No matter what, it has happened and there is no point in regretting it.

The top priority is that he must go home quickly to see Kato Megumi and explain clearly what happened last night.

Although he felt very guilty about Hui and did not dare to face her, he could not hide this kind of thing from his wife because he had already decided not to lie to Hui again.

After making up his mind, Lin Hezhen hurriedly washed up, got dressed, and left the room.

After walking out of the hotel door, the cold wind mixed with rain hit his face, making him shiver from the cold.

Lin Hezhen tightened his collar and walked quickly to his car, preparing to drive home.

At this moment, a police car roared over and stopped in front of him with a crunch, blocking his way.

Two policemen jumped out of the car and walked towards Lin Hezhen. One of them took out his ID and asked coldly: "Are you Lin Hezhen?"

"That's right. What do you want from me?" Lin Hezhen asked doubtfully.

"You are suspected of murder. Please follow us back to the police station for investigation!" Another policeman with a thin mustache showed his handcuffs and detained him unceremoniously.

"What? Murder?!" Lin Hezhen was stunned, and then became angry, "I don't understand what you are talking about at all! How could I kill someone?"

"You know Hayasaka Ai, right?" the mustachioed policeman asked.

Lin Hezhen was stunned, nodded and said, "Yes."

He never expected that he would hear Hayasaka Ai's name at this juncture, and an ominous premonition filled his heart.

"She died in the early hours of this morning, and you were her last contact."

"...How could it be?" Lin Hezhen's heart trembled, and his expression instantly collapsed.

"Get in the car, we'll talk about it after we get to the police station."

The two policemen held him down hard, put him into the police car, quickly locked the door, and drove away.

Lin Hezhen sat sluggishly in the back seat of the police car, his whole head buzzing, and he completely lost the ability to think.

Hayasaka Ai...dead?

how so......

He thought of the good times he had with Hayasaka Ai. Although their relationship was a bit twisted and their relationship was not long, that time was still an unforgettable memory for him.

Even if he and Hayasaka Ai break up, the two are still friends and close partners who have worked together for many years.

They helped each other at work and worked hand in hand to get through the difficult years when the company started.

How could such an outstanding and beautiful young girl...

Lin Hezhen's heart twitched violently, as if he was being pricked by needles.

"Little Love......"

He clutched his chest and muttered the girl's name.


On the other side, at the police station, Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai's family, who were the first to receive the news, were identifying the body.

Hayasaka Ai's family had long since collapsed. Her mother cried so hard that she fainted several times. Her father also held his wife and cried loudly. The other brothers and sisters were all emotional.

In order to maintain public order, the police had no choice but to ask them to rest in the reception room.

The only two people left here are Shinomiya Kaguya and Kasumigaoka Shiu, who is the forensic doctor.

"Come and see her for the last time. Aren't you Qingmei who grew up with her? Say goodbye to her properly."

Kasumigaoka Shiu lifted up the white cloth covering the body and said to Shinomiya Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya stood silently for a long time before slowly walking to the body of Hayasaka Ai.

Ai Hayasaka lay on the cold dissecting table, her face pale, her eyes closed and her limbs stiff.

The once brilliant blond hair was dull and stained with dirt and blood.

Pain and despair were engraved on every part of her face, but it could not hide the beauty of her face.

Hayasaka Ai's body was lying naked, and you could see obvious wounds on her abdomen, which were injuries caused by sharp weapons.

The murderer probably stabbed Hayasaka Ai's abdomen with a knife, and then brutally pulled it up, down, left, and right, causing such a large wound that you could directly see the internal organs inside.

"Sure enough, there is nothing inside..." Shinomiya Kaguya lowered his head and said to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu asked.

"...No, it's nothing." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at her deeply.

Shinomiya Kaguya stared at Hayasaka Ai's bloodless cheeks and pale lips, her hands on her sides trembling slightly.

"Haasaka, you are such an idiot, why don't you just stay in the villa?"

Shinomiya Kaguya raised her right hand, as if she wanted to touch Hayasaka Ai's cold face.

"No! You can't touch the body without permission!" Kasumigaoka Shiyu quickly stopped him, "The police are still investigating."

"Sorry." Shinomiya Kaguya took back her hand.

"It's nothing, please go back to the reception room first." Kasumigaoka Shiyu said.

"Okay." Shinomiya Kaguya exited the forensic room with a sad expression.

Chapter 324 Yukino’s interrogation

Lin Hezhen didn't know how he walked into the police station.

My legs were as heavy as lead, but when I walked, they felt like I was stepping on cotton, so soft that I couldn't use any strength.

All the sounds gradually faded away, leaving only buzzing noises in his ears, but none of those sounds could reach his ears as meaningful words, and all he felt was tinnitus.

Lin Hezhen felt dizzy, his body lost balance, and he couldn't even distinguish between front and back.

He looked around blankly, looking at the cold and dazzling white light around him, and listening to the noisy and chaotic noise in his ears. In front of him were the shadows of countless people coming and going, but there was no trace of that girl.

For a moment, he thought he was having a nightmare, until he felt a burning pain on his cheek.

It took him a second to come back to his senses and look at the woman with blond hair and an angry face in front of him.

"Give me my daughter back!"

Accompanied by heart-rending wails, there was a fierce emotion of hatred.

Those blue eyes were completely red, and they were obviously crying, but not a single tear was shed - it wasn't that they couldn't be shed, but that they had completely dried up.

"Give me back Ai-chan!"

Hayasaka's mother grabbed Lin Hezhen's collar and shook him wildly.

"Little Love......"

Lin Hezhen raised his eyes dully, his eyes empty. He moved his mouth and wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked by sand and stones, and he could not spit out even a single word. He could only make a low hoarse scream.

"Why... why didn't you protect her!" the mother who lost her daughter cried and asked.

Lin Hezhen was confused and in a trance. He could only act like a walking corpse, letting Hayasaka's mother beat him.

"Ai-chan is here to find you. She is pregnant with your child!"

"Why can't you make Ai-chan happy?" Hayasaka's mother cried hysterically, tears streaming down her face, and she was so sad that she was almost crazy.

Lin Hezhen finally came to his senses and looked at her blankly.

"What...did you just say?" he asked tremblingly.

"Are you deaf? There is a child in Ai-chan's belly, which is your flesh and blood!" Hayasaka's mother roared.

"...Child?" Lin Hezhen's mind exploded, and he was about to collapse.

His body collapsed uncontrollably, and he didn't even have the strength to keep standing.

"Ai-chan is willing to give up everything for you, and even wants to be the enemy of the Shinomiya family to find you... How can you do this? You are such a heartless man!"

Hayasaka's mother slapped him hard.

Lin Hezhen didn't even have the strength to dodge and let the slap hit his face.

He staggered two steps and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the policeman on the side caught him in time.

"Give it back to me, give me your daughter back!"

The repeated screams stabbed Lin Hezhen like a knife, shattering his heart.

"I'm sorry..." He could only keep repeating these words, even though he knew it was meaningless.

"What's the use of apologizing now? She was already killed by you! Why wasn't you the one who died?"

Hayasaka's mother looked like a crazy tiger. She had completely lost control and rushed over to slap him again.

"Madam, please calm down. It's not yet certain that the murderer is him."

The police quickly intervened between Hayashi Kazuma and Hayasaka Nao and pulled them apart.

"What's the noise outside?"

A heroic female police officer came out and scolded them sternly: "This is the police station, no one is allowed to interfere with official duties!"

"Yes, sir!" The police officers saluted quickly.

Although this policewoman is young, she is the highest-ranking police officer on the scene.

The police officer is the sixth level of the Japanese police, and his status is roughly equal to the deputy director of the Chinese Public Security Bureau.

In the island country, only about 2.5% of all police officers can be promoted to police officers.

The female police officer glanced at Lin Hezhen with her cold blue eyes, and a strange fluctuation flashed in her eyes.

She pursed her thin lips and said in a cold tone: "Take him into the interrogation room."


The two police officers agreed, then picked up Lin Hezhen, dragged him into the interrogation room, and locked the door.

Lin Hezhen sat on a chair, raised his eyes and looked straight ahead, his eyes so empty and unfocused.

"Name?" the female police officer asked coldly.

"...Lin Hezhen."


"26 is old."


"...Don't you know?"

Lin Hezhen stared at the woman opposite him, his former best friend and his first love - Yukinoshita Yukino.

The upright posture, transparent white skin, long black hair tied behind the head, and a cute face as in the memory.

But at this moment, she was looking at him with cold eyes.

"This is a routine inquiry, please cooperate seriously."


Next, Yukinoshita Yukino asked him many questions, most of which were about his relationship with Hayasaka Ai and his schedule in the past two days.

Yukinoshita Yukino asked questions carefully, including asking him to answer truthfully when he was eating, dressing, and sleeping.

"When was the last time you saw each other?" she asked.

"Three days ago."

"What did you do?"

Lin Hezhen hesitated for a moment, but then confessed honestly: "We went on a date in Disney, and when it was over, Xiao Ai proposed to end the relationship."

"Did you date her again after that?"

"No." Lin Hezhen shook his head.

Yukinoshita Yukino picked up Lin Hezhen's phone and opened the chat software.

"At 11:58 last night, you sent a message saying [Haasaka, I want to see you now], and then a position. Do you have anything to say about this?"

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