After the roar, the fist rose.

Ling batian's body immediately disappeared in place. The next second, he appeared among the five people and punched down one by one, even with a loud bang.

When I looked back, one's head had been completely smashed. The man's body stood in place for two breaths and fell to the ground with a "Dong".



On the spot, endless sobs began, and people were completely surprised by his blow.

What is the concept of killing a peer enemy with just one punch?

Seeing this scene, who dares to regard bullying as a fool who speaks wildly?


Boom, boom!

After punching again and again, the heads of the three people were smashed. The five people who took part in the siege left only one person in the blink of an eye.

The remaining young man was finally afraid and turned around to run away. But Ling batian grabbed his shoulders on the spot. After a loud roar, he tore the man in half.


The sound of sobs rang through the audience again. At this moment, people only felt numbness in their back, and the whole nerve tightened up, feeling very uncomfortable.

In a twinkling of an eye, kill five enemies at the same level. What kind of concept is this? Who can do it for those present?

Everyone else on the stage was stupid and realized for the first time how powerful and terrible their opponent was.

Even the other geniuses waiting in the war zone opened their eyes and felt incredible.

On the rostrum, those great saints also had their eyes shining, as if they had found a baby. They stared at the bully tightly without blinking.

"Be careful. Don't let him get close. This man has terrible body refining skills. Let's use all kinds of magical powers to contain him."

On the battle platform, no one dared to underestimate lingbatian. Facing lingbatian, they seemed to be facing an ancient beast baptized by infinite years.

"Kill him!"

The remaining 16 people roared and were bombarded by magic powers that could crush everything, but they still couldn't hurt Ling batian's body.

One foot long golden body hair grew from lingbatian's body. At this time, lingbatian seemed to become a red haired monster.

In bursts of laughter, he simply ignored all attacks.

Those attacks that were enough to crush everything fell on him. They just kept making a "clang" sound. They couldn't really hurt him at all.

"Good boy, it's not easy to practice such a strong body."

On the rostrum, all the great saints have strange eyes. The body refining skill of bullying has moved them.

Ziyang turned to look at the other saints and asked, "you Taoist brothers, can you see what kind of body refining skill this son is practicing?"

This question immediately made several people silent. After a long time, Li Mingyang slowly said, "it seems that this is the golden feather in Buddhism. However, over the ages, only one real golden feather has appeared and has been accepted by the Lord of Buddhism. It is not obvious in the world. Even we can't tell whether this is golden feather. "

Jinmaoyu has only one head in the world and has been accepted by the Buddha. Outsiders know little except for some ancient Buddhist and Taoist classics. Therefore, even if several of you here are great saints, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

On the battle platform, Ling batian was not only golden, but also had a foot long red hair on his body surface, and his combat power was raised to a peak on the spot.

"It's over. You don't deserve to be on the same stage with me!"

In the face of the attack, bully Tian started. He was not afraid of anything. He waved his fist and came forward. It was just a simple straight punch, which immediately took one person's life.

"Be careful, everyone. The thief is going crazy!"

Someone shouted to remind everyone.

The rest of the crowd were even more cautious and did not dare to give bully a close chance. When they saw him coming, they immediately withdrew.

Bullying is fierce, but it can't be fierce for the time being because it is restrained by 15 people.

After repeated attacks and killings failed, he was angry and roared up to the sky: "a group of curfews, set it for me!"

After the words, lingbatian's body suddenly glowed again, and its momentum soared again.

At the same time, there were strange ripples in his body.

Ripples swept away and instantly covered the whole battle platform.

It was just a short moment, and everything on the platform was forbidden. There are no more gorgeous magic powers and all kinds of screams. Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

"Hiss... Absolute realm, that's absolute realm!"

"What's going on? This bully has broken through to the realm of God King? "

In an instant, countless sighs sounded, and more were unanswered and questions.

"No, he hasn't broken through the realm of God King yet. You see, those imprisoned people can still move! "

Someone saw the clue and was relieved.

If bully is naive to break through the realm of God King, what else is there? Because among the many talents present, none of them is the kingdom of God.

Indeed, the absolute field of bullying is not perfect. People imprisoned by the field can still struggle.

At this time, someone went hard towards the lower part of the battle platform. He didn't want to continue to participate in the competition. If he continued, there was only a dead end.

However, bully Tian also moved at this time. He waved his fist and killed him directly.

Suddenly, there were three explosions in succession. In the blink of an eye, three people died.

While he tried his best to kill the three men, the absolute field was relaxed, and the remaining 12 people did not hesitate to flee to one side and directly under the platform.

"Where to go?"

Bully roared angrily. A bus swung its palm and caught five people on the spot. All five people died when they waved their fists again and again

Ruthless, vicious, not soft at all.

Although the five people were killed cleanly, the other seven escaped after all.

The seven people who had broken into the crowd looked as if they had gone through hell, and their faces were white with fear.

"Ling... Ling batian, we lost!"

"Today, when you have fled the battle platform, I won't pursue it."

Ling batian glanced at the audience coldly, looked at the waiting area and said:

"You guys, that's the same saying. Zifu chose a son-in-law in order to choose a real hero and hero who can fight alone. If it's a one-on-one challenge, it's really boring. What if we don't scuffle? Who can fight to the end, that is the well deserved first hero! "

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