Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. Since a long time ago, in order to resist those vampires who thought they were superior to others, the Huns have united and launched several wars against the largest vampire group in the world today - the Empire of Night.

And 14 years ago, the Hung ghosts launched what is now known as the [Fourth Hung Ghost War] against the War King's domain. The one that was attacked was the fiefdom controlled by Count Karjana in the War King's domain.

Generally speaking, the Hun ghosts who cannot use the familiar beasts have no resistance against the familiar beasts. The power of vampires is based on the power of the familiar beasts. Without the familiar beasts, vampires are actually not among the demons. Not a very powerful individual.

However, in that war, the Huns were victorious. Count Karjana and his knights all died in the war, and the original territory of Karjana was also taken away by the Huns as their base. , calling itself the [Niplesi Autonomous Provisional Government].

Because this was a war that caused major changes in the relationship between Hun ghosts and vampires, even what happened 14 years ago was recorded in the textbooks, and it is said that the First True Ancestor became furious because of it.

However, even if a provisional government is established, the Niplexi Autonomous Region does not have much influence internationally. There are still many people who don't know about the existence of Niplexi, let alone in remote Japan.

"Is there a large-scale vampire infection in that place...?"

Alexia frowned while watching the news.

According to the announcer, because Niplessi has been engaged in war, the cause of this infection may be the impact of biological and chemical weapons, but until now, the source of the infection has not been identified.

Moreover, both humans and demons will be infected. Patients with the disease will lose their rationality and attack people around them indiscriminately, causing the number of infected people to increase explosively. After being infected, most of the infected people will see an increase in muscle strength and sense of smell. The change.

On the other hand, according to the investigation, the infected person's memory will have obvious gaps as time goes by, until eventually he will completely lose his rationality, and it seems that he will have difficulty even maintaining life.

[...It is a simple infectious disease or the appearance of unconfirmed demons, and the details are also unclear.Since the cause cannot be identified, a treatment has not yet been determined.If this continues, doubts may even spread around the world——]

The news was playing here, and as if the time was up, it suddenly switched to a sports program.

"Suck it~~!"

After swallowing the last bite of the ramen that she had almost finished without realizing it, raising the soup bowl and drinking the noodle soup in one gulp, Alexia wiped her mouth: "Vampire transformation... Loss of memory...widespread...so that's it..."

"——[Feast of Flames]?"

It seems that there won’t be nothing to do this spring break.

38.Next full moon day

05:30 in the afternoon.

After leaving school, Xiao Gucheng originally wanted to find Agulola. During this period, he was busy with final exams, so he didn't go to accompany her for a while.

But only halfway through, he received a contact from Mar Hospital.

[Ms. Xiao Nagisa has completed the discharge procedures with the authorization of Ms. Xiao Shensen, please come and pick her up]

Akatsuki's younger sister, Akatsuki Nagisa.

Due to her past experience on a ruins called Gozo Island, her physical condition has not been very good.In order to recuperate, Akatsuki Nagisa almost always stayed in the Mar's affiliated hospital after arriving at Genkami Island.

After all, their mother - Akatsuki Fumori - is a researcher at Mar. It is said that she has a very high status in the Genkami Island branch. If Akatsuki Nagisa is allowed to live in her place, it will also be convenient for her to receive treatment.

Taking the tram to the station near the Mar Hospital, after walking out of the station for a while, Xiao Gucheng saw the hospital gate not far away.

Walking into the hospital with ease and arriving at the front desk, Akatsuki was about to ask about Akatsuki Nagisa's situation——

"Eh? Kojo-kun? You're here!"

Such an energetic voice suddenly came from the seating area of ​​the hall next to it. Then Xiao Gucheng turned around and saw the familiar voice at a glance.

"Ah! It's been a long time, Kojo-kun. Are you still energetic recently?"

The person who spoke was a cute girl with black hair and red eyes. She was wearing a uniform from the middle school of Saikai Academy. Her childish face was still full of healthy and cheerful smiles. It felt like whoever saw this girl would involuntarily smile. Be inspired by her and become happy.

She is Akatsuki Nagisa.

Carrying the luggage with almost nothing in it, Akatsukisa jumped up to his brother: "It's really slow to come. I have been waiting here for a long time. If my mother and Aunt Toyama hadn't told me not to run around, , I will go find you by myself. Are you still used to living alone at home during this period? If you feel lonely, I can go and accompany you from now on. I can cook whatever you want to eat at night——"

"Stop, stop, stop! Nagisa, calm down!"

Akatsuki pushed Akatsuki Nagisa back to the chair, and then laughed and said: "You are still the same, you can't stop your mouth once you open it - it will take time for me to come, do you think the school is far away from here?" How far is it? I just finished my final exam today."

"Eh? Final exam? Does that mean Furujo-kun will be a high school student in April? But can you pass?"

"Brother, I'm not really stupid! I studied like crazy before the exam!"

Why does even his own sister question him like this?Xiao Gucheng was puzzled. Could it be that he looked like a fool?

"Compared to my matters, is it really okay for you to be discharged from the hospital? Nagisa, are you fully recovered?"

"Hmm, Aunt Yuanshan said it's okay, and my mother also called me to tell me that I can be discharged from the hospital. All relevant procedures have been completed!"

Toyama - the person Xiao Nagisa mentioned was also known to Xiao Gucheng. He was one of Xiao Shensen's assistants. Since both she and his mother said there was no problem, Xiao Gucheng was relieved.

"Speaking of which, Kojo-kun, are you here alone?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I thought Asagi or Motoki would come with you."

Akatsuki Nagisa knew Aizane Asaki and Yase Motoki, and they visited her several times while she was hospitalized.

"They all have something to do. If I had known earlier that you were going to be discharged from the hospital today, I would have been able to make an appointment with them." Xiao Gucheng explained, "Even if it's Agulola... you have a phobia of demons, I can't take you there." Come here."

Fear of demons.

It can be regarded as a mental illness. Because of the previous experience on Gozo Island, Akatsuki Sahara suffered from this disease after waking up. When encountering demons in dangerous situations, she will have a mental breakdown. She usually meets demons. Will also be very scared.

And Agurola is the physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor, so it is impossible to bring him here to see Akatsuki Nagisa.

"That's right...Then let's go back, Kojo-kun!"

Lifting the luggage with almost nothing in it, Akatsuki grabbed Akatsuki's hand and walked out of the hospital with a smile.

(It seems that it has really recovered.)

Seeing his sister's energetic look, the last worry in Xiao Gucheng's heart dissipated. He rushed over and said with a smile: "Don't rush home yet. I'll tell Agulola first that I won't go to her place today." Next. Then we have to go to the mall to buy ingredients for tonight's dinner - do you want to eat Lulu's ice cream on the way? Just treat it as a celebration that you are discharged from the hospital today. "

"Yes! Three balls!"

"Yes yes yes ~~~~"


In the east area of ​​Genkami Island, at the port where the Fianna is parked.

In the cabin of the Fianna, Agurola, one of the twelve most powerful vampires in the world, is diligently cleaning the cabin.

This is what her cohabitant - that Valtiana - told her before going out to work today.

Although Agurola is actually a bit clumsy in doing things, and even after living on the string god for several months, she is still a little unadapted to modern society, she is very happy to be needed by others.

Therefore, as long as it is something that Xiao Gucheng and Valdiana ask her to do, she will complete it well. Even if there is a high probability of messing up in the end, if it is just cleaning, Agulola has become very skilled during this time. .

Throw the snack bag on the coffee table into the trash can, wipe the coffee table three or four times with a rag, and then start mopping the floor with a mop... If she puts on a maid outfit, she will be regarded as someone A beautiful maid from a wealthy family.

Unfortunately, she is now the only one on the Fianna.

"Jingle Bell!"

Suddenly, the phone hanging on the cabin wall rang.

Agulola put down the mop in his hand, walked over and picked up the microphone: "Ugh...I remember how to use this tool..."

【Hello?can you hear me?Agulola]

"Ancient City!"

Hearing Xiao Gucheng's voice coming from inside, Agulola immediately smiled: "Is your [exam] over? Are you back today?"

[Ah... Well, I can't go today. I'm going home with Nagisa... my sister now. I can't go to your place until tomorrow]

"R-won't you come?"

Agulola instantly shrank when he heard this, with a strong sense of disappointment in his tone.

【tomorrow!I will definitely come tomorrow! 】

Xiao Gucheng on the other end of the phone quickly comforted him after hearing Agulola's loss.

[I will bring your favorite super luxurious fruit ice cream cake! 】

Super luxurious fruit ice cream cake? !

Agulola's flaming eyes lit up immediately!

"Really?! Then I forgive you!"

[Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, Agurola. Remember to go to bed early today. 】

"I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Agurola picked up the mop and started mopping the ground again, but when she thought about the big cake she could eat tomorrow, she couldn't stop smiling.


At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs not far away, as if someone had jumped on the stairs.

Is it Valtiana back?

——Thinking like this, Agurola looked over there, but the person who came into view was not his cohabitant, but a blond girl with a similar appearance to himself, wearing a gray protective clothing, with a mark on the shoulder of the protective clothing. There is a mark of ⅸ.

"You are..."

"You are the only one, No. 12."

The blond girl - No. 12 - looked at Aghurola with emotionless eyes, then took out a small metal piece from her pocket and threw it to Aghurola: "I'm not here to fight with you - Take it, NO.[-]."

"This is?"

"Invitation to [Banquet]."

After picking up the metal piece that fell to the ground, Agulola was stunned when he heard No. [-]'s explanation.


As if delivering an ultimatum, Number Nine continued.

"Three days later, on the next full moon night, let's meet again at the [Feast of Fire]."

39. The beginning of unrest

Demon Cafe [Prison Demon House].

This is a shop on Genkami Island that sells "dark style" and was opened by a high-level vampire from the old generation.

Although it is essentially just a coffee shop, the interior layout is quite extraordinary. People who enter can feel as if they have really arrived in a medieval castle, even the ordering and greetings here. The guests are extremely special.

"Hahahaha! Poor lamb, welcome to the hall of tragedy that is enhanced by terror. Present your life blood to the great Lord of Darkness! This way, your wish will come true!"

At this moment, at the door of this cafe, a strong vampire seemed to be performing a drama, waving the black cloak around him while shouting these words loudly.

Listening to his performance, the customers in the coffee shop all took out their mobile phones and started taking photos!

Rather than saying that they came to eat and drink coffee, it would be better to say that they came specifically to see this kind of performance.

As a migrant worker here, even though Valtiana was used to the scene in front of her, she still felt that there was something wrong with it.

"Beep beep!"

The cell phone in her arms rang a few times, and Valtiana turned off the alarm clock. She didn't look at the store manager who was starting to perform again and the ordinary tourists who were enthusiastic about it. She was minding her own business. Back to the staff room.

After opening her own cabinet, taking off her maid uniform, and changing into the casual clothes in the closet, Valtiana sat down at the table.

Her part-time job here today is over.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that as the daughter of a noble who was once a war king, Valtiana is now working as a waitress in a cafe on Gengami Island - not to mention others, in reality. Before taking this job, she never imagined that she would end up like this.

But she had nowhere to go.

Since her surname is Karjana, her full name is Valtiana Karjana.

She is the daughter of Earl Karjana who was invaded by the Hungarian ghosts more than ten years ago. She is a bereaved dog who was deprived of her territory by the despicable Hungarian ghosts and was deprived of her title of nobility due to the anger of the First True Ancestor.

Therefore, Valtiana has nowhere to go, and String God Island is the only place that can accommodate her.

"How long will this kind of life last?"

Pulling up her sleeves and looking at the marks on her wrist, Valtiana gritted her teeth, stood up and took out a syringe and a small bag from the closet, poured the contents into the syringe and inserted it into the cut his own arm.

This is a poison that is secretly circulated on Genkami Island. It can also be said to be a drug or a hallucinogen - anyway, it is the so-called illegal drug.

Its function is to make the person taking the drug feel excited, excited and comfortable, and it has strong addictive properties.

Valtiana has been injecting herself with the stuff since last year, shortly before she started working.

She wants revenge. She has never forgotten the shame of her hometown being taken away, and she has never forgotten the sadness of her father and the knights being killed. She must restore the Karjana family and drive out all the despicable Huns. , leave no one behind, kill them all!

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