Down the yellow spring, after a while, the ancient wind came to the bridge. After looking up and gazing slightly, a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

On the stone pillar at the end of the bridge, there were three big words "Naihe bridge".

Sure enough, as he expected, this is the Naihe bridge.

It is said that once you get on the Naihe bridge, you will never have a way back. The moment you set foot on the Naihe bridge, even if you completely end up with the world.

Even if you have too much to give up in the world, you must put it all down when you come here, because you will never turn back when you step on the Naihe bridge.

Therefore, there is still a saying in the world that "flowers bloom on the other side, whatever happens on the bridge".

At the moment when Gu Feng stepped on the bridge, he couldn't stand looking back. He was shocked on the spot, because he found that there was really no way behind him. Behind him, there was only a hazy scene. There was no coming road, no lookout, and even no environment

Hazy, there is nothing, giving people a feeling of desolation. It's like a person's life. As long as you come here, everything before should come to an end

There was no joy or worry on his face. The ancient wind turned straight back and no longer looked at the direction when he came, but walked towards the front.

Naihe bridge is hundreds of feet long. When the ancient wind is about to come to an end, the corners of his mouth finally smiled again, because he really saw an old woman.

The old woman looked just like those normal old women in the world. Her hair was gray, she wore simple clothes, and she put a white rag on her shoulder, just like the waiter of an ordinary store.

There were several small tables in front of her, and there was a small stove next to it. The stove was steaming with a large pot of soup.

Here is like a roadside tea shed. But the ancient wind knew that what was cooked on the stove was not tea, but the frightening Mengpo soup.

From a distance, the old woman saw the ancient style and warmly entertained her: "Oh, my guest, why are you on the road alone? Look at your hard journey. Sit down and have a bowl of hot tea! "

While talking, the old woman came forward and took the old wind's arm and led the old wind to a table. Then she skillfully took down the rag on her shoulder and wiped the table and stool again for the antique style.

"My guest, I'm waiting for you at last. Wait a minute. I'll make tea for you now."

The old woman looked very enthusiastic. After cleaning up the ancient wind in three or two times, she ran directly to the stove and took her unique secret recipe Mengpo soup.

The ancient wind just looked at it quietly and didn't say a word, just as he didn't know anything.

The old woman was really fast enough. After a while, a bowl of steaming "tea" was brought to the ancient wind.

The archaic wind just glanced slightly, and then took back his eyes.

Although he looks calm on the surface, he has already seen a terrible wave in his heart.

Because he found that the bowl of "tea" was yellow, just like the running yellow spring below.

This damned old woman, can't she boil the soup directly from the huangquan river below? Shit, the huangquan river was formed by the evolution of the corpse water of countless people.

This damned old woman, is it too immoral to give people body water to drink?

Seeing that the old woman didn't drink soup and didn't speak, she was a little worried and quickly advised: "Sir, drink while it's hot. There's still a long way ahead, but there's no place to rest."

Gu Feng raised his eyes and looked at the old woman. After a few seconds, he said, "I don't have any money!"


For a moment, the old woman was stunned. After reacting, she quickly shook her head and said, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If you don't have money for me, just drink and go on the road. Naturally, someone will check out for me in the future."

The old woman looked really worried. She was afraid that she would not drink her own soup because she had no money.

There is a smile on the corner of the ancient wind's mouth. I know it well and don't point it out.

So he picked up the bowl of "tea" in front of him and put it in front of his mouth and nose. After gently smelling it, he finally put it down and said, "the tea is too hot. Drink it later!"


The old woman was stunned again, and then she couldn't persuade again. She had to step aside with her smiling face for the time being.

Then, the ancient wind picked up the tea bowl in front of him again. He hesitated. He knew that this was the frightening Mengpo soup. He wanted to taste it, but he didn't dare to drink it when he thought that the soup might be the yellow spring water below.

It's not that I'm afraid the soup will touch my memory, but that I really feel too disgusting.

So he put it down again, and then asked the old woman who retreated to the side, "I don't know your name, grandma?"

Seeing Gu Feng suddenly asked her name, the old woman was obviously stunned. After thinking for a while, she said, "old woman, my last name was ma before I married, but I was widowed not long after I married the Meng family."

"Meng menma? Widow? "

The ancient wind seems to have discovered the new world. It feels very novel. This is the first time he heard that Meng Po's surname is ma. Surprisingly, she is still a widow.

However, thinking about her career will be relieved. She has done immoral things for countless years. It is unreasonable not to be widowed.

"Hehe, my guest, if you don't dislike me, you can call me Meng Po. That's what everyone I know!"

"Ha ha, Meng po... Meng Po!" Gu Feng smiled again and sighed that the old woman was also Frank. She really dared to admit that she was mother Meng.

Therefore, the ancient wind said again, "I think this place is very desolate. I don't know where Grandma opened a teahouse here. Where does business come from?"

"Hehe, it doesn't bother the guests. The old woman's tea is good and there is no shortage of business. Besides, this is the only way to cross the river. Anyone who wants to cross the river must cross here. Therefore, my guest, you are worried too much. "

As soon as the ancient wind heard it, he looked up and laughed on the spot: "ha ha, good, I'm worried too much. Don't you know that Mengpo soup is the only business in the world?"

As soon as she said this, Meng's face changed slightly, as if she was aware of something, but she didn't say anything more.

At this time, in the direction of the ancient wind, there was a sound of footsteps, which made the ancient wind stunned on the spot.

Suddenly he looked back, he saw a group of people, and then his heart tightened immediately.

A total of seven people came, but five were chained like prisoners.

The other two were walking towards him with chains in one hand and soul calling flags in the other.

The two men holding the soul summoning flag each have a scarlet tongue that goes straight to their lower abdomen. They look quite terrible.

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