His purpose is very clear. He wants to find a piece of floating earth in the sky and see if he can find the small world of the demon family on those floating earth.

However, the vast space is empty and lonely. Where is he going to find it?

Looking for a needle in a haystack is not enough to reflect this open gap.

After searching for two days and two nights, Gufeng finally found a floating continent. When he ran excitedly, he returned disappointed.

After two days of searching, the land found is only a small broken piece. It is impossible to determine whether it belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, let alone the limitless mountains.

At the same time, he released his divine consciousness and carefully explored every inch of land. There were no spatial nodes and no signs of life.

"Father, mother, where are you?"

The old wind of physical and mental fatigue roared up at the boundless stars. At this time, he only felt bursts of heart fatigue.

"Look again!"

After a burst of sadness and despair, the ancient wind revived his spirit and continued to rush towards the vast void, vowing to find his relatives.

Three more days later, the ancient wind found a larger continental plate again. He ran excitedly to explore and confirm.

However, this time he didn't need to search with divine knowledge at all, and he was already discouraged, because he had found the ruins of the heavenly king's holy courtyard on this continent.

In other words, this continent belongs to the Longshan Empire, not to the Dragon Kingdom at all, let alone the limitless mountains.

Despair arises again.

However, the ancient style still has no intention to give up. This is not how firm his will is, but that he dare not and cannot give up.

It was five consecutive days of searching, but the ancient wind never encountered a floating continent again. He met some debris.

The more he searched, the more desperate he became, and even in the end he didn't want to move. He opened his arms and let himself float aimlessly in space, without direction or purpose.

At this moment, he felt very tired and even wanted to rest in peace and never pay attention to those distractions.

Floating like this, the ancient wind was calm and aimless. He lost his concept of time and didn't know how long he had been floating.

Suddenly one day, I had completely planned to give up the old style of life, but I felt a tight heart, and a strong crisis came to my heart.

Subconsciously, he opened his eyes and quickly stepped aside.

I saw a strong golden light passing by. If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been robbed just now.

Looking up, Gu Feng was frightened because he saw several people running towards him from a distance.

They were in a hurry, with messy clothes and blood all over, and their appearance was extremely embarrassed.

This is not the key to the ancient style shock, and what he was shocked was that these people he knew, not others, were the five saints.

However, there were only four of the five saints at this time, and one of them lost half of his body, and he could die at any time.

"Grandmaster, why are you so embarrassed?"

Gu Feng's face changed greatly and quickly drank at the visitor.

Suddenly encountered the ancient wind, and the four saints were also stunned. Li Mingyang roared directly: "smelly boy, why don't you get out of here? Those demons are going to kill them right away? "

"Eight demons?"

In an instant, Gu Feng's face changed greatly, but at the same time, he was more puzzled. Aren't the eight demons always suppressed? Why are they chasing them in turn now?

While talking, the rear quickly chopped and a strong attack came. On the spot, xingyuzi, who had fallen to the last and had already been badly hit, was split in two.

For a moment, I saw endless essence overflowing, and the incomparably magnificent colorful rose again.

In this attack, the xingyuzi died completely.

After the other three saints looked back, their faces twitched unconsciously. They continued to run away with the ancient wind on the spot.

Less than five breaths after they left, the eight demons in the rear caught up. They opened their mouths and drank the colorful sky.

These colorful flowers are the most valuable nourishment for them.

On the other side, the ancient wind was held by Li Mingyang and tore through the void to escape.

Then Gu Feng couldn't help but speak and asked, "grandmaster, what's going on? Didn't you always get the upper hand and keep them down? Why are you being chased and killed in turn? "

At the mention of this, Li Mingyang and the Wuji venerable stared at Zixu angrily, while the latter dodged his eyes and felt very empty in his heart.

It turned out that although they could suppress the eight demons early, it was because the eight demons didn't have enough time to refine the 100000 soldiers and generals. But over time, they are in the middle of the battle, slowly and quietly refining, which makes their braver and braver in the battle.

With the growth of their strength, the high jaw saint was the first to suffer disaster. After swallowing the high jaw, the strength of the eight demons soared again. Later, it was the situation seen by the ancient wind.

Now, the xingyuzi has been swallowed up by the eight demons. Their strength must be more terrible. Who can resist it at that time?

Sure enough, the eight demons didn't delay too much time because they swallowed xingyuzi. It wasn't long before they roared again in their rear.

Judging from their roar, the three saints were 100% sure, and the strength of the eight demons soared a lot. Just for a moment, their faces turned blue.

In particular, the purple Xu great saint was regretful. If they had not brought down 100000 soldiers and generals in order to show their status, those demons would have no conditions for promotion at all.

But now it's too late to regret, because those demons vowed to swallow the three together.

Gu Feng inadvertently looked back and turned pale on the spot.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something and said to the three saints: "three predecessors, you go first and I'll stop the eight demons. My flesh is as good as King Kong. Even if I resist hard, I will drag them down. "


The three saints looked at the ancient wind on the spot, and then they looked at each other again, remembering that the ancient wind had just got out of trouble. Even if he was hit with all his strength by those demons, he was still intact.

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