Alexia saluted with a smile.

And some fearful ones continued to hide behind Xiao Gucheng. Agulola looked at Exia with a slightly frightened expression: "You... you are the... dirty and chaotic beast from last time. group?"

"Eh?" Xiao Gucheng couldn't help but froze, "Ah...that's it. I'm sorry, Kaslana, Agulola's way of speaking is a bit..."

"It's okay, I don't care about this kind of thing."

(The herd of filthy and chaotic beasts...Why do these Fourth True Ancestor's physical bodies all call me this similar title? What do I look like in their eyes?)

If possible, Ixia would really like to ask them.

"Speaking of which, Xiao, what are you here for?"

"Oh, let's bring Agurola to try the latest hamburger set last week. She hasn't tried it yet. Besides, we are going for a walk. We can't stay in the boat all the time, right?" Xiao Gucheng explained, "Then I won’t disturb you anymore, Agurola and I are going to place orders——”

"Ancient City?"

At this moment, I don’t know whether it was a coincidence or an accident, Lan Yu Qianqing, who was carrying a large plate of hamburgers, happened to come back. He looked at Xiao Gucheng and Agulola standing next to Exia, and was stunned for a moment. In situ.

And looked at Lan Yu Qian Cong, and then looked at Exia and the homework on the table in front of him that was obviously shared by two people.

(Eh? Could it be these two people...)

When a certain idea came into his mind, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Sajo Aige, who watched this scene from a third-person perspective——

(Ah la la, this is really~~~~~unexpectedly interesting.)

34.Agurola was scared away!

After recovering from the surprise, he put the burger on the table. Lan Yu Qianqing frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Gucheng and Agulola: "Why did Gucheng and Agulola come here?"

"We're all here at the burger restaurant, so we definitely want to eat burgers." Xiao Gucheng said matter-of-factly, "Onion, you and this a study session?"


Lan Yu Qian Cong sat down.

"The final exam is next week, so it's better not to take it seriously. Alexia's grades are ridiculously good, so I asked him to teach me - why are you and Motoki not here?"

"Uh...I'm going to see Agulola."

Xiao Gucheng looked at Agurola behind him with some embarrassment: "Besides, your grades are much better than those of Moto and I. If you hold a study meeting with us, wouldn't it mean that you are teaching us?"


He glared at Xiao Gucheng angrily, as if he had given up talking to him. Lan Yu Qianqing picked up a burger and raised it in front of Agurola: "Want to eat? Agurola? This is a new product that was recently released, Gucheng. I'm sure I haven't tasted it for you, idiot?"

"This is what I plan to feed her today!"

Xiao Gucheng immediately retorted.

Taking the burger from Lan Yu Qiong's hand, Agulola opened the package and took a hard bite.

"Ugh——! Supreme deliciousness! A wild feast all rolled into one!"

There are some confusing comments, but looking at the happiness on Agurola's face and her inability to stop eating, she must be saying that the burger is delicious.

(This kind of child is actually one of the physical bodies of the Fourth True Ancestor.)

Staring at Agurola, Ixia couldn't help but think of the few bodies she met yesterday. Compared with them, Agurola seemed to be another person, emitting a completely different atmosphere and aura from them.

If it weren't for the fact that they looked the same, Ixia would never have regarded Agulola and those bodies as the same existence.

"Eat slowly, Agurola. If you want to eat, there are many here." Lan Yu Qianqian showed a smile as if he was feeding a small animal, "By the way, this one belongs to Ixia, you are You want six, right?”

"Just give me three, and I'll give you the other three." Ixia took away three burgers. "If you give your own to Agulola, won't there be enough left for you? I'll eat a few less. It's fine."

"That's it...thank you."

Without being polite to Alexia, Lan Yu Qian Cong took all the remaining hamburgers in front of him, then patted the empty seat next to him: "Come on, Agulola, sit next to me."

"Yeah! Will Qiang Onion eat with me too?"

"of course."

Because Agulola and Lan Yu Qiancong both have blond hair, if an outsider who doesn't know the inside story sees the two of them getting along now, they will probably think that this is a middle school student sister taking care of her little sister.

But no matter what, for Xiao Gucheng, it would be great if Agurola could be happy like this.

"Xiao, won't you sit down?"

"Then you can go over there a little bit."

After moving to the side for Xiao Gucheng to sit down, Ixia ate her seventh burger today: "Speaking of which, Xiao, don't you need to review? If you stay with Agulola like this every day, your academic performance will not improve." Problem?"

"I have studied hard after I go back in the evening... Well, the final exam should be fine, right?" When Xiao Gucheng said this, he felt extremely guilty.

Although his grades cannot be said to be bad, they are not much better, which means he can guarantee that he will not fail.Xiao Gucheng was actually a little unsure about whether he could pass the final exam.

"But I will review unexpectedly before the exam. I can probably pass by studying to death."

"Are you really okay?" Alexia frowned in disbelief, "Don't let us all be promoted to the high school department by then, and you are the only one who remains in the middle school department."

"Wouldn't you be able to get promoted?"

"No, I will definitely go up."

Alexia's words immediately stunned both Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong - they remembered that they had discussed yesterday whether Alexia could go to higher school.

"How can it be possible for you to enter a higher school if your attendance is seriously insufficient?" Lan Yu Qiancong asked in confusion.

"I have to ask Teacher Nangong. Anyway, what she means is that as long as I can get enough marks to enter the higher school, she can let me advance to the high school." Exia explained, "So I will just take it easy next week. If you take the test, you should be able to get a score of 99 in each subject."

I probably scored 99 points on the exam... Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong can be sure that if these words are heard by other people in the school, they will definitely cause public outrage!

"That means Kaslana can go to high school with us, which is good."

Xiao Gucheng breathed a sigh of relief.

If the two are neighbors, they will definitely have more contacts in the future, but if Alexia does not go to high school, then considering the relationship in the circle, it may be a little unnatural - it is better for the neighbors to have a good relationship. .

And then, after taking another look at Exia and Lan Yu Qian Cong, who were basically sitting face to face, he asked a question that he wanted to ask before.

"By the way, I was a little curious just now. Qian Cong and Kaslana, do you already have such a good relationship?"


"W-what do you mean, Gucheng?"

Compared to Exia, who didn't react at all, Lan Yu Qianqing was slightly panicked when she heard him ask this question.

Xiao Gucheng seemed to have not noticed her reaction at all, and continued: "Because I think you two seem to be very close, are you considered friends already? When did you start?"


"Yesterday," Alexia replied, "Because I wanted to ask Lan Yu something, so I treated her to dinner. After that, our relationship felt a little better - right? Lan Yu."


(nice cover!)

Lan Yu Qian Cong gave Alexia a heartfelt thumbs up.

(However, he didn’t say anything about his interest in Agurola... Do you plan to keep it a secret?)

After hearing this explanation, Xiao Gucheng also laughed: "Really, that's good. I'm quite happy that the relationship between friends has improved, but Asakusa, don't bully Alexia. He just came here not long ago. .”

"Do you think I can bully him?"

Recalling the other side of Alexia that he saw through the surveillance video yesterday, Lan Yu Qianqing also looked at Alexia with some alienation - who is he?

If this problem is not solved, then Lan Yu Qiancong probably won't be able to regard him as a friend.

(Huh? Wait, I remember that Agurola called Exia a strange name just now, right? What was it?)

Looking at Agurola beside him, Lan Yu Qiancong asked: "Speaking of which, Agurola, why did you call Exia in such a strange way before? It seems like some kind of chaos?"


Mentioning Exia, Agulola, who was eating a burger, immediately trembled. He grabbed Lan Yu's light green sleeve and rubbed it towards her: "The herd of chaotic beasts... blasphemous and lustful Incarnation...the lonely king living in the snow..."

"Wait a minute, why do you feel like I have become a dangerous person?" Exia quickly questioned, "Do I look that suspicious?"

Xiao Gucheng shook his head: "No, I think you are quite kind, Kaslana. Agulola, you can't call Kaslana that."


Agurola, who had a little fear in his eyes, relaxed a little when he heard what Xiao Gucheng said, and after looking at Exia again——

【————! 】

The feeling as if she was being watched by some kind of existence immediately penetrated her body!The feelings conveyed from the depths of her heart actually prompted her to run out on the spot!

"Hey! Agurola!"

Seeing this, Xiao Gucheng didn't even bother to speak, he quickly got up and chased after him anxiously!

The sudden situation made Exia and Lan Yu Qiancong unable to react for a while, but after the two of them reacted...

( I so terrible?!)

(So ​​who is this guy?!)

The two people's hearts were filled with such doubts.

35.The last daily routine of junior high school

Because of the accident caused by Agurola, after she and Akatsuki left, Exiya and Lanyu Asakon lost the intention to continue studying, and left the burger restaurant each other not long after.

I don't know if it was because of Agurola's abnormal behavior, but starting from the second day after that, after Alexia went to school, she clearly felt the change in Lan Yu Qiancong and Xiao Gucheng's attitude towards her.

Although she didn't completely ignore him, her normal conversations and contacts were still the same, but her words and deeds revealed some feelings of alienation from time to time.

They are all people who know Agulola's identity.

The physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor, part of the world's most powerful vampire, even though he looks timid, if Agurola becomes serious, the power he releases will definitely surpass that of the vampires of the old generation!

And being able to scare Agurola like this into running away, Exia's image in the eyes of Akatsuki and Lanyu Asakon has basically changed from the original [friend/classmate] to [someone who may be photographable].

In Japan, as long as there is a little relationship problem in a small group, it is inevitable that the person at the core of the problem will be alienated.

Regarding this situation, Exia was not too touched. He had only been in this world for four or five days. At first, he did not think that he could become friends with the local people in a short period of time. Xiao Gucheng and Lan Apart from the reason, Yu Qiancong's alienation was actually within the range that Exiya could have expected.

What's more, even if Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong really ignored him, Ixia didn't care.

After all, even if everyone in the world ignores him, he will still have Shajo Aige and the others by his side. These companions and comrades who exist beside him will never leave him.

Therefore, Ixia really felt that it didn't matter. The worst thing she could do was leave this world in a year and never come back.

And in this somewhat embarrassing situation, the day for the final exam came in a blink of an eye.

Because there are many courses, including nine subjects in total, Caihai Academy's final exams are arranged over several days.

Today is the last day.


Afternoon, four thirty.

After the last subject is over, the invigilator collects all the test papers and leaves.

"Huh~~~! Finally all the exams are over!"

Motoki Yase stood up and stretched out immediately, like a company employee who was finally relieved after overwork. After taking the exam for three consecutive days, as a student, he was already exhausted, no matter physically. Or mentally.

Now Yase Motoki just wants to go home and have a good sleep.

But before that—

"How did you feel about the test? Xiao."

Looking at Akatsuki who was sitting next to him and now lying on the table like a carpet, Yaze Motoki asked knowingly.

After the exam, ask each other about their results.This is something that students are accustomed to, and it is not considered a rule or consensus. They just naturally ask each other.

Xiao Gucheng turned his head and replied feebly: "I feel like I should be able to pass it...but I guess I'm just pushing the line. I've been reviewing until the early hours of the morning every night lately, but it's exhausted me to death. Accompany Agulola Even shopping is not so tiring.”

"Who told you not to be serious at all times?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong also came over.

"The final exam is not just about a quick review before the exam. Daily accumulation is also very important, Gucheng."

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