It was with this idea in mind that Qin, the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind, began to watch Keli's videos seriously after he put her in confinement.

Back to the video.

Because of Kaia's invitation, Ying and Paimon came to the headquarters of the Knights of the West Wind in Mondstadt.

Within the knights, the acting knight leader Qin Zheng was waiting for her for a long time.

And together with Lian Qin, there is Lisa, the gentle and jade-like eldest sister.

She is the librarian of the Knights of the West Wind. She is gentle and has an extraordinary conversation. Just a smile is enough to make the boys and girls of Xishiwat happy——

But about's actually not that important.

In the video, acting captain Qin praised Ying and Yi Paimon who had repelled the attack of the Wind Demon Dragon when they first arrived.

Because Captain Qin saw this impressive achievement, Qin, who admired Ying's ability very much, also made a request to Ying, hoping that she could follow everyone in the West Wind Knights to solve the temple controlled by the Abyss Mage. .

Because she also needed some clues to find her brother, Ying just nodded and agreed directly.

The next step is to clean up the temple. There is no talking all the way, just fighting and killing——

In the process of fighting and killing, Ying also learned something from Lisa:

For example...the Wind Demon Dragon is actually one of the four wind guardians of Mondstadt: Tvarin.

A hundred years ago, Tevalin lost consciousness and slept for many years because of his battle with the demon dragon Dulin. Today, when Tevalin revived again, the former guardian of the four winds fell into another vortex: the one he had lost. Reason, only destruction is left in the mind, and there are no more thoughts.

After understanding everything, as a traveler, I felt that something was wrong.

However...because I'm not good at words, I didn't say much until the end.

And when she finally solved everything and returned to Mondstadt, she met a very mysterious mysterious figure wearing a mask.

The man calls himself the Envoy of Fools and is currently negotiating with Qin, the acting leader of the Knights of the West Wind.

The Fools are the diplomatic corps of the Eastern Kingdom. Within the continent of Teyvat, they have always given people the impression of being quite mysterious and unpredictable.

The Fools are also the core force under the Ice God - and this is also one aspect of the tyrannical strength of the Winter Kingdom.

However, during this period of time, the Fools seemed to be coveting the power of the Seven Gods and the Demon God...

The third video played in the live video Q&A room introduced the Fools like this.

And after this video was played... To be honest, Dadalia, who had been sitting in front of Zhongli, looked a little embarrassed.

He just scratched his head helplessly, and then smiled harmlessly:

"...Haha, why do I feel like I have become a villain?"


Zhongli ignored Dadalia's words to himself.

He just drank tea and listened to the show as usual, completely ignoring Dadalia's embarrassment at the moment.

To be honest... Although Dadalia does not look like a bad person, and he seems to be quite optimistic and cheerful.

But obviously...the Fools are a very mysterious and powerful organization headed by Tiwa Trinidad, and their existence cannot be called very just.

If you look at it from Mondstadt's point of view...the Fools are undoubtedly a very terrifying threat.

After all, they all covet the power of the Seven Gods. How can we expect them to be good people... Impossible.

So it is precisely because of this... This envoy of fools really seemed to feel a little bit tense during the negotiation with the acting leader Qin.

Because they have always coveted the power of the Wind Demon the fact that the Wind Demon Dragon lost control just gave the Fools an excuse to intervene.

Therefore, the envoys of Fool just spread out their hands and made a full gesture. After talking again, they left gracefully, giving people a feeling of arrogance and domineering——

But at this moment...only Qin was left on the spot with a slight frown on his face.

When the fools were about to leave, Ying slowly walked forward.

Looking at Qin's complicated expression at this moment, Ying also understood: things would be a little tricky.

"The Knights must resolve this crisis as soon as possible..."

Hearing what Qin said, Yingye nodded slowly, and then entered the West Wind Knights.

After entering the Knights of the West Wind, Ying showed them the strange teardrop-like crystal that he had picked up before for the first time.

But... Because this and the crystal exclude people with the Eye of God, Lisa seems a little embarrassed at this moment.

Qin also sees all this... To be honest, because this crystal has a repulsive reaction, everyone present is not suitable to put this key crystal on their bodies.

So... because Ying doesn't have the eye of God, and he seems to be very reliable - although he seems a little arrogant and a bit naive, he is still a good person to get along with.

So in the end... everyone decided to give the crystal to my sister for safekeeping.

"Thank you so much for everything you do for Mondstadt... Traveler."

When he saw that Yingwei Meng had been working hard silently, Captain Qin just touched his chest, and then seriously offered an olive branch to Ying:

"If you are willing...are you willing to become an honorary knight of the Knights of the West Wind and spend the crisis with us all?"

"Yeah! Of course!"

Paimon nodded and agreed.

After Yingye nodded, Ying became an honorary knight and would advance and retreat with Mond from now on.

And when I saw this.

The audience's reaction also became somewhat complicated.

"I always feel that this development is a bit outrageous... Is the traveler originally a visitor from outside the world, but he ends up advancing and retreating together with everyone in Mondstadt?"

Xingqiu, who has always liked to write and write, couldn't help it when he saw the video progressing to this moment, so he complained like this:

"...Next, it won't be very boring to work for the Knights of the West Wind, right?"

And Xingqiu's reaction was almost completely opposite.

At this moment, Kujo Sora looked at the man in the video who had become the honorary knight of the west wind, and his expression showed considerable respect.

After all...perhaps because of his status, he may prefer Ying, a figure who is willing to advance and retreat with the country, more than anyone else.

And inside the tavern in Mondstadt.

Because she was fascinated by the video...Wendy gradually stopped drinking.

He, who had always been free and unhurried, was sitting slowly in front of the tavern at this moment, and the harp in his hand continued to play beautiful music under his teasing.

"Sure enough... this kind of free life is more suitable for me. I can sing songs in the evening breeze and feel free."

"And... Judging from the video, Mondstadt really has a good guy coming."

As if she felt more and more reassured and relieved... At this moment, Wendy's expression no longer had that prodigal temperament.

On the contrary... At this moment, his expression was like that of a relieved old father, and his tone became much calmer:

"That's good...if there are them, it doesn't matter if I go around playing."

"But... I'm curious, how will this mess end?"

"After all, this thing seems to be getting bigger and bigger... Well, I really hope it can have a slightly better ending, so that I can officially retire~"

It was also in Wendy's very meaningful words.

The video question and answer system also began to play the remaining part of the third video.

12. Is it possible that Wendy is Barbatos? (First update)

At this moment, Ying and Paimon have become honorary knights of the Knights of the West Wind.

But...just as they walked out of the Knights of the West Wind, they happened to encounter a very familiar figure.

The boy in green clothes, who looked very delicate, was running on the streets of Mondstadt at the moment.

She realized that the boy in green clothes was the mysterious person she met at that time... Ying felt a hint of excitement in her heart, and she wanted to have a good chat with him.

It is precisely because of this that Ying and Paimon followed him all the way to the square of Mondstadt.


When she saw that familiar green figure appear in the video...Wendy, who had been playing the harp silently, finally couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey, it's finally my turn~"

On the other side...the Fengshen believers who had been silently watching the live Q&A video room, their expressions became a little complicated after seeing Wendy appear:

"Oh...why did that kid show up again?"

"It's uncomfortable...but according to the clues given in the previous answer, does this guy seem to be close friends with Lord Tvarin?"

"In other words, this guy is really not the simple bard we imagined..."

"Um...well, can I interrupt for a moment."

One of the Fengshen believers seemed to have thought of something... and said tremblingly at this moment:

"I asked, is it possible that...this boy who seems to be wild and free-spirited is actually Lord Barbatos, the God of Wind?"

Obviously, the statement of this Aeolian believer really caused an uproar.

Suddenly, the followers of Fengshen were in chaos:

"...If you say something stupid, shut your mouth!"

"Is your head okay? Then the guy who is so careless is the great Lord Barbatos. How is that possible?"

Of course...the quarrels of the Fengshen believers did not affect the playback of the video.

Back to the video.

The boy in green clothes, who was playing with his charms, was standing under the statue of Barbatos, the god of wind, singing a story that was so far away that it had become a myth.

People who were still outside were attracted by Wendy's singing, and more and more people gathered in the square.

It can be seen that...the popularity of this bard in Mondstadt can be said to be very high.

And if they listened carefully... Ying and Paimon could really feel that this bard was really good at reciting poetry.

The poem he recited tonight... tells the story of Tevalin and the battle between Dulong and Dulin, which is absolutely meaningful.

It can be seen from the expressions on everyone's faces that they reluctantly returned to their homes after the performance - this bard is indeed extraordinary within his professional scope.

If you really want to comment, he really looked like a big star just now——

After the performance, the little boy in green clothes, who presented himself as a bard, looked at the only audience member who had not left, with a hint of understanding on his expression.

He recognized the spectator who had not left... the girl he met in the forest that day.

It is precisely because of this that the bard Wendy came to Ying so generously:

"Hi... I'm Wendy. I met you in the Whispering Forest before - you must still remember me."

Because he was not good at words, Ying just nodded and didn't say much after that.

But...Wendy doesn't care about that.

He just scratched his head and wanted to continue saying something else——

But at this moment, Ying took a step forward and took out the crystal that shone with cherry red light, as if she wanted to ask what it was.

But...just when Ying took out the crystal and faced Wendy, something magical happened quietly——

The crystal, which was full of impurities and oozed red, seemed to have evolved at this moment, and instantly restored its original purity.

" seems that when you took it out, all your problems disappeared instantly."

With her chin hanging like this, Wendy answered Ying's question quite seriously:

"This crystal full of filth... is actually one of Mondstadt's guardians of the four winds: Tvarin's tears shed due to pain."

"And you...seem to have the ability to purify this tear."

"If possible, let's go to Fengqi Land to have a chat."

Arriving at Fengqi Land, Wendy waved her hand and finally told Ying two very crucial pieces of information:

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