Seeing that the barbarian LAN at the head of the city made a desperate posture, the ten gaoleshan young people with long swords all showed a sneer on their faces.

The leader shouted, "master Min has an order to kill all the people in the city and catch Lvping alive!"


Ten people roared and all the long swords came out of their scabbard.

For a moment, the cold light shines on the sky and takes people's heart and soul.

A killing was imminent, and many people on the top of the city even closed their eyes and only died as fast as they could.

At this time, I saw a woman yelling loudly throughout the audience: "slow down!"

After drinking, I saw a woman in green slowly landing on the top of the city from the height of the city, floating like an immortal, elegant and ethereal. Although her appearance was not the best, she had a different beauty, which immediately brightened people's eyes.

It was Lvping who arrived. Today's Lvping seems to have been dressed up carefully. It not only brightened the eyes of those who besieged the city, but also looked at the ancient style.

Indeed, the beauty of green Ping is different from that of zixiahan, brandy and others. This is the beauty from the inside. It is so beautiful that people can't bear to have a blasphemy heart.

Originally, the mole at the corner of her mouth would make her look more playful, but now it has become a solemn symbol.

Lvping came to the city wall, looked directly at the direction of Gaole mountain, and finally said, "young master Gao Min, I am the Lvping in your mouth. I am willing to go with you. I only hope you will keep your promise and let 10000 people in my city leave safely. "


Almost for a moment, everyone on the top of the city roared. It was firm and did not agree that Lvping would exchange her chastity for the survival opportunities of 10000 people.

The barbarian LAN grabbed Lvping's arm and shouted, "Lvping, I know you are kind-hearted, but don't be silly. Gao Min is a famous devil. The girl who died in his hands is unknown. Can you still have life this time? Although we Chaisang tribe are all mortals, grassland men have always been bloody and would rather bend than bend. "

The corners of Lvping's mouth slightly aroused a smile, but she slowly broke off the blue palm of the barbarian.

She still looked in the direction of Gao Leshan and asked softly, "young master Gao Min, do you know if the little woman's appearance can move you? If you are moved, please keep your promise and let 10000 people in my city leave. "

In the direction of Gaole mountain, the central area surrounded by more than 100 people is shrouded in a black fog.

Gu Feng has been paying attention to it for a long time. Now he hears that Lvping directly calls him Gao min. Gu Feng is very sure that it is the Gao Min he met in Kyushu.

At this time, Gao Min seems to be much stronger than in Kyushu. Although the ancient wind can't see his true face, he can be judged from his voice. He is a lot more evil than before.

"I haven't seen him for a long time. Why did he become so evil? He got the upper part of my swallowing Sutra. Was it not repaired by him? In recent days, man eating demons have appeared on the grassland. Is that Gao Min? "

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Feng's face became gloomy for a moment. My heart secretly said: "no, I have to take back the heaven swallowing Scripture as soon as possible. Although it is a scripture tailored for our demon star, who can ensure that outsiders really can't practice at all?"

The ancient wind looked in the direction of Gaole mountain. At this time, the man in the black fog spoke again: "come here, I allow 10000 of you to escape from the city!"

Yes, Gao Min actually agreed to Lvping's request and agreed to let 10000 people out of the city alive.

In an instant, both on the wall and in the city began to roar, saying nothing to let Lvping out of the city.

This is no longer a matter of life and death, but a matter of the dignity of the whole tribe.

Although most of the tribes are mortals, they are tough grassland men with flesh and blood. They will never allow a woman's chastity in exchange for a chance to live.

"Lvping, you can't go. We grassland men don't be cowards."

The barbarian Lan also shouted. His palm grabbed Lvping's arm and said nothing.

For him, it was a disgrace. It is not only his personal shame, but also the shame of the whole tribe.

However, seeing Lvping's sad smile, she finally slowly broke off the blue palm of the barbarian and whispered: "brother barbarian, I know that we grassland men are not afraid of death, but there are countless children and women in the city. They need to continue to live."

After that, Lvping jumped up and left the tower.

In an instant, both at the head of the city and in the city, there was another cry.

The smile on Lvping's face disappeared and was replaced by ice cold. She walked slowly in the direction of Gaole mountain, looking at death like home.

The wind blew her green robe and made a sound of hunting. The girl walked in the wind and was so dusty that people admired her.

Seeing that Lvping was finally out of the city, the whole people of gaoleshan laughed wildly at this time.

A young man smiled arrogantly and said, "you're really a beautiful woman. It's a pity that we, young master min, have only favored a woman once. But you will not be wasted, because we will take the reward from childe min and play with you well. Ha ha... "

The wanton laughter of the young man provoked people from other forces to laugh with him.

The laughter was not only obscene, but also rampant. But soon it came to an abrupt end.

A white sword light crossed, and on the spot, he cut the young man in half from top to bottom.

Not only did the young man's voice suddenly stop, but all the laughter at the scene stopped.

Almost for a moment, everyone's eyes looked at the sword light everywhere.

But he saw a young man in white stepping out of the crowd. He waved his long sword. When the crowd was stunned, he directly "brushed" and killed the camp of gaoleshan.

"Brother, why are you...?"

Wang Xiaotian was startled, because the person who took the shot was an ancient custom around him who had been calling himself brother.

He never thought that the young man in white who didn't know his origin would be so reckless. He said he would do it. And they killed a group of talented people from gaoleshan. How can this... End?

Yes, it's really antique. Because earlier, the young man had stretched out the animal catch to Lvping in a wild laugh. If he was one step later, the dirty animal catch would directly tarnish Lvping's innocence.

Lvping is a very kind woman and has saved his life. Gu Feng said nothing and would not see his life-saving benefactor suffer such humiliation.

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