The underground palace is very large, and its overall area directly covers the whole grassland, which can be described as endless.

The ancient wind moves forward, but it looks at everything around carefully.

Suddenly, he was surprised to find that there were faint lightning around the channel.

Curious, the ancient wind began to run with the original spirit. After careful exploration, he was scared back on the spot.

Because he found that the whole channel was actually intertwined by lightning, that is, in fact, he was now in the midst of lightning.

This discovery completely frightened the ancient wind.

He couldn't help but kick back and want to quit.

But when I think about it carefully, I'm a little unwilling.

The legend of underground inheritance has a long history. It must not be groundless. In addition, the whole underground palace repels the strong at the level above the true God. If it's time to compete for opportunities, he won't be afraid of anyone.

"I didn't mean to meddle with this inheritance. However, it's God's will. What do I have to worry about?"

If you figure this out, the ancient style will be fearless.

Out of the current channel, the ancient wind found that he had entered another channel. After walking through several channels in succession, the ancient wind found that he seemed to have entered a maze.

In fact, the whole underground palace is composed of one channel after another. Occasionally, there are some halls, but they are empty. There are neither so-called inheritance treasures nor friars.

With patience, the ancient wind continued to pass through several channels.

Suddenly, a fierce fight came into his ears, which surprised him.

After entering the underground palace for so long, he didn't meet anyone. Now he was surprised to hear the sound of fighting.

Looking for the fighting sound, the ancient wind soon approached a palace again. At this time, two people appeared in his eyes. One is a young man in his early twenties, and the other is an old man with white hair and beard.

After seeing these two people, Gu Feng's heart was tight at that time, because judging from the Qi machine sent by the old man, it was actually a God King.

The Qi engine sent by the young man is a real God.

It's really surprising that a young man in his early twenties could fight with an old man of God King.

Curious, the ancient style hid his figure and began to observe it in the dark.

The young man was very ferocious. He chopped back and forth with a square sky painting halberd in his hand, just so that the old man couldn't get any cheap. He was shocked by the ancient style one after another. He bet that this young man was definitely the most ferocious of his peers he had ever seen.

I saw the old man with a cold smile on his face when he retreated again and again: "young master Gao he is worthy of being the first descendant of gaoleshan. He can be on a par with me. But... Do you think a genius of true God level is really qualified to shout God King? Today, I will thoroughly show you the means of God King - absolute field. "

The old man roared, and then a strange secret force immediately came out from his whole body.

The secret force covers everything. Including the extremely ferocious Gao He, he was also fixed in place and couldn't move at all.

The old man stepped forward and laughed wildly again: "young master Gao Hegao, I didn't expect you to die in my hands today. I don't know if you are willing? Are there any last words? "

The absolute field imprisons everything. In this field, the old man is the absolute master.

Absolute field, that is, the basic ability of the divine king level, after opening up the field, you can refine your own space world

Although Gaohe of Gaole mountain was imprisoned by this absolute field, he was not flustered at all.

He sneered with disdain and said, "old man, you have to think clearly. If you dare to touch me today, even if you step down on the eight wastelands, I will kill you in gaoleshan!"

"Ha ha, Mr. Gao Hegao, I don't think your forehead is broken? There is no one here. Even if I killed you, who can know that I did it? "

Seeing here, the ancient wind felt bad, so I turned around and left.

Today, his laws are still incomplete. Neither the lofty nor the old man is his regretful existence.

At this time, while they are deadlocked, it is their best time to slip away. If he waits until the victory is completely divided, his life is likely to be lost.

However, just as the ancient wind had just turned back, he saw Gao He sneer: "old man, are you sure you want to kill me here, and no one will see it?"

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Feng's face turned white and the secret road was bad. I wanted to speed up my steps to leave here, but I suddenly felt locked by an air machine.

When I looked back, I saw that the God King old man was looking cruel and slowly approaching himself.

"Hehe, I really underestimated the young people of your generation. I can't imagine that your hiding method has deceived me."

In the face of the old God King forced step by step, the face of the ancient style immediately changed greatly.

Quickly arched his hands and said, "I wandered here inadvertently. Please forgive me, boy. I'll leave now."

While laughing, the ancient wind greeted Gao's ancestors one by one. He secretly said that there was really no good thing in Gaole mountain.

"Hahaha, little friend, since you're here, why bother to leave? In my opinion, just stay! "

As he said this, the old man's expression turned cold. At the same time, a big hand went down all over the place and planned to shoot the ancient wind to death on the spot.

"Damn it!"

Gu Feng swore in a low voice. He didn't dare to hold it up at all. It was just a moment's effort. His whole body glowed. All 18000 arrays recovered, roared, and hit him with a blow.

Only a loud bang was heard. The overwhelming bus palms contacted with the ancient iron fist, and there was a big explosion.

The old man's bus palm transformed by divine power was smashed at that time. The ancient wind's body was hit out by a huge force and coughed up blood.

"Eh? I can't imagine that you little devil should have such strength. I'm really surprised. "

The old man was surprised that a slap could not kill the ancient wind. Then he smiled again: "it's a pity that another genius will be in my hands today."

After saying that, the old man stretched out a finger and quickly pointed to the center of the ancient wind's eyebrows.

This is the posture of killing the original God. Whoever is selected, the divine palace must be directly pierced. The yuan God who lives in the temple will be directly killed on the spot.

The old man's fingertips flashed strange lights and came quickly with the sound of breaking wind.

Before the attack, the fierce power has frightened the ancient wind.

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