"Send orders and try your best to kill the two traitors Mao Dalong and Nie Qian!"

Lao Zu roared and his heart was angry.

God lotus was stolen by his own people, which made it a little difficult for him to accept this fact.

"Yes, grandpa!"

Le Xingcheng walked away with his eyes shining.

Although he didn't get the chance to practice in the divine pool, he knew that this drop of immortal blood essence was many times more precious than the divine lotus.

After the immortal's refined blood training, he can be completely proud of his peers.

Seeing that Le Xingcheng was overjoyed and left, the old ancestor burst into a sneer: "hum, useless waste, if you didn't have some cultivation talent, how could you give you such precious blood essence?"

The immortal's blood essence is really precious, so precious that you can even understand the law of the fairy way. Only can, after 20000 years, this ancestor has never reaped the slightest benefit from it, so he reluctantly rewarded Le Xingcheng.

Just after Le Xingcheng left, another young disciple hurried in and said in a hurry: "no, old ancestor, the medicine garden of our Xingchen pavilion was destroyed, and countless miraculous and holy medicines were destroyed and stolen, including... Quasi divine medicines."


Hearing this information, the old ancestor almost gushed out his old blood.

The medicine garden is basically the second forbidden area except the divine pool, because it is not only planted with all kinds of rare and precious old medicines, but also many top-grade holy medicines and quasi divine medicines.

"Come on, what's going on?"

The old ancestor roared.

"Going back... Going back to my ancestors is a good thing done by that Flamingo..."

"It's him again. I have to kill the beast myself!"

The old grandfather roared and disappeared in place. This time, he's going to do it himself. If you don't catch the small fire, you won't stop.

Xiaohuo is really tough. With his cultivation at the saint level and his instinct of being good at flying, he doesn't fight with any master at the saint level at all. As long as he met a saint, he would run away. When he was free, he would engage in crazy destruction.

Although the whole protective array of the Xingchen pavilion has been started, Xiaohuo is inside the Xingchen Pavilion and shuttles among the crowd. No matter how powerful the Dharma array is, he can't hurt him. At best, he is completely trapped in the Xingchen Pavilion.

Under all kinds of running, he accidentally found that medicine garden. It was delicious. It was like entering a sweet orchard... Not only did he eat and drink, but also packed countless things. All valuable old medicines were searched out.



On the other side, Gu Feng knew he couldn't stay any longer, so he opened his mouth to Nie Qian: "elder martial sister, let's go first. If it's a little later, I'm afraid the treasure boat can't break the void."

Looking back, Nie Qian said with a straight face: "dragon, you go first. I also want to see the ending of the beast of Le Xingcheng. We'll meet in the Forbidden City in January. "

"Elder martial sister... Well, you must pay attention to safety."

After thinking for a while, the ancient wind finally left the treasure ship that was obtained after hard death to Nie Qian, so he had to use the broken virtual talisman again.

"Elder martial sister, take care!"

After that, the ancient wind directly crushed a broken virtual talisman and left.

In the void shaking, the figure of the ancient wind disappeared. However, at the moment when the ancient wind disappeared, Nie Qian's face changed, which can be described as crazy change and great change

Because when he saw a big palm belonging to the sage following him, he wanted to slap the ancient wind directly.

"Younger martial brother..."

In a hurry, Nie Qian roared and turned pale.

Earlier, she was raped by "Yan Feng" outside, and her life was loveless. The last thought of survival was put on Le Xingcheng. Who ever thought Le Xingcheng was such a beast... It was "Mao Dalong" that gave her the motivation to live, and "Mao Dalong" that let her see a better future. Now she is focused on this younger martial brother. Anyway, she can't see this younger martial brother have an accident.

However, younger martial brother has crushed the rune and left. In a flash, even if she knows that a saint is chasing, she can't do anything.

"Younger martial brother... You must survive this disaster!"

Nie Qian covered her mouth and wept silently. At this moment, she had no choice but to pray.

The current ancient style is her only motivation and belief to live. If something happens to the ancient style, she doesn't know what to do.

In order to avoid the chase, Nie Qian changed her appearance and mingled with the crowd. She just wanted to see the final outcome of Le Xingcheng.

But le Xingcheng didn't see the end, but she waited for a news that broke her heart

"Mao Dalong subdued the law, the body fell out of the void, was found at the foot of the mountain, and died here..."

Someone held a corpse high, yelled all the way and went straight to the palace where the old ancestor was located.

This voice was a complete frying pan. All the people in Xingchen Pavilion were excited and ran over there to see what happened.

"Younger martial brother..."

Suddenly hearing the news, Nie Qian's face changed wildly. After catching up to see the body, she almost fainted on the spot.

That body was no one else, it was Mao Dalong.

The body was well preserved without any damage, but the yuan God was completely hanged.

"Younger martial brother, why did you leave your elder martial sister like this? How do you... Let elder martial sister live? "

Nie Qian cried silently. "Mao Dalong" was her only faith to live. Now as soon as "Mao Dalong" died, her only faith collapsed.

At this moment, she was disappointed and regretted very much. If she doesn't insist on staying and taking a treasure boat with her younger martial brother, how can she give the sage a chance to fight?

Although both treasure boat and broken virtual talisman have the function of shuttling through nothingness, there are obvious differences between them, which can not be compared at all.

The only belief collapsed. Nie Qian thought of death again, but on second thought, she couldn't die like this. At least she had to avenge her younger martial brother

"Younger martial brother, rest in peace. One day, elder martial sister will turn the Xingchen Pavilion upside down."


The ancient wind was very angry and annoyed, because he used the broken void talisman to shuttle through nothingness and never went smoothly.

Just the moment he entered nothingness, he was chased and killed.

In the face of the saint's attack, he was powerless and had to fight hard. Fortunately, although he was hit, he finally ran away. Not far from the foot of Xianshan mountain, he fell out of the void.

In order to escape completely, he directly called back Xiaohuo, who took him away from the star Pavilion again.

As for the bodies found by those disciples, they are really Mao Dalong's. they were discarded by the roadside after being wiped out by the ancient wind a month ago.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Daitao was stiff.

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