Brandon was very angry. He tried his best to explain so much, but these people were still clamoring to kill them. Isn't this nonsense?

Although they did have a sense of superiority and tried to rob the divine tree of heaven, they did not forget their responsibilities. They tried their best to explore the enemy's situation for Kyushu, and reported the truth to the above, but this group of barbarians were all clamoring to kill themselves. They were really angry.

Brandon's indignation really made the ancient style more rational. After careful analysis, he finally ordered: "suppress it for me first. If the upper world doesn't send the gods to remove the demons within three days, it will not be spared."


The demon king was ordered to cast spells immediately, and heavy prohibitions were imposed on the two women. In the end, Mo said she ran away. The two women couldn't even speak. They had to stare angrily at the ancient wind.

Today, the two old gods have been watching coldly what Gu Feng did. Even if Gu Feng just threatened to kill two women, they were not moved at all.

In the past, they always worried that if something happened to the two women, the whole Kyushu would get in. But now it's different. The whole Kyushu is about to collapse, and they don't care.

For the above practices, their anger is difficult to calm. There is an ancient wind to suppress the upper arrogance, and they can't wait for it.

After the two women were completely suppressed, Gu Feng sat powerlessly on the golden Luan chair. As long as he thought of the current situation, he felt a big head.

Seeing that the ancient wind was so stressful, no one dared to disturb it for a moment.

It was not until a long time later that the bull dared to come forward and said, "young Lord, now our whole mountain range is full of monks to avoid disaster. At this time, the outside is in chaos. Should we go out to appease? So many people gather here. If we don't control them, there will be trouble. "

Smelling the speech, Gu Feng opened his eyes, thought about it a little, and nodded and agreed.

So, accompanied by nineteen demon kings and two old God kings, he went out of the Wuhua hall and left Tianjue peak.

As soon as he walked out of Tianjue peak, the ancient wind frowned unconsciously, because there were too many people who came to wuliangzong to take refuge, which was a headache.

People are close to each other, crowded with people, crowded with people, and can't see the edge.

Almost all those who have the ability to come here have come. Only those mortals who are weak or do not know how to practice remain in their original places, either dead or waiting to die!

At this time, the scene was very chaotic, and monks of all levels gathered here. Some people with strong cultivation are gathered in the middle of the central square, and no one dares to approach.

Secondly, there are those who are less powerful. Everyone wants to squeeze into the middle. There are riots and even big fights from time to time.

It seems that in the eyes of these people, the closer it is to Tianjue peak, the safer it is, so they don't want to squeeze towards the center of the square.

This is the internal situation of wuliangzong. In contrast, the outside of wuliangzong is not calm. Countless people want to squeeze into wuliangzong. At this time, the huge mountain gate has been crowded and ruined.

"Let these people stop crowding, or they will be killed!"

The old wind raised his eyebrows when he ordered. These people came to avoid trouble, but they almost didn't tear down the whole door of his family. It's really irritating.

Now is an extraordinary time. So many monks have gathered here. If they want to suppress the scene, they must have thunder means.

Today, there are hundreds of millions of people gathered here. The whole mountain range is out of sight. It is full of heads. In the middle of the sky, there are layers of monks floating, which is a wonder of the century.

The ancient wind gave strict orders, and more than a dozen demon kings took orders immediately and roared one after another. After a while, countless monks fell like dumplings.

People crush people, layer after layer. Endless pain wailed. No one could resist the roar of many demon kings, including those true gods.

Seeing the effect of his roar, he shouted: "listen, this is the ancient style of the leader of our Wuliang sect. Our Lord is generous and allows you to take refuge, but you must abide by the order here. If anyone dares to crowd and make trouble again, he will be killed! "

Not to mention, after this roar, it really calmed the scene.

Although they were all shocked to the ground at once, they were not hurt and soon turned over one by one.

"The ancient wind patriarch is here. If you want to live, don't you hurry to pay homage?"

Seeing that the people were still stupid, the bull roared again and startled the people on the spot.

"That's... that's the ancient wind patriarch. I... I'm lucky to have seen his portrait. It's undoubtedly him. This is our ancient style of the king of the blue sky. It is our Savior. "

A real God roared excitedly. He was very excited. Seeing the ancient wind, they seemed to see the Savior.

"It's the ancient wind patriarch. It's our king of Kyushu. He... He came out to save us! "

Many people are excited at this time, and even many people cry directly.

Then, under the leadership of many true gods, endless people began to kneel and worship piously.

Although most people's knees could not touch the ground due to the environment, they also made a kneeling posture in the void.

After continuous kowtowing, the crowd immediately cried for help and howled everywhere, breaking people's heart.

Hundreds of millions of monks are either crying or kowtowing at this time, which is really spectacular.

Although this is a rare spectacle. So many people kowtow to themselves. It is reasonable to say that the ancient style should feel floating, but his heart is just the opposite.

At this time, in the face of so many helpless people, his heart was very painful, painful and heartbroken.

There are thousands of true gods and tens of thousands of false gods among these people. These people are usually the Lord above, overlooking all sentient beings, but now, in order to live, they have to bow to the ancient wind.

Forced to press down the grief in his heart, Gu Feng raised his hand slightly and shouted at the endless crowd: "enough, I know your situation. Since you respect me as king and pay homage to me, I have an ancient style and have the obligation to protect you. Now, I'll give you a promise. With my ancient style, there will be you. I will never give up any of you. "

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