"Sawamura..." Shinomiya Kaguya naturally knew Eiriri. They were both members of the upper class, and Eiriri was Lin Hezhen's childhood sweetheart.

"Why are you asking me? Is it possible that I can still kill Sawamura?" Shinomiya Kaguya sneered contemptuously.

Yukinoshita Yukino said slowly: "After on-site inspection, it was found that Miss Sawamura was shot with a bow and arrow, and the arrow shaft used by the murderer was the standard arrow shaft used in kyudo."

"Ha, I see, no wonder you doubt me." After listening to Yukinoshita Yukino's words, Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly realized, and immediately showed a sarcastic expression.

Shinomiya Kaguya's most outstanding specialty is archery.

In junior high school, Shinomiya Kaguya already won the championship in the national individual competition. In the decisive stage of that competition, Shinomiya Kaguya hit the bullseye ten times in a row, and no high school competition that year exceeded this record. .

After Shinomiya Kaguya entered high school, the club activity she participated in was still the Kyudo Club.In her sophomore year of high school, she had reached the fourth level of Kyudo.

According to Shinomiya Kaguya herself, the reason why she can shoot accurately is because she accidentally shot an ideal arrow when she was in the first year of junior high school. Since then, Shinomiya Kaguya has formed muscle memory, and it is almost impossible to practice bowdo. It can be done with perfect accuracy.

Not only that, Yukinoshita Yukino also knew that the bow used by Shinomiya Kaguya in the Kyudo Club in high school had a draw weight of 15kg, which was the same as the bow used by ordinary male high school students.

In addition, it is said that this person is also very knowledgeable in martial arts such as naginata, aikido, and judo...

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but think of the speculation of serial murders, and what Kasumigaoka Shiu said to her yesterday - "The murderer's power far exceeds that of normal women, and he may be a man."

And right now there is a woman who is as strong as an ordinary man and is good at archery...

Chapter 334 Interrogation

Shinomiya Kaguya asked: "Do you suspect that I killed Sawamura Spencer Eiri?"

"I didn't say that, I just asked according to the rules." Yukinoshita Yukino still maintained a polite smile.

"Then I want to ask you, why do you think I am a suspect? Do you think I am the kind of woman who is bored enough to kill people?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked directly.

Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and said: "Of course not, but as the police, we need to investigate the case and confirm your innocence, so we hope you can cooperate."

"Hmph, if you want to ask, just ask quickly. As the president of the Shinomiya Group, my time is very precious." Shinomiya Kaguya crossed her hands on her chest.

"Thank you." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded and then began to interrogate.

"What was your itinerary last night?"

"I went to attend the new product launch conference of the core technology company of Shinomiya Group. The time was from 19:30 to 22:30 in the evening." Shinomiya Kaguya replied.

"What happens after that?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked.

"I drove to the beach for a while," Shinomiya Kaguya said.

"By the sea..." Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and fell into thought. After a moment, he asked again: "What about your license plate number?"

"xxxxxx..." Shinomiya Kaguya announced the name of her car.

"Approximately how long have you been driving? Is there any evidence or witnesses that can testify?"

Shinomiya Kaguya said confidently: "I have a driving recorder in my car."

"What happens next?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked again.

"After I left home, I returned to my residence."

"What did you do when you went home?" Yukinoshita Yukino continued to ask.

"Shower, read, and rest." Shinomiya Kaguya spread her hands, "I haven't gone out since then. The servants at home can testify, and my house is also equipped with surveillance cameras."

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't find fault with this impeccable answer.

"Please give us a copy of the driving recorder and the surveillance video in the villa later."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said, "No problem, the housekeeper will cooperate with you."

Yukinoshita Yukino took out a pen, recorded the information provided by Shinomiya Kaguya, and then asked: "It is said that the night before yesterday, you ordered your security personnel to search for Hayasaka Ai throughout the city. What is the reason?"

Shinomiya Kaguya pursed her lips: "Aren't you asking about Sawamura's case? Why did you mention Hayasaka again?"

Yukinoshita Yukino replied calmly: "We also want to ask you about Miss Hayasaka's case, so we'll join you this time."

"Let's just treat it like this," Shinomiya Kaguya spread her hands, "Hasaka Ai is my best friend, and we have a deep friendship. I knew she was pregnant at the time, so in order to let her have peace of mind to raise the baby, I let her She lives in my villa. But Hayasaka suddenly ran out alone in the middle of the night. I was very worried about her safety, so I anxiously sent people everywhere to look for her."

Yukinoshita Yukino sighed slightly: "I see, this reason makes sense. If I hadn't known that you had booked a ticket for Hayasaka Ai to go to the United States the next day and consulted the laws and regulations on abortion in every state in the United States, I would have definitely I will believe what you say.”

Shinomiya Kaguya narrowed her eyes slightly: "It seems you know a lot."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at him without fear: "As a police officer, it is my duty to know the victim's information."

"However, I am worried about Hayasaka's safety and looking for her, and I want to accompany her to the United States for an abortion. There is no conflict between the two, right? You don't suspect that I have anything to do with Hayasaka's death for this reason?" Shinomiya Kaguya said coldly.

"But if you and Ai Hayasaka like the same person at the same time, and Ms. Hayasaka is pregnant with that person's child, it wouldn't be strange for you to do such a thing in the heat of the moment." Yukinoshita Yukino said lightly.

"Are you saying that I was jealous of Hayasaka Ai, so I killed her? You underestimated my ability!" Shinomiya Kaguya slapped the table angrily and stood up.

"Haysaka and I grew up together and are as close as sisters. Even if she is pregnant with that person's child, although I am a little angry, I will never do anything like hurting someone's life!" Shinomiya Kaguya said righteously. say.

"I'm just speculating, please understand." Yukinoshita Yukino said calmly.

"Ha~" Shinomiya Kaguya sneered, "Have you finished asking? If you don't have any other questions, then please come back. I still have things to do."

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, "Thank you again for your cooperation, we will leave first."

"Let's go slowly without seeing you off." Shinomiya Kaguya waved her hand.

Yukinoshita Yukino walked out of the door with other police officers. A young police officer couldn't help but ask: "Police officer, since you suspected Shinomiya Kaguya, why didn't you arrest her just now?"

"We have no substantive evidence." Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "She is the president of the Shinomiya Group after all. It is not appropriate to arrest a business celebrity before we come up with conclusive evidence."


After learning the news of Eiriri's murder, Kato Megumi hurried to the police station, where he met Hayashi Kazuma who had already completed the interview.

Ignoring the cold war between the two, she pulled Lin Hezhen and asked, "How could this happen? Why did Yinglili suddenly..."

Kato Megumi looked pale and was obviously in great pain.

"I didn't expect that she was still fine last night..." Lin Hezhen choked, "but early this morning, the bad news about Ying Lili came..."

"Eiri..." Megumi Kato covered her mouth, tears bursting instantly, "Uuuuu~ Eiriri, she sent me an email yesterday... saying that she hates me, is jealous of me, Envy me..."

"I envy that I can be by your side, and envy the relationship between you...that's why she forces you to do those things..."

"She has realized her mistake, decided to return to Japan, and blessed us..." Kato Megumi burst into tears.

"But why did it become like this? Wuwuwu... Before I had time to tell her, in fact, I had already forgiven her..."

Kato Megumi lay on Lin Kazuma's shoulder and cried heartbreakingly, her whole body seemed to have been drained of strength and collapsed.

Lin Hezhen was also in great pain. He hugged his wife and patted her back gently: "I know...I know...don't cry, Hui, we will definitely find the murderer, To avenge Yinglili!"

Chapter 335 Media Interviews

Hayashi Kazuma and Kato Megumi hugged each other with tears in their eyes. The bridges between them that had been broken due to various circumstances were reconnected because of this unfortunate accident.

Kato Megumi raised his head and looked at Lin Hezhen with red eyes: "Did you know? In fact, I knew Eirili liked you very early on, so when we started dating, I always felt that I was sorry for Eirili. .....”

"I even felt that I had taken away the opportunity that belonged to Yinglili, so that you two childhood sweethearts could not reach the end like in the fairy tale..."

At this point, Kato Megumi lowered his head and tears burst into his eyes again: "Kazuma, am I a bad woman who stole the sweetheart of my best friend? I actually did such a despicable and shameless thing... .”

"How is that possible!" Lin Hezhen held Kato Megumi's hands tightly and said seriously, "There is nothing wrong with loving someone, and there is nothing wrong with Me and Me being in love with each other! You don't need to feel guilty about this, because it's true I was the one who hurt Yinglili!"

Lin Hezhen said sadly and remorsefully: "When I was young, I didn't know what liking meant. I just treated Yinglili as my sister and never considered her mood..."

"If I could have discovered Ying Lili's intentions earlier and properly handled our relationship, wouldn't these things have happened and she wouldn't have died?"

While talking, Lin Hezhen thought of Ying Lili's last words before she died.

The girl who was still apologizing to him before she died, the girl who was still confessing to him at the end, just left him forever...

Lin Hezhen's heart suddenly twitched as Ying Lili's appearance appeared in his mind.

Their feelings are like the helplessness of a kite that breaks its string and floats away, or like the sparks of meteors that fall and disappear with the fireworks. They settle deep in the memory and cannot be forgotten.

Hayasaka Ai and Eiri, what kind of existence they are to him, Lin Hezhen has not yet figured out.

But their departure was a lifetime of pain and regret for him...

After being interviewed by the police, Hayashi Kazuma and Kato Megumi finally calmed down a bit. But when they left the police station and prepared to go home, an accident happened.

A large group of reporters who didn't know where they got the news surrounded the two people. They took out their microphones and rushed toward the two people with cameras. The flash lights kept flashing, making the two people almost unable to open their eyes.

Hayashi Kazuma subconsciously blocked Kato Megumi behind him in an attempt to protect her, but this move also completely exposed himself to the media cameras.

"Are you Mr. Lin Hezhen? I heard that you have an ulterior relationship with the victims of the two recent homicides... What is your explanation for this?"

"It is reported that you wanted to break up with the two victims, but they did not agree, so you killed them... Is this true?"

"An informed source pointed out that you have been receiving treatment from a psychiatrist for a long time because of some mental abnormalities... Is your mental condition related to the case? Can you give us an explanation?"

"Mr. Lin Hezhen..."

"Excuse me......"

The reporters asked questions frantically, and their questions were even sharper than the police's interrogations. They were not pursuing the truth of the case at all, but pounced on them like sharks smelling blood, eager to get the most sensational gossip to gain traffic.

They were getting closer and closer, not only blocking the door of the police station, but also surrounding Hayashi Kazuma and Kato Megumi, leaving them with no way to escape.

When Kato Megumi heard the words "there are some mental abnormalities", her heart beat violently. She subconsciously held Lin Hezhen's hand and observed Lin Hezhen's reaction with the corner of her eye.

Lin Hezhen's face turned pale, with anger bursting out of his eyes.

These reporters are going too far!

They not only invaded other people's privacy, but also distorted the facts, confused the public, and tried to describe Lin Hezhen as a murderer. It was simply outrageous.

"I don't know where you heard the news, but I can tell you with certainty that I have never killed anyone. I hope you will stop slandering me, otherwise I will take you to court!" Lin Hezhen Said coldly.

It's a pity that these reporters like hungry wolves were not frightened by him. Instead, they all became excited like chicken blood.

"Mr. Lin, does this mean that you have acquiesced in having an improper relationship with the two victims?"

"As for your abnormal mental state, don't deny it."

"Can you elaborate on the extent of the relationship between you and the two victims?"


Lin Hezhen and Kato Megumi were forced to retreat step by step by the reporters. Kato Megumi tripped on the steps and almost fell. Lin Hezhen quickly helped her up with quick hands.

"That's enough! Stop harassing us, we want to go home!" Lin Hezhen shouted unbearably.

"Mr. Lin, please answer our questions!" the reporters said reluctantly.

Seeing that the scene was gradually getting out of control, at this moment, a stern female voice sounded: "What are you doing?!"

I saw Yukinoshita Yukino wearing uniform and leading a group of policemen walking quickly towards everyone.

"This is the police station, not a place where you can be arrogant!" Yukinoshita Yukino's face was livid, and she stared coldly at the reporters in front of them.

"Who allowed you to enter the police station? Please leave immediately! Otherwise, you will be arrested for 'obstructing official business'!" Yukinoshita Yukino warned the reporters seriously.

Under her scolding, the arrogance of the reporters was finally suppressed. They did not dare to continue to entangle with her and left angrily.

After those annoying guys left, Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Hezhen said gratefully: "Xue Nao, thank you."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked up at Lin Hezhen and said in a gentle tone: "Why are you being polite to me? Those people didn't make things difficult for you, did they? What questions did they ask?"

Lin Hezhen repeated the questions asked by the reporters just now.

After Yukinoshita Yukino heard this, her almond-shaped eyes widened with anger: "Where did those irresponsible news come from? How can they be so capricious!"

Lin Hezhen shook his head and said: "I don't know, but two murders happened in a short period of time. The public should be uneasy, so there are various rumors."

Yukinoshita Yukino thought: "It seems that it is necessary to hold a press conference to publish some information obtained by the police to reassure everyone."

Chapter 336

"I also think this should be done," Lin Hezhen agreed, and then he changed the topic, "Has there been any progress in the investigation of those two cases? Can the murderer be revealed to the public?"

"How is it possible? We are just releasing some information that we think can be known to the public to prevent everyone from being misled by bad media." Yukinoshita Yukino sighed lightly.

She added: "Actually, I have a vague idea in my mind. Maybe we can use the media to show off the murderer, so that he will reveal his flaws in the panic. Maybe we can find more clues?"

"It's a good idea," Lin Hezhen nodded, "but I'm still a little strange, where did those reporters get the news? Some information is only known to us, right? Do they have informants in the police station? Moreover, Why do they all tend to identify me as the murderer? Is there anyone who is guiding me?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out," Yukinoshita Yukino pondered for a moment. "If someone deliberately spreads rumors to confuse right and wrong, then he is likely to be suspected. I will send someone to investigate immediately."

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