Neither left nor right could persuade the ancient wind. There was only a sigh in zixiahan's heart. She knew it was urgent.

The man in front of us belongs to the rare top talent. Such a person can't be tempted by a little interest. If you want to successfully recruit a son-in-law, you have to think long-term and take your time.

If you insist, even if the other party agrees, staying in Zifu will not only not help, but also be a curse.

If you want to succeed in letting the recruited son-in-law share the heavy responsibility for the purple house, you must also make him willing.

There was nothing to say all the way. They were silent and continued to search.

Suddenly, just at this time, a jade plate carried by Gu Feng suddenly shines. It is a jade plate used by each unit as a voice transmission.

Take it out quickly. It's Wang Xiaotian's piece.

"Is there any news over there?"

They looked at each other and opened their mouth with surprise in their eyes.

Sure enough, a virtual shadow appeared in the jade plate. It was Wang Xiaotian. He looked flattering and said, "boss, come quickly. We found the real inheritance place. If you don't hurry up, you'll miss the first chance. "

"Are you sure it's a real inheritance place?"

Gu Feng asked anxiously.

"Sure, this is definitely a place for inheritance. If I didn't let you do it, I would have been robbed all over..."

According to Wang Xiaotian's description, they found a cave like existence. Inside, the glow is thin, thunder and electricity turn, and a powerful breath flows out from inside. Everyone agreed that the real inheritance should be in it.

"OK, you hold the hole, and we'll come right away!"

There is no superfluous nonsense. When the ancient wind pulls up zixiahan, it will start to run wildly. However, zixiahan gives the ancient wind a white eye, even if it breaks away from the pull of the ancient wind.

"Since we have discovered the inheritance, we naturally can't go there like this. Otherwise, when we arrive, the cauliflower will be cold."

Before Gu Feng could figure out what zixiahan meant, she suddenly took out something, which turned out to be a space shuttle boat.

"Good baby!"

In an instant, the ancient wind's eyes glowed and couldn't turn on.

At a glance, he could feel that it was an absolute treasure. I don't know how much higher this ship was than the one robbed from Lu Xingjun.

This treasure ship, compared with that one, is not only more cool and beautiful in appearance, but also slightly smaller in volume, only as big as a door panel.

Zixiahan smiled and didn't say much. He pulled the ancient wind in directly.

As soon as we enter the inner space, the ancient style becomes more stupid.

Although the appearance is small, the internal space is large. There is a bed, a dresser, a pink curtain and a fragrance everywhere... This is a daughter's boudoir.

After understanding the internal space, an old face of the ancient style immediately became red. This time, he completely understood why the little girl of white locust refused to lend her treasure boat.

This feeling is really someone else's boudoir. If you sleep once, how can you let someone else's little girl use it? Do you want more famous festivals?

But now... Zixiahan obviously doesn't care about these. It seems that she doesn't care about those famous or not. Her own boudoir, she can let strange men set foot.

Seeing the shock on Gu Feng's face, Zi Xiahan smiled again and said, "how about my treasure boat? If you like it, I'll give it to you. "

"Give it to me?" Gu Feng was stunned and immediately shook his head: "no, no, a gentleman doesn't take advantage of others. Although I really want to have such a treasure ship, it's the fairy's personal belongings. I really don't dare to take it."

It's not that the old style doesn't want it, but that it can't. This is obviously the boudoir of a girl when she is out. How can he really want it? He is a demon star and king of Kyushu. He sleeps in the boudoir of his daughter's house every day. It's hard to say, isn't it?

He knew that the treasure boat of his daughter's house was like this. Even if he killed the ancient wind, he would not forcibly beg for white locust, which made him ridiculed and abnormal for nothing.

Seeing Gu Feng's refusal, Zixia Han was stunned, and then said, "Yan Feng, do you know the value of this treasure ship? This is not only for driving and resting, but also an excellent place for practice and retreat. "

With that, zixiahan walked into the control room and gently pressed a button. Suddenly, the interior of the whole treasure ship was full of rich heaven and earth aura, which made people cry and enjoy.

"There is a powerful soul gathering array. If you need to practice in isolation, you just need to integrate the treasure boat into nothingness, and no one can disturb you. At the same time, this treasure ship is absolutely safe. Even if you float in the void for ten or a hundred years, there will be no accident. Any turbulence and lightning can't shake the slightest bit. "

After listening to the introduction, a small face of the ancient style changed again in an instant. So, this is definitely the baby of the baby.

In this way, this baby is not only a great artifact for home and travel, but also a magic weapon for avoiding disasters.

If you really have such a treasure ship, the world is so big that you dare not go? It's a big deal to hide directly in the void. You won't come out for ten or eight years. If you have the ability, you can find me.

Seeing the ancient wind in a daze, zixiahan was secretly proud. She took out a fist sized stone and put it directly into a groove. After inputting the coordinates, the treasure boat rushed out and directly integrated into nothingness.

About four or five breathing times, the treasure boat stopped and their destination arrived.

"Come on, get off the boat."

Zixiahan smiled.

"Here we are?"

This time, the ancient wind was completely stupid. The location provided by Wang Xiaotian was three thousand miles away. Did you arrive in the blink of an eye?

Look at the divine stone in the groove. It's like it hasn't moved. It's still so big.

In other words, the three thousand mile journey hardly consumes the divine stone.

The ancient wind clearly remembered that the one he gave the barbarian blue was a solid bottomless pit, which was simply piled with divine stones. In front of this ship, it is obvious that it has achieved maximum savings in energy.

Baby! Absolutely, baby.

"It's only three thousand miles away. Do you want to sit for another day?" Zixiahan smiled again and asked, "how about it? Are you satisfied with such a treasure ship? As long as you nod, it's yours. "

"I think if the treasure boat followed me, I would follow you?"

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