"This completes the contract." Shajo Aige said with a smile, "Thank you for your understanding, Miss Lan Yu, then without further ado - can you let me possess you now?"


Lan Yu Qiancong shrank her neck warily: "What do you want to use my body for?"

"I'm not doing anything extreme, I just want to fulfill a small wish."

"What wish?"

"Press the prince into the collar, use your broad mind to accommodate all of the prince, and feel the breath of the prince and the temperature of his body with your whole heart."


Lan Yu Qiancong quickly tightened his collar, and at the same time shouted angrily with a blushing face: "How could I allow you to use my body to do such a thing! That will definitely cause misunderstandings among everyone in the class. Ah! I don’t want to be misunderstood that I have that kind of relationship with Exia!”

"It doesn't matter. Just explain it later. Besides, it's me who actually enjoys it, so you don't need to have any mental burden."

"The burden is huge! You have no shame at all!"

"Please understand, I have wanted to do this for a long time."

"Absolutely! Yes! No! Yes!"

30. Set up from the beginning

Under Lan Yu Qiancong's arguments, Shajo Aige finally had no choice but to respect her ideas and put away her ambitions.

Because of this argument, Lan Yu Qingqing, who was already very sleepy, couldn't bear it anymore. Regardless of whether Sha Tiao Ai Ge was still in front of him, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep. Within a minute, the news came out There was a slight cry.

Looking at the sleeping Lan Yu Qiancong, Shajo Aige couldn't help but sigh: "Although it is because you are too sleepy, you fell asleep in front of me like this. If I had tampered with the contract, then your body would be It’s already mine, Miss Lan Yu.”

(Well...that's what I said, but in fact I did something wrong from the beginning.)

In the world of magicians, forming a contract with others is a very risky thing. Even if it is just a general contract, if the other party sets a trap in the contract content, it may bring extremely serious consequences to you.

And if it is a high-level contract, it may even lead to one's own death.

For example, there is a contract called [Self-Enforcement Certificate] - it is a magic contract used by magicians when they conclude an agreement that cannot be broken. It is the most absolute guarantee made to prevent breach of contract.

Once signed, in principle, its effectiveness cannot be lifted by any means. Depending on the situation, this contract can be extended to the next generation, and even the soul after death will be bound.

Therefore, it is the basic quality of every magician to carefully review the contents of the contract and confirm that one will not suffer losses due to certain loopholes.

Lan Yu Qiancong was not aware of this. Even though she had carefully confirmed the contents of the contract, she was not aware of Shajo Aige's actions.

But this is natural, there are no problems with the contract, and there are no loopholes that can be exploited - but what if the loopholes exist outside the contract?

Article [-] of the contract content: [Lan Yu Qian Cong shall not disclose this contract and its detailed contents to any party in any way].

This is a regulation to prevent Lan Yu Qianzui from revealing Shajo's love song to Alexia without permission, and from her seeking help from others. There is no replacement in itself, but if Lan Yu Qianzui realizes something that happened yesterday thing, then she would definitely understand what a huge oversight she had made.

Standing up and floating above Lan Yu Qianqiong, Shatiao Aige reached out and held her face, letting his forehead touch hers.


Shatiao Aige's body immediately turned into several streaks of light, gradually sinking into Lan Yu Qiancong's body like a stone sinking into the ocean.The next moment, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her eyes, sat up from the bed, opened her collar, touched the two lumps on her chest and smiled slightly.

"Well, it went smoothly because Miss Lan Yu was sleeping, so there was no obstacle at all."

Lan Yu Qian Cong... No, it should be said that it was actually Shajo Aige's [Lan Yu Qian Cong] who walked down from the hospital bed with a smile and stretched her hands and legs to move her body.

After more than three months, she has a body that can move freely again. Shajo Aige is in a really good mood now, and she even wants to hum a little.

(Sure enough, it is better to have a good body. I feel like I will become addicted if I rely on it too many times.)

If you have lost something, when you regain it, you will cherish it far more than before.

This is the mood of Shajo Aige now, even——

"However, this child's breasts are really big, and the curvature of his hips is also very good. He has such a good figure at the age of 15, which is really enviable."

Because she originally had a somewhat regretful figure, now Shajo Aige likes Lan Yu Qiancong's body even more than her own body!

After all, since Alexia likes girls like Bianca, then by summarizing Bianca's characteristics, we can naturally get a rough idea of ​​Alexia's preferences.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, a proud figure that is not suitable for her age, and black stockings - excluding clothes, Lan Yu Qianqing basically matches her body appearance. Although her waist size is still a little worse than Bianca's, she still beats the original one instantly. The level of sandiao love song.

"The Prince turns out to like this kind of thing."

Not caring that this was someone else's body, Shajo Aige directly put her hand into the clothes and personally confirmed the feel and shape of the two cumbersome lumps.

"Oh...um...I see...I seem to understand...it does bring some mental pleasure. What about the buttocks?"

After taking out the hand that still had a warm touch and reaching it under the skirt, touching the curve of Lan Yu's buttocks in a posture that seemed a bit charming to others, Sajo Aige slumped down with her cheeks slightly red. on the bed.

The things in Lan Yu Qianqing's body were things that she had never possessed in the past, and after losing the power of her roots, Shajo Aige had no way of knowing what power these things had to fascinate men.

However, now that she has actually started it, Shajo Aige feels like she understands some of the secrets.

(Will the prince like this? Or will he directly imitate Miss Bianca’s appearance?)

This is undoubtedly a very important question!

However, after thinking for a while, Shajo Aige simply put the problem behind her and took out her mobile phone from her skirt pocket.

And the moment I opened the phone screen——

【Um?Miss, are you not asleep yet? 】

"Mr. Moguwai...I remember it was called this, right?"

Moguwai, the artificial intelligence that exists in Lan Yu Qian Cong's mobile phone, was originally wondering why Lan Yu Qian Cong was still awake. But when he heard Lan Yu Qian Cong's stranger-like words, his facial animation suddenly changed to serious. look like.

【Not the eldest lady】

"The body is still hers, but the inside is not." Shajo Aige said with a smile.

[What did you do to the eldest lady? 】

"I didn't do anything. It was just a reasonable and temporary attachment to her based on the contract I signed with her. You don't need to be nervous or worry. I will leave automatically when the three to ten minutes are up."


"As for meeting you now, I just want to say hello to you. As long as the person I am relying on is Miss Lan Yu, cooperation with you should be inevitable, so I thought I would show my goodwill to you first - —The other thing is to say thank you."

"After all, if it weren't for your existence, I wouldn't be able to rely on Miss Lan Yu now. I'm really grateful to you for this, Mr. Moguwai."

31. Miss Ai Ge wins.

Judging from the content of the contract, there is only one way for Shajo Aige to ignore Lan Yu Qiancong's wishes and forcefully possess her.

That is through Article [-] of the Covenant.

[[-]. If one party violates any of the above treaties, the other party has full power to impose sanctions and may impose any form of punishment]

This is a very common punishment mechanism. Perhaps in Lan Yu Qiancong's view, the purpose of this treaty is to give her some means of self-defense and to give Shajo Aige some ways to do small things. As long as she doesn't If she does anything that violates the treaty, then this treaty is her most powerful weapon.

The idea is correct.

But Lan Yu Qiancong ignored a prerequisite, or was not aware of this condition, and that was [she violated the contract from the beginning].

[[-]. Lan Yu Qian Cong shall not disclose this contract and its detailed contents to any party in any way]

Because of the existence of this treaty, at the moment Lan Yu Qian Cong accepted the contract, the only people who could know about the contract were Shajo Aige and Lan Yu Qian Cong. If Lan Yu Qian Cong later leaked this matter, it would be equivalent to violating the contract. .

However, no one has ever said that the time of leakage is limited to [follow-up]!If Lan Yu Qian Cong leaks the contract to others before accepting the contract, it is also equivalent to violating the contract!

And if you think about it carefully, besides Lan Yu Qian Cong and Sha Tiao Ai Ge, there is indeed someone who knows about the contract.

That is the Moguwai in front of Shajo Aige now.

And therefore, the moment Lan Yu Qiancong accepted the contract, she was equivalent to violating Article [-], and Shajo Aige was able to exploit Article [-].

With full power of sanction, she can completely do this kind of thing [ignoring Lan Yu Qingcong's own wishes and forcing her to rely on him].

Because this is [punishment] and is not within the scope of the contract.

[So it turns out, the eldest lady is really being targeted by a terrible conspirator]

"It's not a conspirator. It's just a girl who has to take some small actions that are natural for her own wishes. If I want to make some conspiracy, I won't use the troublesome method of contract."

Even if her power is limited, Shajo Aige can torture Lan Yu Qianzuo until she breaks down and loses herself, and then takes over her body forever.

[Hehehe, if you do that, then I will have to take some action]

"Oh? From your tone, it sounds like you value Miss Lan Yu very much." Shatiao Aige leaned on the bed, "In other words, if I cause harm to Miss Lan Yu, will you do something to me? "

[It’s okay if you think so, but since you have a relationship with that Exia, targeting him is actually a feasible method]

"Hahahaha~~~ It's really an interesting idea!"

Shajo Aige couldn't help laughing, and then said seriously in an instant: "If you want to sink this island, then I highly recommend you to try it - but, do you think sinking this island is right? How long will it take for the prince?"


"In my opinion, it doesn't even take an hour. Even the prince doesn't need to take action. Just stand on this island and continue to release your power. This island will sink to the bottom of the sea forever."

"It's just an island made of scrap metal. Don't take yourself too seriously, ants. The kindness and tolerance that the prince is giving you now is not a matter of course."

At this moment, although he was still smiling and using Lan Yu Qian Chong's body, the aura released by Sha Tiao Ai Ge caused the temperature in the infirmary to drop suddenly.

Of course, Moguwai, as an artificial intelligence, cannot feel it.

[Did you really say something completely inconsistent with your character in the voice of the eldest lady? In other words, it seems that we can still coexist peacefully now? 】

"Don't flatter yourself, Mr. Moguwai." Shajo Aige said with a smile, "You have no right to choose. It is only because the prince does not want to bring trouble to other worlds that he will accommodate you and tolerate you. You are offensive and disrespectful."

"As long as you are honest and don't cause trouble to Mr. Prince, then I won't do anything to Miss Lan Yu, and Mr. Prince probably won't sink this island - let us both be considerate of each other. , Mr. Moguwai."

After saying that, Shajo Aige turned off her cell phone, stuffed it back into her skirt pocket, lay back on the bed, and then got out of Lan Yu Asakon's body.

The [punishment] she made based on the content of Article 10 is - [Only one time in a day can the body be forcibly possessed by Lan Yu Qiancong, and it does not count into the original three opportunities, and the time limit is [-] minutes]

After tidying up Lan Yu Qiancong's clothes and skirts that were a little messed up by herself, Shajo Aige smiled slightly.

(I will trouble you in every aspect from now on, Miss Lan Yu.)

The next moment, Shajo Aige flew up on the spot and got into the wall, and quickly returned to the classroom where Ikexia was along the wall. Probably because of worrying about the situation over Lan Yu Qianqiong, Ike Xia didn't sleep at this time.

(I'm back, Prince.)

(Miss Love Song?)

Hearing the voice in his head, Alexia, who was staring at the blackboard in a daze, came to her senses immediately.

(How is Lan Yu’s situation?)

(There is no problem. There are no symptoms of being affected by Honkai energy throughout her body. You can be sure that her being so tired has nothing to do with you. It is her own fault, so you don’t need to worry too much.)

It has nothing to do with yourself.

This answer immediately made Alexia breathe a sigh of relief - as long as it was not his unintentional influence, if something like Artoria and Quiet Hassan happened again, then he would really feel guilty and blame himself. .

He does not want other worlds to be invaded by Honkai Impact. That is a matter that belongs to his world and has nothing to do with other worlds.

(As long as it's okay...I'm sorry to trouble you this time, Miss Aige.)

(If the prince wants to repay me, just give me a hug afterwards)


(But you don’t have a physical body, right? When I hug you, I just hug the air.)

(Then make a reservation first.)

Shatiao Aige laughed.

(If one day in the future, I can regain my body, then please give me a warm hug full of love.)


It’s really a request in the style of Shajo Aige.

Alexia smiled helplessly.

(There are not so many prerequisites, just a simple hug is still fine.)

(Then let’s just say it, Mr. Prince – you owe me a hug, and I look forward to the day when you honor it.)

32. Lan Yu Qian Cong wants to take tutoring lessons

Lan Yu Qian Cong slept very comfortably.

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