The silence lasted for about a minute, and then the speaker sounded again——

"I understand your intention, Mr. Kaslana. Since you have shown goodwill to us, we are also willing to show goodwill to you. As a member of the artificial island management commune, I am happy to welcome a person from another world." guests."

"It's just that because of the operating policy of String Kami Island, if possible, we hope that your actions on String Kami Island can be under our supervision, and in exchange, we will satisfy all your needs for living on String Kami Island. kind of demand. And we also ensure that the surveillance behavior will not affect your daily life."

Alexia smiled and nodded: "If what you say is true, then I have no reason to refuse, Mr. Yase."

"Very good, then I'll leave it to Nangong Nayue to discuss the next matter with you. I still have official business to deal with, so I'll excuse you now."

"By the way...Welcome to Xingkami Island, Mr. Kaslana, I hope you have a happy life here."

11.Are you going to be a junior high school student this time?!

Genkamijima Minami is a cultural and educational area with clusters of residential and educational institutions.

After finishing the conversation with Yaze Ikuma, and as he said, he had a series of discussions with Nangong Natsuki about his future living conditions on Genkami Island, Exia finally arrived. Located in an apartment building in this southern district.

Carrying a hiking bag, she arrived at the apartment that Nangong told her that month. After opening the door with the key, what appeared in front of Alexia was a living room that had been decorated and all the furniture was fully prepared.

TVs, sofas, coffee tables, refrigerators in the kitchen, various kitchen utensils, beds in the bedroom, study tables... there are all kinds of furniture that Alexia can think of.

Putting the hiking bag on the ground, Alexia came to the sofa and sat down: "This is where I will live for a year from now on? It's surprisingly good."

"Jingle bells!"

The personal terminal in his pocket rang at this moment.

It was Nangong's call that month.

"Hello? Miss Nangong?"

[Have you arrived at the room prepared for you? 】

"I just arrived, what's wrong?"

[I just came to confirm with you. After all, I have been reluctantly arranged to be your temporary person in charge. Before Xingkami Island accepts you, if something happens to you, I will be the one in trouble]

Alexia smiled: "I will try not to cause trouble and let you worry about me, Miss Nangong."

[I'm really not used to you being so considerate and conscious, but forget it - have you got all the relevant certificates?From now on, those will be your identities on Genkami Island]

"Well, I got it, but..."

He took out a document from a pocket on the surface of the mountaineering bag and looked at the contents that had been printed out for less than an hour. Alexia said helplessly: "Let me be a student...Xian Shen" Is Dao serious?”

Alexia Kaslana, 16 years old, is an international student from Europe.

This is Exia's status on Genkami Island now. Starting next week, he will transfer to a school called [Aaikai Academy] on Genkami Island as a student, and the grade he will attend is the third grade of junior high school. .

"I have basically completed my undergraduate studies in my original world. Is it appropriate for me to go to a junior high school? Miss Nangong."

[You have to go if you are not suitable. You are only 16 years old, and I am now a teacher in that college. I put you in my class to cooperate with my monitoring of you]

"You said it won't affect my life?" Alexia sighed, "You guys are really good at changing concepts. If possible, I want to live by myself for a while."

[Then would you rather be a vagrant with nothing to do? 】

"At least it's better than wasting time in school."

With Alexia's academic ability, going to Saikai Academy was just like going to Kuoh Academy before, just wasting time by dozing off in class every day - he could get full marks on junior high school level knowledge with his feet.

Oh, except for subjects unique to this world, such as the history of this world.

[It’s useless if you refuse. The relevant procedures have been completed. Someone will pick you up for admission next week. Before then, you can just walk around Genkami Island to familiarize yourself with the environment.]

walk around?

Alexia raised her eyebrows.

"As a temporary person in charge, this is really a somewhat irresponsible statement. Aren't you going to monitor me?"

[That is what the people below are responsible for. I am responsible for cleaning up the aftermath for you and dealing with the people above you after you cause trouble, so just think of it as a way for us to have less trouble with each other and give full play to your consciousness just now, Ka Silana]

[That’s it, I still have to prepare the test papers for next week’s exam.If you have anything, just call this number]


Listening to the electronic sound ringing from the personal terminal, Exia sighed slightly: "You are really being calculated."

"Then what are you going to do, Prince?" Shajo Aige hugged Alexia from behind. "Next week, are you going to go to that school? Or are you saying not to go to school?"

"Well...actually there is an option. We can fly directly away from this Xian Shen Island and find another place to stay."

"If the prince wants to do this, then I have no objection, but there will probably be some conflicts with this island, and it won't be easy to resolve them all - unless the prince treats this place as a no-man's land like Nagakong City. "

[In that case, my partner will look a bit like my previous host]

After a long absence, Ddraig's voice sounded on Exia's left hand.

"Ddraig? Aren't you sleeping?"

Because of the addition of Sajo Aika and Artoria, in recent times, except when using the power of the Sekiryuutei, Ddraig has been basically in a sleeping state. In his own words, he has no energy. The need to be awake.

[Because I have come to a new world, I still have to wake up and familiarize myself with the familiar ones at the beginning - but it will only last for these two days. I will still fall asleep after that. Anyway, with this princess here, I don’t need to be with her. Rushing to speak】

"Ah, I really appreciate your consideration, Mr. Seryuu." Shajo Aige said with a smile, "But please don't make it sound like I'm excluding you. You are a very important partner of the Prince. I didn’t mean to not welcome you.”

[I know - by the way, partner, my suggestion is that you should not leave this island now]


[I can feel the breath of some compatriots. 】


Frowning, Exia asked, "Does it mean there is a dragon like you on this island?"

[No, I don’t think it’s a pure dragon, it should be something like a snake. I’d like to get in touch with it if possible]

Since leaving the original world, Ddraig has not seen other dragons. Although it does not particularly want its compatriots, it is rare to feel the breath of dragons and snakes, so it is inevitably a little concerned.

[In addition, I think Princess Girl has noticed that this island should be more than just a simple island]

"It's vague. I just have this intuition. If I want to confirm it, I need more information and evidence."

"In that case, why don't you go out for a walk now?"

Alexia said as she stood up from the sofa.

"Miss Nangong also said that we can go shopping before enrolling next week, so let's go out for a walk first and make dinner by the way."

The time difference between the time here and the time over there is not big. Although it is not the same day, the time within a day is basically the same, which is only two or three minutes earlier than that over there.

Exia set off at around 01:30 in the afternoon. Nearly three hours had passed since we arrived here. After a while, it would indeed be time to have dinner.

And just when Axia walked out of the entrance——

"Eh? Are you... the new resident who moved in next door?"

A young man with silver-gray hair who looked about the same age as Alexia happened to walk out of the door of the house next door. He greeted Alexia unexpectedly: "I live in Xiaogu City next door. Please excuse me." Please give me some advice."

"Xiao...ancient city?"

Alexia glanced at the last name on the door next door - [Xiao].

It is quite rare for Japanese surnames.

"Hello, Xiao Gucheng, I am Alexia Kaslana who moved here today. Please take good care of me from now on."

12.The girl of flames

"Eh~~~That means Ixia, you will become my classmate starting next week."

"Xiao, are you a student of Aihai Academy?"

"Well, I'm a third-year student in the middle school, and I'll be a freshman in high school next year."

In a shopping mall some distance away from Alexia's apartment, Alexia and Xiao Gucheng were walking in the mall and chatting.

This is not to say that the two got on good terms when they first met, nor did they hit it off immediately, but they just dropped by each other - or that Alexia was brought here.

Xiao Gucheng seemed to be planning to visit a friend next, thinking of buying something to take as a gift.As for Alexia, he was going to the mall to buy some new clothes. He didn't bring a change of clothes when he came out this time, and Gengamijima wouldn't prepare them for him.

The other thing is to buy some quick lunch boxes and the like for dinner.

Alexia is confident in his cooking skills, which is at the standard level of a novice chef. Entry-level cooking is okay, but he can't do more troublesome cooking. This is a legacy of Kaslana's family, and he can't escape it. Lose.

And because he didn't know the way to Genkami Island, Akatsuki actually brought him to the mall.

(Actually, I can guide Mr. Prince to do it.)

(No, I don’t plan to make dinner too much trouble. A quick lunch box or something will do.)

After responding to the opinion of Sajo Aige in her mind, Exia bent down and picked up a pork cutlet and rice bento from the counter and threw it into the shopping cart.

Seeing Alexia's behavior, Xiao Gucheng couldn't help but ask: "I said...Kaslana, do you live alone?"

"Well, what happened?"

"Actually, I'm here too." Xiao Gucheng smiled bitterly, "Asshole dad is out doing archeology all year round, my mom is a researcher at Mar, Nagisa... is my sister, because of her health The reason is that I am still with my mother."

There is a sister named [Nagisa].

"Then it seems there are quite a lot of similarities between us. After all, I also have a sister."

"Eh? Really or not?"

"Really, I'm a troublesome sister. Before I came to Genkami Island, I was exhausted physically and mentally so that she could pass the exam." Alexia smiled, "Speaking of which, who is Mar?"

"Don't you know martin?"

"Well, is it famous?"

Xiao Gucheng's eyes widened in surprise: "You don't know about Mar... Well, the so-called Mar is a world-renowned magic industry complex, representing huge enterprises in East Asia, ranging from the military to We sell everything from weapons to general food, as well as a medical research institute and its affiliated hospitals. On Genkami Island alone, there are hundreds of mar-related companies, and my mother works as a researcher at a research institute."

"My father is an archaeologist, and my mother is a researcher at a well-known company...Xiao, your family is really powerful. Could it be that you are actually a powerful person yourself, right?"

Alexia sighed with emotion, and Xiao Gucheng wiped his nose in embarrassment: "I'm not that good. At most, I joined the school's basketball club. I was rated as an excellent player before, but I quit a long time ago." Department."

"Resign? Why? You were injured and had to retire?"

"'s not that I want to." Xiao Gucheng sighed, "It's just that I can't blend in with my companions, and I feel isolated unknowingly. In addition, during the summer competition Something happened, and I ended up quitting.”

According to Exia's little knowledge of Japan, the culture of [cliques] here is quite serious. If you don't find a way to integrate into a certain group, it seems that campus life will be quite difficult.

Raiden Meiyi seemed to belong to the group of people who couldn't "melt in" before.

(I really don’t like this kind of custom in this country.)

(After all, Japan’s history is like that. Weak beings have been holding together for warmth since ancient times. There is no need for the prince to care too much.)

Shajo Aige commented unceremoniously on her hometown.


After continuing to chat with Xiao Gucheng for a while, Xiao Gucheng left first because he had to meet his friends.

Alexia also continued shopping around, and after feeling that there was nothing to buy except clothes and fast food lunch boxes, he went to check out and left the mall - half of the gold bars he brought with him had been given to Genkamijima in exchange for money. Yes, the value is completely based on the market conditions of this world, and Exia has also confirmed whether she has been taken advantage of.

"So, where are we going next?"

Carrying several bags filled with clothes and a plastic bag of dinner, Alexia thought as she walked.

Putting all your things home first is an option, but you have to go home anyway, so it’s the same thing to continue looking around and then go back.

"Ddraig, can you sense in which direction your compatriots are?"

[What, do you want to take the initiative to meet my compatriots?partner】

"It's just some interest."

[Then I’m going to disappoint you. I just have that feeling. I don’t know the specific direction. Maybe I can feel it better after being at a certain distance from the other party. By the way——]

(My lord, there is someone watching you at two o'clock.)


Hearing what one person and one dragon said, Exia immediately looked in the direction that Sajo Aige said, and over there——

"A girl?"

The person standing in that direction looking at Alexia was undoubtedly a girl, who looked about the same age as Nangong Nayue.

However, it is a bit strange to say that she is a girl, because her dress is too weird. She is wearing a simple protective suit similar to a denim suit, with a monotonous Roman numeral nine printed on the surface. At first glance, she looks like a girl. It gives me the impression that I am looking at [standard weapons].

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