"This is a necessary enemy in order to form an alliance." Lorne said seriously, "If it is not such a difficult enemy to deal with, then there is no need for the empress to form an alliance with us, right?"

"But..." Mei Lei was hesitant about Lorne's plan. After all, this was going to be a big war.

"That's why I said you didn't have enough awareness. You sacrificed a small group of people to protect the entire race from this catastrophe." Lorne said. Fortunately, he was not a decent character, so he didn't need to consider those moral issues at all. .

"Don't provoke me, I'm not the kind of princess with a holy mother's heart. I have already thought about it. Even if we form an alliance, we may suffer heavy losses or even fail." Mei Lei said seriously, "So, I I was ready to do whatever it took for this matter from the beginning.”

"So, my plan is totally fine, right?" Lorne asked, "And there is not enough temptation, how can I make that empress' heart move?"

"No problem, I just don't know why I always feel that you are very selfish?" Mei Lei let out a long sigh of relief. She was convinced by Lorne.

She must admit that she now feels that marrying Lorne is the right thing to do. This man is her soul mate, and his wisdom is definitely what she wants. In the elves, no one even You can have a discussion with her like this, keep colliding with each other during the conversation, and revise the plan.

That's it... Is this villain really doing it for her alliance?

"Me? I'm just making suggestions on this matter, purely for the sake of your alliance. If I didn't like you very much, I wouldn't have to think about such a cruel plan. Isn't it good for me to be my happy young master?" Lorne looked very innocent. He spread his hands.

But in reality, he was acting for himself.

Since he doesn't intend to be a demon king and eventually be torn apart, let's re-create a demon king and accept that damn fate on his behalf.

And another big country is very suitable for the birth of a new demon king!

Chapter 25 Love period

"Okay, okay, I know that you, a happy young man, are going to give up your carefree life for me, so just follow your plan." Mei Lei took the initiative to crawl to Lorn and touched her Lorne's chest seemed to know Lorne's "good intentions."

"That's pretty much it." Lorne nodded, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Then shall I let the team rest for another day? Shall we continue to the Imperial Capital tomorrow?" Mei Lei asked.

"Although I feel sorry for you, there are still a lot of things to do, so I will rest on the carriage." Lorne replied.

"A carriage? The carriage is slower than us traveling directly. We can go directly through the forest and save a lot of detours." Mei Lei shook her head quickly.

"I know, so the carriage is only for the first half of the road. In the middle section, I plan to pass through the Spider Cave. There is a sealed road there, which can actually lead directly to the Imperial Capital, and can greatly shorten the time." Lorne explained.

After the first task is completed, it is natural to complete the next task.

The second task is to enter the Spider Cave and obtain the Lost Sword.

And coincidentally, this spider cave has a quick route to the Imperial Capital.

Although Mei Lei's so-called mythological prophecy didn't sound related to him, Lorne somehow felt the connection between this prophecy and himself.

Who knows what prophecies will come out later, will the target be pointed directly at him?

Therefore, making oneself stronger is something that must not be slacked off, so since it is on the way, let's complete this task by the way. It just so happens that the spirit magic is very powerful, and it can be used to strengthen oneself.

Moreover, there is a whole team of elves here to protect them. Isn’t this much easier?

"I heard that the Spider Cave is like a maze... Are you sure we won't get lost?" Mei Lei asked with a frown.

"What? Are you not ready for a fight this time?" Lorne asked.

"That's not the case... I'm mainly worried about your safety." Mei Lei said quickly. Naturally, she wasn't worried about her S-level rating, but when it came to fighting, she was really worried about Lorne's danger.

Moreover, legend has it that deep in the spider cave, there seems to be a thousand-year-old spider mother that has lived for more than a thousand years. No one knows its strength, but it is certain that the opponent is definitely S-level.

If she encounters such a BOSS-level enemy, she may not be able to protect Lorne.

Therefore, she is less inclined to take risks and take shortcuts.

"My safety? Don't worry, I may be better than you." Lorne said with a smile.

"You are indeed more talkative than me." Mei Lei shook her head slightly and said helplessly.

The next moment, Mei Lei used magic to display her attribute panel.

Maire Elove

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Occupation: Elf Almighty Warrior

Overall evaluation: S

Strength: 300(S)

Agility: 280 (S)

Durability: 210 (S)

Spirit: 210(s)

Special abilities: The power of guardianship of the Elf Royal Family, forest communication, the power of the forest, and the eyes of the eagle.

"Your power is indeed higher than other attributes." Lorne couldn't help complaining, but he was willing to show his attribute panel to others. In this world, it can be said to be an act of extreme trust.

"Hmph, it's natural. I seem to be born with stronger strength than other elves, and I think I can continue to grow! Just tell me which attribute you are stronger than me." Mei Lei looked at it proudly. To Lorne.

"My strength and agility are not as strong as yours..." Lorne said helplessly, and then changed the topic, "But after calculation, it seems that my overall attributes are higher than yours."

"Uh... the total attributes are higher than mine? How is that possible?" Mei Lei was surprised. "I said, Lorne, you are too proud, right? You don't have to do it with me, right? People have gotten pregnant because of you, no?" They will think you are too weak."

Lorne glanced at Mei Lei with a smirk, and then also showed his attributes.


Sex: Male

Race: human

Occupation: Warrior

Overall evaluation: S

Strength: 230(S)

Agility: 230 (S)

Durability: 375 (SS)

Spirit: 278(s)

Special Ability: None

"How is that possible!? You're not cheating, are you?" Looking at Lorne's attributes, Mei Lei was dumbfounded.

Isn't it said that this young master only has a C-level overall evaluation?Where did this S-level rating come from?

"Hmph, how about it? Are you losing to me? So it's not unfair at all for you to give birth to my child." Lorne asked with a smirk.

But he did lie.

For this reason, he spent 200 Demon King Points to develop the ability to modify the attribute panel, so that he could modify the values ​​on the attribute panel at will.

As long as he wants, he can even change the value to a full SSS level value of thousands.

Of course, it is only a visual effect and has no practical use.

To be honest, this modification really made him feel like he had a cheat on the modifier... It made him feel like he was using a paid plug-in.

Of course, he faked it just to modify and block some key information, such as his identity as a dragon knight.

Mei Lei is so smart, she probably understands everything once she sees Lorne's profession.

Although Mei Lei is his woman, even if he knows that everything just happened was his fault, there is nothing he can do about it now.

However, some things are better left rotten in the stomach, especially with his current unstable foundation. He doesn't want to leave hidden dangers and cause a fire in the harem.

"Have you been hiding your strength? Could it be that the actions of those villains were all done intentionally by you? What do you want to do, a villain? Rule the world?" Mei Lei seemed to be still in a state of shock. in status.

"I've never thought about ruling the world. I think it's quite troublesome to be an emperor." Lorne quickly shook his head. Compared to being an emperor, he really felt that the current evil young man who did whatever he wanted was more interesting.

"Then what fate are you resisting?" Mei Lei couldn't help but ask.

"Want to know? Just stay by my side and you'll find out." Lorne said with a smile, and then changed the subject smoothly, "Okay, it's getting late. It's almost the time we agreed on yesterday. If you don't show up on time, I'm afraid your guards will turn this Fort Roulton upside down."

"That's the case..." Mei Lei sighed softly. Now she just felt that the tenderness with Lorne was not enough... Is this the so-called love period?

"What? Are you not satisfied?" Lorne asked in surprise, but he didn't expect... After these elves completely let go, they seemed to be more loyal to their desires than humans?

"I feel like I can stay with you like this for at least three or four more days." Mei Lei said with a blush, although she also felt that such a statement was embarrassing, especially now that she looked so naked.

But this is what she really thinks now!Regardless of the contract, she really fell in love with this evil young man!And the love of the elves is very fierce!

"Then... we should be able to continue on the carriage." Lorne thought for a moment and said slowly. Sure enough, there is no bad land in this world!The recovery speed of this place is too fast!

"You can still be on the carriage!? You humans are too..." Mei Lei had an expression of disbelief. Obviously, this was completely beyond her shallow physiological knowledge.

Chapter 26 Exchange weapons and passives

"Borrow the bathroom... I can't go out with you like this... I smell like you." Mei Lei looked at the time and said.

"Do you want to wash it together?" Lorne asked with a smirk.

"Then let's not set off today...serious business matters!" Mei Lei said angrily, but when the conversation changed, Mei Lei's voice became softer, "Wait until we get on the carriage... then..."

After saying that, Mei Lei ran towards the bathroom as if running away. There was a huge bathtub inside, which was completely enough to accommodate dozens of people taking a bath together.

The entire bathroom can also be entered through several places. Because it is connected to the underground hot spring water, it can be enjoyed at any time.

Why such a big bathroom?It's simple. The nobles in this world like to use such huge baths to show their status.

His father, Duke Rolton's bathhouse was almost as big as a standard swimming pool.

As for the most exaggerated thing, naturally it is the large bath in the palace, which is said to be two times larger than Duke Rolton.

It felt like there would be no problem in accommodating his three hundred maids.

Phyllis has been waiting inside for a long time.

Felice was a little surprised to see Mei Lei come in. The person she was waiting for here was not the maid from the Elf tribe.

However, Mei Lei didn't pay attention to Felice, the candidate for the saint. After exchanging glances with her, she walked aside with a smile. This was the smile of a winner.

She has successfully become pregnant with Lorne's child, and coupled with her own identity, she is quite aware that she has completely suppressed Phyllis, the "first comer".

This made Phyllis feel very uncomfortable.

"Phyllis, come here and help me beat my back."

But before long, Lorne also wanted to take a good bath, but now he wanted to enjoy the service of a back slap more than taking a bath.

I have to admit that doing it for twenty hours in a row was really hard on my waist. This was still a lot of time when Mei Lei moved on her own.

This harem king is really not that easy to be!

"Hmph!" Phyllis snorted softly, with a jealous look on her face.

However, because it was the master's order, Phyllis could not resist, so she quickly walked to Lorne's side and helped him knock.

"What? Are you jealous?" Lorne asked with a smirk, "Is it because Mei Lei and I have been together for too long?"

"I'm not jealous. I'm just a little maid, and I have no right to interfere in my master's private life." Phyllis snorted softly and beat her fists very hard.

"Oh oh oh~~~ It feels so good! It feels so good! Go further down...ah! Yes, yes! It feels so sour!"

Lorne enjoyed it and took this opportunity to review the current situation in his mind. The other two tasks have not changed, but Task 1 has been replaced by a new task.

Task 1

Complete the construction goal of 300 maid regiments (mission progress 2/300)

(Each maid needs to have at least a comprehensive evaluation of A level)

Mission reward: Strengthen each maid to SS level and gain 1000000 Demon King points.

Looking at the requirements of the task, Lorne felt somewhat speechless.

300 A-level and above maids... To be honest, Lorne felt that gathering 300 A-level and above women in the whole world was an impossible task.

If we exclude the ugly and old ones among these women... the number 300 is really difficult.

However, the rewards for completing this main mission are indeed exaggerated. If they are all upgraded to SS level, he can level the entire world with a maid group without any loss. One million Demon King points are enough to exchange for some god-level goodies.

And the 800 Demon King Points left in Lorne's hand were directly used by him in the following time.

First, he exchanged it for a magic hand crossbow worth 300 points.

As an eldest young man, he had always neglected to exercise before, so even if he had some foundation, it was almost negligible.

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