The dark little you looked up and laughed wantonly. His laughter was so disgusting.

At this time, the ancient wind even stripped his mind alive. He only hated that his divine power was sealed. For the time being, he had nothing to do with the Ming Xiaoyou.

Immediately, the figure of Ming Xiaoyou disappeared, and his disgusting laughter gradually faded away.

At the same time, the scenery in front of the ancient wind was changing rapidly. After a while, he found himself standing in front of a dark big grinding plate.

The dark big millstone stands tall, full of ancient lines of vicissitudes, flowing a mysterious halo, giving people a sense of eternity.

On the big millstone, there are six portals, each emitting glow of different colors, like the gate to six different worlds

Just a simple look, the ancient style was shocked by the big millstone in front of me, and a sense of smallness immediately rose in my heart.

He is proficient in the array. Just a simple look, he can see that the grain on the millstone is not simple. With his current array attainments, he can't peep at one or two thousandths of it

Just when the ancient wind was fascinated, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "ha ha, brother Gu, don't you have this millstone without knowledge?"

"Ming Xiaoyou!!!"

In an instant, the ancient wind's eyes took back from the millstone, then suddenly turned around and looked at the speaker

Yes, it was Ming Xiaoyou who came with him and the eight eyed king.

The two men looked at the ancient wind from a distance. There was no expression on the king's face, but the dark Xiaoyou was joking and mocking on his face.

"If I guess well, this should be the reincarnation disc? The six gates should be the so-called six wheel return. "

The ancient style soon returned to calm and calm, and a word broke the origin of the millstone.

make love!

As soon as the voice fell, Ming Xiaoyou couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile: "brother Gu really has insight. Yes, this is the six wheel return. This is the treasure of my underground mansion. Today, brother Gu is lucky. He not only saw it with his own eyes, but also can experience it later. "

Ming Xiaoyou's face is very evil, and his laughter is even more evil.

At this time, she saw Wang Shuyuan beside the ancient wind trembling involuntarily. She tugged at Gu Feng's arm twice and said in a trembling voice, "he... He's a bad man. He hurt me!!!"

Seeing Ming Xiaoyou again, even Wang Shuyuan hated her.

According to the leader of the ghost and pawn on the third floor, Wang Shuyuan was innocent and was a full good man. Originally, after her death, she has always lived in the top ten worlds. Her family will burn a lot of money during the new year and festival. Her life in the underground is very stable and comfortable. Until about a year ago, there was a ghost in the underworld, her stable life was completely disrupted, and she fell from heaven to hell.

Therefore, her hatred for Ming Xiaoyou is not weaker than the ancient style.

Gu Feng deeply felt it. He gently patted his mother-in-law's trembling hands and comforted him: "it will be fine. Since ancient times, good people have good returns, and bad people will be punished by heaven!"

Immediately, Gu Feng raised his eyes, looked at Ming Xiaoyou and said, "do it, I swear, if you don't die today, you will be skinned and cramped!"

"Ha ha, do you want to skin me and cramp me? I'll give you a chance! " Then Ming Xiaoyou put away his smile and changed into a gnashing face and said, "not only will I not let you die, but I will break you into the animal way. I want you two to join the pig fetus. But you don't have to worry about not being able to reunite with your family, because I will put your family into the belly of that sow in the future, so that your family can be reunited forever. "

"I just don't know if the demon star who will become a pig will have such heroic words as today? Ha ha, ha ha... "

"You are a real villain!" Gu Feng said expressionless.

However, Ming Xiaoyou ignored it. He laughed and waved his arm. The big millstone behind the ancient wind began to rotate slowly.

The ancient lines above are lit up, and a faint glow flows out. The light is sacred

At the same time, the six portals on the millstone all shine at this time, and at the same time, they project six different world scenes, which are displayed in front of the ancient wind

Among them, one door shows the scenes of various women in childbirth; A door is a scene of heaven and man flying and the gods preaching scriptures and Taoism; In a door, there is a monstrous spirit, and great demons are everywhere

At this time, Ming Xiaoyou spoke again and said, "ancient wind, see clearly. What appears in front of you is the place where all living beings go. Six samsara, Asura, humanity, heaven, hungry ghost, hell, and the beast road you will go to later. "

The ancient wind ignored Ming Xiaoyou. His eyes were still on the six samsara door. He was carefully looking at those ancient and mysterious lines, trying to explore some mysteries.

The lines here are the oldest and mysterious lines that the ancient wind has seen so far. He is proficient in array, so he doesn't want to miss this rare opportunity to observe.

It's just a pity that despite his talent, these lines are too complex for him now. He can't peep into the mystery. If the divine power had not been sealed, he might be able to gradually explore part of it with the original Qi of the divine palace.

Seeing that the ancient wind ignored himself, the Ming Xiaoyou immediately became angry, and then shouted, "the ancient wind, you see clearly, the beast road is your place for a while."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden brilliance in the door of the samsara road. I can see that the scene inside is changing rapidly, and the pictures of various livestock and birds have been changing all the time. Finally, it is locked on a sow in production.

However, Ming Xiaoyou laughed wildly again: "ha ha, do you see the ancient wind? This is the new mother I found for you. After a while, you two will come out of the belly of the sow. From then on, the sow will be your mother. At that time, she will no longer be your mother-in-law and may become your brothers and sisters... It is said that the animal has low intelligence, I always don't pay attention to whether it is blood relationship and direct intercourse... I look forward to you and your mother-in-law... "

"Ha ha, ha ha..."

That Ming Xiaoyou seemed to think of something very funny. He laughed wildly and ignored the ancient wind's eyes that wanted to eat people. On the contrary, the more angry and angry the old style at this time, the more comfortable he will be.

This is a psychopath who can only seek psychological comfort on the pain of others.

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