Alexia also left the interrogation room, went to the elevator door at the end of the corridor, and pressed the button to rise to the surface.

(The precursor to the feast of flames erupting in Niplessi, the Hungarian ghosts of Niplessi appeared on Xiankami Island, and Miss Vale was attacked...)

After going through this information in his mind, Exia suddenly had a vague feeling that he couldn't explain. If he had to describe it... a sense of expectation?

What else will happen on this island next?

Alexia couldn't help but be a little curious.

And just when he took the elevator to the ground floor and was about to leave the Cornerstone Gate——

"Huh? Exia? Why did you come to the Cornerstone Gate?"

"...Lan Yu?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was holding a bag of things in his hand, was walking into the cornerstone door.

43. Are you the one who made me work overtime?

Lan Yu Qian Cong is in a bad mood now!

Originally, after leaving school with Xiao Gucheng, she returned home directly, ready to enjoy the hard-earned vacation.

After all, she hasn't had much rest since last week because of the study meeting she held with Alexia.She even put down her part-time job for the time being, and now that the final exams are over, she will have to work as normal when the spring break begins.

After all, there are only two days left before the spring break, which can be said to be a free vacation, so Lan Yu Qiancong originally planned to indulge in a night of rest at home.

But less than half an hour after she walked into the house, a distress call came from the artificial island management commune. It was said that a terrorist attack had occurred on a certain street, causing a certain program and a certain main machine that managed the artificial island to appear. There was a calculation error, I hope she can come over and deal with it right away.

Lan Yu Qiancong was full of questions at that time - she just had some free time today!Why did an urgent commission come at this time?Can't a terrorist attack wait until tomorrow?

To be honest, there is probably nothing that makes Lan Yu Qiancong feel more depressed than being asked to work overtime during the holidays. If so, it is probably in terms of her relationship with someone.

However, no matter how much he didn't want to work overtime, considering the efficiency difference between the maintenance staff of the artificial island management commune and himself, Lan Yu Qiancong could only bite the bullet and take the tram over - completely shutting down a street for more than half a month and After being shut down for three days, she could still tell which side caused the greater damage.

(I have to work overtime here until the spring break starts... It's so troublesome. I wanted to eat ramen, but I can only eat fast food for the next few days. I hope this time The overtime pay could be higher.)

Lan Yu Qian Cong also just wanted to think this way.

However, what she didn't expect was that as soon as she arrived at the Cornerstone Gate, she would meet Ixia, whom she had just separated from.

"Exia? Why did you come to the Cornerstone Gate?"

"Blue Feather?"

Hearing Lan Yu Qiancong's question, Ixia stopped and said, "Well... I have something to do here, what about you?"

"I don't know where the idiot demon tribe came from and made a big fuss on the street, causing the system of a street to rot, so I was called over to quickly renovate and get a new one." Lan Yu Qiancong said as he mentioned Holding the bag in his hand, there was a large amount of instant noodles just bought from the station convenience store. "Thanks to this, I will probably have to eat all instant noodles in the next three days. Besides, I probably won't be able to go out before the spring break starts." .”


Hearing Lan Yu Qiancong complaining with a bitter look on her face, Exia couldn't help but fall into silence.

(Isn’t that street the same street that I just froze?)

(I think it should be, Prince.)

Although it was the Huns who destroyed the street itself and Valtiana who summoned the familiar beasts, Exia only froze the street and did not have any impact on the street. At most, it was thawed. It may take some time to get up, at least a day.

"Then you really worked hard."

"Okay... By the way, what are you doing here? I think you just took the elevator and came up from below?"

Because of his part-time job, Lan Yu Qiancong is relatively familiar with the situation underground at the Cornerstone Gate. Since it is the headquarters of the Artificial Island Management Commune below, it is generally not open to the public.

And now Exia comes up from below...

"Could it be that..." Lan Yu Qiancong approached Aixia, "You are the one who made me have to work overtime before the holiday, right? Aixia?"

"I guess I shouldn't take the main responsibility."

Alexia explained.

"The main cause of the damage to the street was a vampire who released the beasts, and the cause of the release of the beasts was the three Hun ghosts who attacked her. If you have to hold people accountable, then I think you should go find that person. Three Huns are settling accounts."

"how about you?"

"I will go to break up the fight and deal with the aftermath."

Dissuade a fight?The aftermath?

Lan Yu Qiancong frowned: "How did you break up the fight and deal with the aftermath?"

"Three Huns were frozen into ice sculptures, and they probably haven't thawed yet. In addition, an entire street was frozen to put out the fire."

Although the range of fire caused by the influence of the familiar beast is only about a few tens of meters, it is not necessary to freeze the entire street, but that situation is already the result of Exia's efforts to control herself, and it needs to be narrowed down further. At one point, it’s too late in terms of time.

When Lan Yu Qian Cong heard what Aixia said, her brows jumped several times!There was obviously a bit of anger between her eyebrows, but she suppressed it forcibly after a while, and sighed helplessly and tiredly——

"In the end, if you think about it this way, isn't it you who caused the most damage?"

"I did not do it on purpose."

"I know, otherwise I would have grabbed you by the collar and asked you to compensate me for the vacation I lost." Lan Yu Qianqing said while walking towards the elevator door where Alexia came out, "Then let's do it, I'll go work overtime. Let’s see you again during the spring break.”


Watching Lan Yu Qian Chong walk into the elevator, Exia stood there for a while: "Miss Ai Ge... Is it possible that Lan Yu is angry?"

(Prince, please imagine, if one day you get a holiday, but you have to work overtime because someone made a mistake unintentionally, will you not be angry when you face that person?)


Alexia thought that he would probably understand and forgive the other party, and then go to work overtime while suppressing his dissatisfaction - and at this moment, he seemed to understand Lan Yu Qiancong's thoughts.

It can be regarded as a resonance between the former overtime workers and the current overtime workers.

(...Is it better to say sorry to Lan Yu?)

Taking out his personal terminal from his pocket, Exia turned to Lan Yu Qian Cong's phone number - he and Lan Yu Qian Cong had exchanged contact information after that burger restaurant in order to hold a study meeting - and then gave She sent a line.

[Lan Yu, although I don’t think it’s an apology, I’ll treat you to a meal after you finish working overtime]

[Why do you say this all of a sudden? 】

[Because I can probably understand your idea of ​​not wanting to work overtime now]

[Hmm~~~ Then on the day when the spring break starts, you can treat me to a cake buffet.Besides, I don’t think you’re really at fault. I just hope you won’t cause such trouble for me next time.]

[Um, sorry]

Seeing the conversation ending like this, Sajo Aige couldn't help but sigh slightly.

(Oh~~~ Sir Prince, you are too kind and considerate. In fact, I think there is no need to regress like this. It’s better to be tougher occasionally.)

"But you have to apologize if you cause trouble to others, right?" Ixia smiled and put away the personal terminal. "Okay, then... where should we go for a walk next?"

It will still be a long time before it gets completely dark, and Alexia is not prepared to go home and do nothing at this time.

Now that the Hungarian Ghost of Niplessi has appeared on Xianshen Island, and the prelude to the feast of flames has erupted on Niplexi, there may have been some signs related to it on Xianshen Island.

(If it’s something that would cause a situation like Niplessi’s...then resolve it as soon as possible.)

Thinking like this, Exia walked out of the Cornerstone Gate.

44. Agulola: Holding head and squatting in defense.jpg

After that, Exia wandered around Genkami Island until around nine o'clock in the evening.

Through the large-scale magic induction magic used by Sajo Aige, the eastern and southern areas of Genkami Island, as well as part of the western area were roughly investigated. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Exia With some regret, I got on the tram and started to go home.

"In other words, was that incident just a simple accident?"

After coming out of the tram station and walking back to the apartment, Alexia sighed helplessly while drinking a drink she bought on the way.

Shajo Aige floated next to him and consoled him: "My lord, if you think about it from another angle, it is a good thing that there is no warning about the feast of flames. If a large-scale vampire infection breaks out on Genkami Island, The consequences should be disastrous, right?"


The permanent population of Genkami Island is 56. If all residents of this number become vampires, it will undoubtedly lead to the complete destruction of the island in another sense.

Alexia didn't want that to happen, so he wandered around and patrolled spontaneously.

"Anyway, it's a good thing it hasn't happened yet. Maybe I'm unfounded."

Throwing the finished drink cup into the trash can on the roadside, Alexia walked towards the door of the apartment that was already in sight.

But when he came to the door of the apartment, he couldn't help but stop in his tracks when he saw an awkward figure standing at the door.

Her beautiful blond hair, which was faintly glowing with iridescence under the streetlight, and her delicate and lovely face like a fairy.


Alexia looked at Agurola standing in front of the apartment door in confusion.

How did she get here?

I don't know if he noticed the footsteps behind him, or maybe he heard Alexia's voice, but Agurola suddenly turned his head. When he saw Alexia's figure, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly ran behind a pillar. He squatted down while holding his head, his body still trembling slightly.

Alexia: "......"

(I’m still so afraid of you. I’m also beginning to be a little curious about what kind of image you look like in the physical bodies of these Fourth True Ancestors.)

(It probably won’t be a good image.)

Looking at Agurola who was crouching with her head in her arms and shivering, Aixia hesitated for a moment, then deliberately pretended not to see her, walked directly past her and walked into the apartment.


Agulola's voice suddenly came from behind.

Alexia stopped and looked back.


Agulola, who had just stood up and seemed ready to say something, immediately hid again!

Like a little hedgehog that has received stimulation.

(What on earth does she want to do?)

(This is a situation where I want to ask you something, but I don’t dare to ask because I am too afraid of you.)

Shajo Aige described Agulola's situation quite specifically.

Alexia thought for a while, then turned her back to Agurola: "If you have anything to say, just say it, Miss Agurola. You won't be afraid if my back is to you, right?"

"...I, I'm still afraid..."

Agulola leaned out half of his body from behind the pillar: "But...but if you don't come close to me...if you don't look at me, I won't be afraid."

"Really? Then let's talk like this - how did you come here? I remember you lived on the Fianna, right?"

"I, I came to find the ancient city... I heard that he lives here." Agurola said timidly, "Valtiana hasn't returned for a long time... I was alone on the boat and felt a little uncomfortable. Uneasy... Also, I have something to discuss with the ancient city..."

(By the way, she lives with that Miss Weier.)

Because of what happened in the afternoon, Ixia estimates that Valtiana is still squatting in the cell of the Special Administrative Region Police. Even if it was for self-defense, she caused huge damage to the street. The moon should not come out.

(That’s why I came to see Xiao.)

"Then do you want to come with me?" Alexia asked, "Xiao and I... are neighbors with Gucheng, and his house is next door to mine. Or should I call Xiao now to pick you up? ?”

"I...I'm waiting for the ancient city here..."

"Then wait a minute."


Room 704 of the apartment.


The air conditioner is on, and the living room is filled with cool air.

“Ugh~~~I’m so full~~~~Sukiyaki is really delicious~~~~”

Akatsuki Nagisa, who had just been discharged from the hospital today, was now slumped on the sofa, with her lower abdomen exposed to the air, as if she was full and didn't want to move.

Tonight's dinner at the Akatsuki family was sukiyaki. To celebrate Akatsuki Nagisa's discharge from the hospital, Akatsuki Kojou made his wallet bleed.He usually feels distressed when he buys high-grade beef, but today he bought several boxes at once, and he didn't eat much of it, and basically all of it went into his sister's stomach.

(I’ll tell my parents later and ask them to increase their living expenses.)

Xiao Gucheng, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, thought so.

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