"Ha ha! Little guys, I'm back again! I haven't seen you for two years. How are you? " When I saw my old friend again, I felt very happy and kind.

"Thank you for your concern. After you left, we lived up to our expectations and were all successfully promoted to become internal disciples." Zhu Dahai cried, looking very excited.

"Good, good!" Gu Feng was also very happy and said three good words in a row.

"Eh? Isn't this a runny baby? Why are you changed now? I can't recognize it. It seems that you don't have a runny nose anymore? Your pants suddenly seem to fit. " Gu Feng stared at the flattering slug baby next to him and joked, which immediately attracted a group of people to laugh.

He was deeply impressed by this man. Although he had a runny nose and his pants always fell down, this guy was very tough and never convinced people easily. In order to convince this guy to himself, the ancient wind didn't clean him up.

The runny nose baby was teased by the ancient wind. At that time, her little face was red. It took a long time to say shyly, "it was all a child's thing. You even mentioned it!"

"Ha ha!"

Gathering old friends is always a pleasant thing, especially those who have played together since childhood.

After a happy gathering, the crowd soon fell down. Zhu Dahai said, "boss, yesterday's animal tide hit. We... Have a partner unfortunately... Died!"

"What? Who is it? Who died in the hands of the monster? " Gu Feng was worried when he heard this. Although he came to wuliangzong and didn't spend a lot of time with these people, they had feelings that were hard to give up, just like brothers. Suddenly hearing such bad news, Gu Feng trembled all over and was a little difficult to accept.

"Our friends, after a big disaster yesterday, five people died, including Zhang Wuliu, the son of landlord Zhang's family, two dogs, and a man in our city master's mansion..." Zhu Dahai said here, his eyes moist. The dead people have been living with them day and night in recent years, and their feelings have been incomparably deep.

"Unexpectedly, Zhang Wuliu is also dead!" The ancient wind whispered silently and let him embark on the road of cultivation. Zhang Wuliu is an indispensable figure. On that day, the ancient wind would cultivate Qi so ruthlessly after eating explosive losses under Zhang Wuliu's hands.

"Young master may sixth is very brave. His cultivation is the highest among us. He withstood most of the attacks when the monster attacked yesterday, which saved us, but he himself died!" The runny nose baby opened his mouth, wiped a handful of tears, looked very sad, and continued: "Er Gouzi had the deepest feelings with young master 56. Seeing that young master 56 was killed, he rushed up regardless of everything. As a result..."

After hearing this, Gu Feng was also very sad. He didn't expect that such a son of a landlord family should also be brave at the critical moment. He was independent and had to protect his brother even if he died.

He patted on ER Gouzi's shoulder, and the old wind said, "it's all over, don't think too much..."

He really didn't know how to comfort people. In fact, he felt worse than these people. In the final analysis, the reason why wuliangzong suffered such a disaster is still for its own sake.

If you hadn't destroyed the demon God's tomb, the boundless mountains would not collapse, and those crazy monsters would not attack the boundless sect

Gu Feng left and felt very uncomfortable. He silently returned to his place of cultivation.

Before leaving, Zhu Dahai told Gu Feng something. He returned to Dali city some time ago. The city master Mu Wanlong missed Gu Feng very much and asked Gu Feng to go back.

"It's three or four years since I left. It's time to go back and see Uncle mu. For several years, I don't know how sister Qing is? " The old wind said to himself and decided to take time to go back.

The demon God's tomb was destroyed by the ancient wind, and the immeasurable mountains collapsed in one day. This news swept the Dragon Kingdom like the wind. Countless people flocked here and regarded the immeasurable mountains as a place to explore treasures.

Even many disciples of wuliangzong have entered the depths of the mountains to explore. Although they will face many dangers, they can't resist the temptation of the demon tomb.

In fact, where are there any demon Tombs? The whole demon tomb, except for the hall mastered by the ancient wind, is full of powerful killing array. The so-called baby is also owned by the ancient style alone. No matter how many people go in, they are destined to get nothing.

I have been practicing in Qingfengling for three consecutive days. The ancient wind set out early in the morning. It has been more than three years since I left Dali city. It's time to go back and have a look.

Dali City, after several years of recovery, has recovered its vitality, the damaged houses have been rebuilt, and the people in the city have regained their vitality in the past. There was a lot of traffic, and there was a constant call to buy and sell.

Seeing the familiar faces with some strange faces, the ancient style has mixed feelings. He wanted to shout those lovely villagers, but he didn't dare to open his mouth. In the final analysis, the reason why Dali city had a big robbery a few years ago was the small Ding in his arms. Gao Hao wanted to seize the Ding and did not hesitate to besiege the city, causing countless killings and robberies. He was ashamed and dared not face these people like his relatives.

Nowadays, the old style has grown a lot taller, and his appearance has changed greatly. It is difficult for ordinary people to recognize him at the first sight. Therefore, the ancient wind came to the gate of the city master's house very easily.

"Stop, no one outside the city Lord's residence can step in at will!" As soon as he came to the gate of the mansion, Gu Feng was stopped by a guard.

The old wind pulled the long hair that had covered most of his face, showed his iconic smile, and said to the guard at the door, "why, big orange, I can't even recognize it?"

"Are you... Gu... Gu Feng young master?" The guard called big orange opened his mouth in surprise on the spot and didn't speak quickly.

"Hehe, this is not the place to talk. Uncle Mu is in the mansion?" The ancient wind stepped forward and didn't want to stay here more. He didn't want to be known about his return to Dali.

"Yes, I'll take master Gu Feng in now!" Then big orange led the way. He also knew the particularity of the ancient style. He was afraid of causing some big trouble because of his negligence.

Under the leadership of big orange, the ancient wind came to the inner courtyard. Still a long distance away, the ancient wind saw a man on the lounge chair in the hospital, swinging leisurely around with his eyes closed.

The ancient wind recognized it at a glance. This is mu Wanlong, the master of Dali city. At this time, although Mu Wanlong closed his eyes and swayed leisurely, he looked extremely enjoyable, but the ancient wind with sharp eyes was immediately found. At this time, Mu Wanlong had many wrinkles on his face, and his temples were gray

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