felt that the world was completely hopeless.

Before the ancient wind continued to ask questions, the fire crow king also began to complain: "young Lord, I don't know why, the demons of various states, the demons of Qingzhou, and the underground army broke through the border and killed China at the same time. All small border states at the border with various States have been completely occupied. Eighteen small states, now, only our sphere of influence has not been affected. Therefore, these people, as a last resort, gathered together with us to pray for protection. "

"What? All... All invaded the boundary? "

This time, Gu Feng was completely pale. He sat powerlessly in his chair and felt that the whole sky was gray.

"Well... Then why don't the demons of the States kill them directly? And keep our boundless territory? "

"This... We don't know. Maybe... Maybe we can't fight, so we all have a tacit understanding. No one is willing to start first! "

Many demon kings can't tell why, but they can only answer vaguely. Even they think this answer is too unsatisfactory.

However, the old God King Zhong Li shook his head at this time and said, "no, no, just now all Taoist friends are only half right. In fact, more accurately, they are fighting for the ownership of the ancient wind patriarch. Otherwise, the land we have left will be flattened by them early in the morning. "

"Huh?" Zhong Li's words attracted everyone's attention on the spot.

On the spot, Gu Feng asked, "master Zhong Li, do you mean these people are coming for me?"

"What do you think? If it wasn't for the ancient wind sect leader, who would it be for? "

The old God King of Huangpu also spoke at this time. Looking at their looks, Gu Feng guessed that they must know a lot of inside stories.

"Hum, old man, are you tired of living? How dare you put all the responsibility on my young master. Do you want everyone in the world to hate our little Lord? "

As soon as the old God King's voice fell, those demon kings were unhappy. They widened their eyes and were angry.

However, the two old gods did not show any fear. In the face of the anger of the people, they were still tough and said, "even if you kill us, we also say this, because this is the truth."

"In the world, there have always been rumors that demon stars appear, taboos appear, and heaven and earth are doomed. But our ancient style is less than the Lord, but unfortunately, it is the taboo person who should be robbed. The gathering of these demons has only one purpose, that is to firmly grasp the ancient style patriarch in his hands. "

"Ha ha, there is indeed a little truth in the words of the two elders, but when it comes to this, I have to refute you again. As you said, they all came for me. Since they want me so much, why did Cangzhou devil throw me back earlier? "

Gu Feng laughed and disagreed with the words of the two old God kings.

He clearly remembered that when he was in Cangzhou that day, he and Jing fell into the hands of the devil. It was the devil who threw him back to China.

"What the ancient wind patriarch said is also reasonable, but at this time, at that time. At the beginning, the Cangzhou devil threw you back because there were no other competitors at that time. He wanted you to grow up again. When you are completely strong, he will catch you again. But now, although you haven't completely grown up, the demons of all parties have emerged. They have to come and compete for you again. "

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