"Hahahaha, isn't this okay? This is the only way." Luo En pulled out of Xiaoxue's body, then pressed Wen Zhu to the ground, and then couldn't help but say something.

"No! It's too...! Ouch!!"

The strong stimulation made Wen Zhu exclaim.

As an undead creature, Wen Zhu miraculously lost his sense of pain.

But correspondingly, now that she no longer feels pain, the place that has never been invaded by a man is now so sensitive that it explodes.

Especially on the monster Lorne.

To be honest, Lorne wanted to use some forbidden drugs on this SS-level resurrector to completely destroy her.

But undead creatures are resistant to such things, so the plan cannot be realized.

"How's it going? Isn't it, your head feels so good?" Lorne asked with a smirk.

"Woo...yes..." Wen Zhu nodded. At this time, she was extremely surprised. She had never thought that this kind of thing would feel like this.

"Hey hey hey, do you want to continue?" Lorne asked with a smile.

"Well... I want..." Wen Zhu was completely unable to think at this time and just answered instinctively.

"So, can you have a good relationship with Xiaoxue now? I can come in so smoothly, but it all depends on the water in her body. The body fluids of the two of you are also intimately stuck together." Lorne's face was full of tears. An extremely evil smile.

Chapter 4 Untying the Heart Knot

"This is... too bad..." Wen Zhu just thought about it for a moment and felt that his whole body was not well.

Her mucus...and Snow Wolf King's mucus...are now mixed together...

It's terrible no matter how you think about it... Moreover, are the two of them being played by Lorne together?

She never thought that one day she would "work" with the Snow Wolf King in this way.

"Hmph, how is it? Is it very comfortable? Do you regret not finding a man before?" Lorne asked with a smile, and he thrust deeply into her.

"Wuwu... no..." Wen Zhu shook her head, she would not regret it... and she was not voluntary now.

"You are really tough. So how do you feel about being my woman now?" Lorne continued to ask.

"No...no...feelings, I'm...not...indulged in such...things..." Wen Zhu gritted her teeth and said, although it was really satisfying, she just didn't want to admit it, even if Lorne could read Whatever she wants, she has to express it this way.

"But your expression has completely given you away." Lorne said with a smile, originally thinking that she would be expressionless.

But it's obvious that her expression management has completely failed, and she has become as comfortable as those women who are addicted to physical desires.

"Hahaha, I like your tough talk, because when you fall, you will be the most well-behaved." Lorne said with a smirk, and then accelerated the impact.

No woman could withstand his monster charge.

Sure enough, Wen Zhu almost lost consciousness after a few blows.

Yes, it was so exciting that I lost consciousness. This kind of impact was so exciting.

Her whole body felt as if she had been electrocuted, and there was constant stimulation like being shocked.

It continued so much that she felt dizzy.

She had no idea that she could still have such an experience. She somewhat understood why women were addicted to such things.

However, she had never thought that she would feel so much about this kind of thing before.

"It's normal, because you are a woman." Lorne said with a smile, "So, you won't lose at all in this resurrection, right?"

"Oh... please let me go... I will be broken..." At this time, Wen Zhu was already a little afraid of Lorne. Every time this man moved, she felt that she was one step closer to being broken.

"Hahahahaha." Lorne laughed, "Don't be so afraid, just try to enjoy it. You are dead now anyway, so just treat yourself as a new student, isn't it good to enjoy life?"

"I...I'll give it a try." Wen Zhu was stunned, and suddenly felt that what Lorne said made sense.

"Hmph, hey, you're not the main combatant anyway, so it's not bad to think about doing these things with me every day." Lorne said with a smile.

"Uh... Even if you say so..." Wen Zhu showed a hint of helplessness. Indeed, she had been tense before because of the heavy burden of the family, so she did not dare to relax at all.

So the moment she died, in addition to the unwillingness and hatred, it seemed... there was also a little bit of relief.

Having been tight for decades, she really had no time to touch men.

And those bad men can't even get into her eyes.

So, is it okay to fall under Lorn like this?

At this time, Wen Zhu looked at Luo En somewhat differently.

"What's wrong? Do you want to fall? Then you have found the right person." Lorne said with a smirk, "Relax, I will take you to fall into the abyss together."

"Well... then let's fall into the abyss..." Wen Zhu seemed to have made up her mind and hugged Lorne. For some reason, she suddenly felt that Lorne was smarter than she originally thought.

Just for a moment, her heart seemed to be opened...

And with the Snow Wolf King here, she really doesn't have to carry everything by herself like before.

Thinking about it this way, she is really suitable here... and she can do some of the things she wanted to do before.

What Wen Zhu doesn't know now is that even the Snow Wolf King is not among the top three in Luo En's harem group.

After all, with two dragons and an indescribable clone, these three people are now firmly enough to control the top three in the Lorne maid group.

"Hmph, do you want to forgive the Snow Wolf King over there?" Lorne asked with a smile.

"Forgive...forgive..." Wen Zhu seemed to have completely let go of his previous identity.

"But I have a request." Wen Zhu said seriously.

"What's the request?" Lorne asked curiously.

"I don't want to be with her, okay?" Wen Zhu said to Lorne in a coquettish tone.

She felt that this was the first time she had spoken to someone in such a tone since she was three or four years old.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, I'll pamper you." Luo En laughed. When a cold beauty like Wen Zhu acts like a coquettish girl, the lethality is multiplied ten times.

"Ugh... you human men are so heartless and unjust." Xiaoxue felt helpless as she listened to Luo En pampering other women.

Although she had heard of human men being romantic.

However, halfway through the pleasure, he pulled out and entered another woman's body.

This behavior is too much!This feeling of being stuck in half is super "bad".

However, she couldn't resist this man and could only look on depressedly.

Otherwise, she would have just pushed Lorne down and let herself feel better.

Sure enough, human men are so bad!

Of course, Lorne is certainly not the ruthless type. After fucking Wen Zhu until he passed out, he naturally

Even Ai, Guang and Bo were well nourished.

The three people watching from the side had their lower bodies dripping with water, so they couldn't help but comfort them.

After finishing all three of them, Lorne realized that it was getting late and the sky was actually getting slightly dark.

"It's a bit too much." Lorne frowned and looked at the three people lying on the ground panting.

At this time, Xiaoxue and Wen Zhu woke up.

"Huh? Master...there is something moving." At this time, Bo suddenly sat up in shock.

"Motion?" Lorne said doubtfully.

But before he could react, the three sword spirits had immediately transformed back into weapon form.

Xiaoxue and Wen Zhu also immediately put on their clothes and entered a fighting state.

Lorne was left alone, naked, and surprisingly felt a little perverted.

And the next second, a black shadow rushed in from the crack.

"Come here at this time? Is it such a coincidence?" Lorne laughed. This black shadow has SS-level strength and exudes the aura of the undead.

There is no doubt that this is another SS-class resurrector who was originally staying on the top of the mountain.

Chapter 4 Magic Book

"Um, who are you?" Lorne asked with a smile, not at all overwhelmed by his terrifying aura.

This actually made Wen Zhu on the side somewhat impressed.

After all, under the pressure of SS strong men, even S-class strong men will feel fear and fear.

SS-level powerhouses are no joke when it comes to terrifying pressure.

When she fought with Lorne before, she had not fully developed this oppressive momentum.

Of course, this may have something to do with him underestimating the enemy.

As for now, the person on the opposite side seems to be very angry, so the entire pressure is completely released.

"Me? Restner." The SS-level strongman said arrogantly, with a sense of domineering in his words.

"Who is that?" Luo En turned to look at Wen Zhu aside. To be honest, he didn't like such a domineering person.

Is it because like repels?

"Haven't you heard of him? Well, for you, he may be too old a person..." Wen Zhu said with some embarrassment.

"Wen Zhu, are you defecting?" But before Wen Zhu could continue, Restner said with a sneer.

"Yes, she is already my woman. What's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Lorne said provocatively.

"Tsk...who are you?" Restner glared at Lorne with resentful eyes.

With this look, Lorne immediately understood that he had taken away the woman Restner had intended.

It’s really speechless that this man is still trying to find a wife even though he’s dead.

Although the resurrected person seems to retain male functions, the resurrected person is unable to give birth to offspring, and at the same time, that function is somewhat degraded.

Therefore, if he becomes a resurrector, he will definitely be very unhappy.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" Lorne said with a smile, "Although I still don't know where you are from, well, an SS-level strongman is enough for me to introduce myself to my family. Well, my name is Luo En. Well, but you don’t need to remember this name, because you are going to die again soon.”

"Die again? Hahahahahaha, are you kidding? Since God resurrected me, it is God's will! What I want to do is to overthrow the empire! Establish a kingdom of the undead!" Restner said arrogantly.

In this regard, Lorne said that he looked down on the guy in front of him more and more.

"Is he... crazy?" Luo En looked at Wen Zhu aside.

"..." Wen Zhu said that he was a little unable to answer. After all, he had agreed with Restner's idea before.

Use the forbidden land in the north as a base to develop secretly.

Of course, it is not to rush out immediately, but to slowly lurk, and at the same time go to the empire to find out the current intelligence, waiting for opportunities.

After all, they are resurrected, and the life span of resurrected people is much longer than that of ordinary humans, let alone SS-level resurrected people like them, who can hibernate for hundreds of years.

Of course, this was the original idea.

But now it seems that this is just whimsical. Not to mention that there are perverted guys like Lorne in the empire. She feels that the situation is not good just because the Snow Wolf King is recovering in strength.

Sure enough, their failure was doomed the moment they let the Snow Wolf King escape.

"You haven't introduced me to this arrogant dead man yet." Lorne continued to ask.

"He was the strongest member of the royal family in the empire."

"Oh? People from the royal family? Are they those losers?" Lorne laughed. No wonder it started with thunder. Only the royal family in this country can have names starting with thunder.

"You're looking for death!!!!" Lorne's words obviously touched on Restner's most taboo thing.

Before his death, his strength even surpassed that of the emperor of the empire at that time, and he could even overthrow that emperor if he wanted to.

It's a pity that the emperors of the empire are all human beings. At that time, he was assigned the task of "strangling the Snow Wolf King".

So in order to prove that he was the strongest at that time, he came to this forbidden land, a place ruled by the Snow Wolf King.

It's a pity that he was careless. He didn't expect that the Snow Wolf King's domain was so special, and he had almost no resistance.

"Ah, I have an impression. This guy was killed by me in just a few blows." At this time, Xiaoxue seemed to have recalled who this man was.

Of course, it was seven or eighty years ago when this man came to challenge her.

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