After learning that his girl was not in danger for the time being, the purple Xu Da Sheng's face finally looked better. The anger that should have been suppressed by him for the time being, because as a great saint, he deeply knows that anger will only make him lose his mind.

On the other side, another great saint from the lower world was not so calm. This was the elder from Xingchen Pavilion. He slightly hugged Zixu great saint and said, "brother, this is not a good thing. Although linger's girl is not dangerous now, it doesn't mean there will be no danger in the future. We could have leisurely watched those demons fight with each other. Now, in order to rescue miss ling'er, we have to fight with those demons head-on. "

"What does brother xingyuzi mean? Isn't it our purpose to subdue demons and eliminate demons? Even if the girl in my family doesn't fall into the hands of the devil, we should continue to eliminate the devil. These demons are taboo demons suppressed in ancient times. At this time, they just got out of trouble, which is the best time to kill them. If you miss this opportunity, who can check and balance once those demons completely reply? There is no more Emperor Yu between heaven and earth. "

At the end of the last era, the stars were shining on the 10th, and the nine demons were bringing disaster to the heavens. It was Emperor Dayu who stood up and fought against the nine evil demons that finally turned into nine and suppressed these demons in the land of Kyushu.

But now, the nine demons are born again. Where is the great Yu emperor? If you don't take advantage of the nine demons and cut them off before they recover their vitality, won't the universe have to experience a great disaster?

"Brother Zixu is also right. Those demons have just got out of trouble. It's really the best time to kill them. But... After all, our strength is still limited. We're afraid we can't match it. "

Another great saint also spoke. This is the famous guest from Gaole mountain, that is, the force behind Gao min.

I saw purple Xu Da Sheng's eyebrows frown slightly and asked on the spot, "I don't know what senior Gao jaw thinks?"

"I want to sit back and watch the parties fight. Just wait until they exhaust each other, and we'll wait for the opportunity to move. We'll succeed."

Xingyuzi from Xingchen Pavilion and Gao Jiada Sheng from gaoleshan all agreed to stand still first, which made Zixu Da Sheng frown again.

Not afraid of others, he is afraid that over time, not only his precious pearl is easy to be in danger, but also the strength of those demons may be enhanced. If he wants to eliminate demons at that time, it will be suspended.

But in the end, Zixu couldn't insist any more. He didn't speak. Even though he was reluctant, he still acquiesced to this practice. If you can wait until those demons kill each other and consume each other, it's the best. I'm afraid of long dreams.

This topic came to an end for the time being. Lu Xingjun pointed to Manniu and others again and said in front of his great sage: "Grandpa, please preside over justice for us. These people are really cowardly. As patrol envoys, we did our best to save their Kyushu, but they often wanted to get rid of us. If it weren't for our wit, I can't reply to you for a long time. "

"Huh? What's going on? "

On the spot, the three saints frowned and stared at the demon kings and Zhong Li below.

Gao Min opened his mouth and said, "three great saints, brother Lu's words are true. The king elder who followed us died in their hands. Originally, these servants didn't have the ability to kill the king elder, but they lied that they had great fortune and directly introduced the king elder into the Jedi. Many people joined hands to kill the king elder. Thanks to our tact, otherwise we will die in the heartbroken valley that day. "

At the mention of this, the two young people were still angry. If they hadn't had a strong broken virtual talisman in their hands that day, they would have died in the hands of barbarians and others.

The three great saints changed color one by one as soon as they heard of such things.

The xingyuzi immediately burst out and drank: "presumptuous, you dogs, how dare you do this? Kill my messenger of the upper world, and his crime should be punished! Is that true? Not telling the truth? "

When xingyuzi shouted angrily, the people below coughed up blood again and again, and their faces showed despair.

In the face of such oppression and coercion, Huangpu Gao stood up at the critical moment.

He withstood the overwhelming pressure, straightened up and responded loudly: "great saint, please allow me to report truthfully. It is true that the inspector made the king's elder die in our hands, but he deserved it. The elder Wang and these two CHILDES were supposed to shoulder the heavy task of inspecting the enemy's situation, but after their next term, they not only failed to fulfill their duties and obligations, but wantonly played with the female disciples of our sect. Many people died miserably in their hands. You also know that our patriarch is old-fashioned, young and vigorous. How can he sit back and watch this happen in front of his eyes? Therefore, there is a later conflict. Please also invite the three great saints to learn from each other. "

Neither Lu Xingjun nor Zhong Li Huangpu and many demon kings mentioned the world tree and swallowing the Scripture.

Everyone has a tacit understanding. Once the matter is pulled out, the baby will not be guaranteed and can only fall into the hands of the three saints. At that time, it was almost impossible for Lu Xingjun and wuliangzong to get the baby back.

After listening to Huangpu Gao's report, Zixu Da Sheng's face became ugly immediately. Then he glanced at the two young people with extremely contemptuous eyes and didn't care about things here anymore.

On the other side, the great saints xingyuzi and gaojaw great saints from Xingchen Pavilion don't look very good. The xingyuzi was even more directly angry and shouted: "recklessly, you played with some women who are not worth money and as cheap as dogs. Are you going to kill my messenger? I hardly pay attention to my whole divine world. You are looking for death! "

After that, the xingyuzi directly slapped the Huangpu with a bus palm.

Before the palm arrived, its prestige fell down first, and directly locked the Huangpu high firmly in place.

It was only a short moment, and there was a loud bang at the scene.

In this loud noise, the old God King of Huangpu was completely killed. Facing the angry blow of the great saint, he couldn't escape at all, and he couldn't resist it. He had to stay where he was and die.

Endless colorful colors floated up, and the old God King of Huangpu completely disappeared and died in the hands of his Savior.


In an instant, the people roared, staring at each other and bleeding.

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